MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 287

"Ladies and gentlemen, we finally arrived at the Sparkling Fortress. The city of humans in the Federation of Independent States !!! You can look out the window to see the city from up here. "The captain announced that they have finally reached their final destination, the Sparkling Fortress.

Players who have never been to the federation before, they looked excitedly outside. The gigantic city was seen before their eyes. The biggest dream of all New Earth players of the human kingdom, the Sparkling Fortress.

The city was located in the center of a large plain of low gra.s.s, the place around was a large vast field of clean areas and without any kind of creature. The majestic city was the only thing there.

The Sparkling Fortress got its name because its high walls completely cover the city, while millions of bright lights can be seen at night.

The streets were completely decorated while NPCs and players run and roam the city. Many sellers shout in the squares to sell their products, thousands of players use mounts to travel within the city.

If the kingdom"s capital was already extremely large, the initial city of humans within the Federation of Independent States was much larger. At least thrice as large as normal. If the city is compared to a normal city in the real world, it would be the size of two or three of the big capitals in the world.

The palace of the royal family was in the center of the city, the place was fortified with all kinds of security and protection. No one can enter the site unless authorized.

A group of soldiers wearing steel armor and mounted on griffons appeared and stood beside the airs.h.i.+p, they started to guide the capital to the place to park. The airs.h.i.+p followed the guards to a location in the south of the city.

There were already many other airs.h.i.+ps parked there. The players were already very eager to start their new adventure.

The airs.h.i.+p was parked and everyone was able to land. The arrogant young masters were the first, as they did not like to be the last.

Ordinary players did not care about this, as there was no reason to cause confusion, they were already in the Federation of Independent States. Waiting a little longer wouldn"t make a difference.

Liu Yang was one of the last to get off the airs.h.i.+p. He was too lazy to get up, so he waited to be one of the last. He relaxed a lot inside the room.

(Young master, the mood here is very different from the capital) Nina"s voice echoed in Liu Yang"s mind. The girls were excited to explore the so-called New World.

(Yes. It seems that here, people are more cheerful and festive).

(Master, let"s go on our adventure !!! I want to see the new creatures that live around here !!!) Silali was excited to be able to see the new creatures, she was always in the desert, so she didn"t see many different types of creatures.

(Yes. But first, I need to register and buy some things)

After Liu Yang got off the airs.h.i.+p, he had to follow the others to the inspection line. He just needed to show the Pa.s.s and the guard let him pa.s.s. Now, he was officially within the federation.

(I"m finally here) Liu Yang left the transportation center. The first scene he saw was of a large and majestic city.

Players and NPCs walked and talked in a happy and carefree way.

(The first thing I need to do is buy the return scrolls. It would be very tragic for me to die and return to the human kingdom. I would have to get the airs.h.i.+p again. I also need to choose a return point.)

Liu Yang"s return point was at his mansion in the City of Swords, he needed to find a new return point in the Sparkling Fortress to be able to return using the return scroll.

The first thing Liu Yang did after leaving the transportation center is to go to the city hall. He would buy property to build a small house to be used as a return point.

In New Earth, there are two types of return points. The fixed return point and the chosen return point.

The fixed return point is where all players will appear when they die or use the return scroll. The exact location was always close to the transport stone. As there were always many players at this location, influential groups prefer to use the chosen return point.

The chosen return point is specific locations to be used to use the return scroll. These were the houses that players bought in some city and they chose someplace in the house as the return point. The bed was normal, when the players die, they wake up again in their home bed.

Liu Yang would do that. Buying a house in the Sparkling Fortress to be used as his return point.

After running around to try to find out the location of the city hall. Liu Yang finally found it after looking at the forum and asking some city NPCs. Talking to NPCs was always good, as he could get some strange and random quests.

Within the Sparkling Fortress, there were a total of five prefectures, each of which was located in one of the regions of the city, north, south, east, west, and center. The fastest and most practical method of getting to these prefectures was by using transport stones.

As Liu Yang was already in the south of the city, he only needed to walk to the city hall, but it would take a few hours. He preferred to take a transport stone and get to the nearest place.

The city halls of the city were the same as those of the human kingdom, the only difference being that the building was about ten times bigger and much more decorated. At the entrance, there were already thousands of players entering and leaving the building at every moment. This showed that many had business to do in the city hall.

The interior was completely s.p.a.cious and decorated. To streamline the service to players and NPCs, each issue to be addressed had a different floor.

For example, Liu Yang wanted to buy a property in the city, the floor to do this was the fourth floor. If anyone wanted to talk about building a city in the areas around the fortress, they had to go to the seventh floor.

The division was made to decrease the number of players in the same place, as many of them had different objects. So it was better to separate by the type of subject they want.

But before going up to the other floors, players had to go through the service desk.

There were about twenty beautiful attendants in tight clothes attending the players and NPCs. Their clothes were glued to their bodies and expanded their feminine beauty.

Liu Yang had to wait for a few minutes before it was his turn.

"h.e.l.lo. How can I help you? " The attendant spoke professionally while showing a beautiful smile. At the same time, she winked at Liu Yang as if she was seducing him.

"h.e.l.lo. I would like to buy property in the city"