MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 277

"My dear daughter, your father ... He just got into the game to work things out" Jin Lan only vaguely answered her daughter"s question.

Sick Woman understood the meaning of her mother"s words. Her father went to try to find Liu Yang at her group"s mansion.

Thinking about it, Sick Woman panicked, as she didn"t know what her father could do if he found out that the two met a few hours ago and that it was just their first date. Sick Woman did not dare to think about it.

"..." Sick Woman didn"t know how to react to her mother"s words. She just understood that she needed to trust Liu Yang and pray that he didn"t talk nonsense or useless things to irritate her father. But it was a pity that Liu Yang would actually do that.

"My dear daughter, how your father went to talk to your boyfriend. I also need to have a conversation with you." Jin Lan spoke in a serious tone. As a mother, she was also curious about Liu Yang and his relations.h.i.+p with her precious daughter.

"Yes, mother ... What do you want to know?" Sick Woman was shy when she heard her mother call Liu Yang as her boyfriend. This shows that Jin Lan had a chance to accept their relations.h.i.+p.

"I would like to know how you met this young man. But I want you to be honest with me. No lies, understand? " Jin Lan looked deeply into Sick Woman"s eyes.

"Mommy… I… I…"

"Wu Jiang, be honest with me. Otherwise, I will not accept your relations.h.i.+p with this young man "Jin Lan threatened Sick Woman. That was the only way for her to speak the truth.

"Mom, I met him because an older sister introduced him to me." Sick Woman spoke the truth about how she met Liu Yang. She understood that her mother was concerned about her.

"Eldest sister? Do you mean that princess of the Greenwood family? " Jin Lan knew who was the older sister that Sick Woman was referring to. The two families were old acquaintances.

"Yes. The older sister Rose, she was the person who introduced me to him. At first, I thought it was ridiculous since the older sister knew my situation and that it would be very difficult for me to date someone. But the older sister insisted and I continued to refuse until one day.

When I was curious about a place called Martyr"s Tower. I and the friends of the group went together once, but we couldn"t complete it, so I decided to go again. But since I didn"t want to reveal myself, I wore a black cloak, but getting a party was difficult.

Sometime after I wait in line and find no one to create a party. The older sister called me and said that the boy she wanted to introduce me to was at the same place as me. She insisted that I meet him, as the older sister struggled for me to meet him.

I decided to find this boy that she always told me to find. We met at an off-site location and talked. To my surprise, he"s someone I"ve been looking for a long, long time.

This kid was the person who took blacksmith Smith"s quest in Steel City last year and ended my quest. I understood that the older sister knew about it and that is why she sent it to me.

I was furious at first, but after we talked for a while. I realized that he is a shameless boy, but he is a good person. I was happy to talk to him, and he still owes me two years of work for messing up my quest.

As the desert was not an appropriate place to talk, we went to the city to talk. We talked for a little while longer during the trip. In the city, we talked a little more before we parted. "Sick Woman spoke vaguely about how she met Liu Yang. She did not dare to say that the two slept together on the first date.

"Ohh ... I see ..." Jin Lan understood that her daughter hid some things, but she was not going to force things since she was honest.

"My dear daughter, is this young man really the person who hindered the guild quest?" Jin Lan wanted to confirm this. If that"s really true, Liu Yang and Sick Woman will have some problems in the future.

"Yes. I only found this out after he told me about it. "

"This will be a little bit problematic. Those greedy old men in the guild must want him to pay for his meddling. "

"But this is not his fault. It is my fault, I was not able to become old Smith"s apprentice, and he did it first. " Sick Woman had already talked to Liu Yang about this subject.

It was true that the fault was with Sick Woman, while Liu Yang did nothing wrong. The quest was there for the first pick.

Furthermore, Liu Yang"s story owing to two years of work to Sick Woman was something between the two. This had nothing to do with third parties.

"I know that. The problem is that the old people will try to say that this young man interfered with the guild quest. Although you were the one doing the quest. They are greedy and want information about the legendary weapon in history. Such a thing would attract any kind of bad thoughts. "

"Mom, are you going to tell dad and others this?" Sick Woman was worried about that.

"Your father needs to know about this. On others, they look for information for themselves. None of them will hinder my daughter"s relations.h.i.+p with my future son-in-law "

"Mother ..." Sick Woman was embarra.s.sed when she heard her mother"s words. It shows that she accepted her relations.h.i.+p with Liu Yang. Even though the two are not formally dating yet.

"Let"s forget about it and talk about this young man. My dear daughter, do you know anything about him? Like age, cla.s.s, profession, and other things? " Jin Lan did not want her daughter"s boyfriend to be useless who depends only on the woman to live.

Sick Woman came from a wealthy and influential clan, so she had everything she needed and had no worries about it. The problem was Liu Yang, but he has no problem with that either.

"Well ... He"s a little younger than me ... According to him, he doesn"t have cla.s.s yet, but his level was already at 400, his profession is a rank A deliveryman." Sick Woman only knew about these things because Liu Yang told her, although some things are a lie. 

"No cla.s.s? This kid is really daring to try to do such a thing. Reaching level 400 without having a cla.s.s is not something anyone can do. He seems to be a little exceptional in doing that. "Jin Lan praised Liu Yang. She knew how difficult it was to level a character without cla.s.s.

A no cla.s.s character had almost no kind of active ability, pa.s.sives were just to create things like food, forge, alchemy, and other things. A no cla.s.s player still had other active skills, called General Skills.

These common skills that any player can use, as long as they have the requirements. These skills were basic like Spark, Water Ball, and among other skills considered useless by everyone.

Liu Yang had some of these skills, but he rarely used them because they were not needed.

Sick Woman was happy with her mother"s words. At least she was not against having a relations.h.i.+p with Liu Yang. Now, all she had to do was hear his father"s answers. This made her a little nervous because she wanted to know what her father was saying to Liu Yang.

"My dear daughter, are you worried about what your father can do with that young man?" Jin Lan understood his daughter"s concerns.

"..." Sick Woman just nodded saying yes.