MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 294

"Master, we are trapped within this strange maze. Even with our powers, none of us managed to find a way out of here. " Alexali spoke despondently. This situation was unexpected for her and the other girls.

As the most powerful beings in the game, this was the first time this had happened to them.

"I see ..." Liu Yang was thoughtful when he heard the girls" words.

(It seems that the developers decided to limit the girls" powers. Otherwise, completing the secret quests and many other things would be a piece of cake for the player. After what happened in the wars within the human realm, I think the developers thought of a way to limit the powers of the girls. At least in special quests like this special instance. Outside, they are still the most powerful ent.i.ties in the entire game.) Liu Yang understood a few things after thinking about it.

It was logical that this would happen. If more players like Liu Yang appear in the game, they can break the logic of everything and completely dominate the game. Thus, the developers limited some things to the super-powerful NPCs like Nina, Alexali, and Silali.

As they cannot be suppressed everywhere, as this would end the image of them being almost G.o.ds within the game. So it was decided that on three occasions this type of NPC will have reduced powers. Special instances, special events, or special quests. These were the three cases.

"We will try to find the way. There must be something hidden there. Try to squeeze or hit random places. " That was the only idea that Liu Yang could think of to try to find a way out of this place.

"Yes Master"

Booom !!! Boooom !!!!

After Liu Yang"s idea, many explosions were heard in the next instant.

"Master, I found it !!! "Silali shouted in amus.e.m.e.nt. She used her powers to exploded many places in front of her.

Liu Yang asked to attack, so she used her spells to exploded the place.

Like a mischievous girl, Silali did it in the most insane way possible.

The place started to fill with water, it looked like they were inside a bubble in the middle of the ocean. When Silali exploded some areas, one or the other place was broken like gla.s.s and a lot of water started to enter.

"Master, are you ready to leave?" Silali asked as he pointed to a large amount of water entering the hole.

A strange thing happened next, the amount of water seemed to be much less in the next instant. Until nothing entered, the hole was closed automatically.

(It looks like this place can regenerate after being destroyed) Liu Yang realized this after looking at the place that had no mark of destruction.

"Master, can I do this again ??" Silali wanted to break the place again.

"Silali, wait a minute !!!" Liu Yang stopped her before Silali could break the place again. He wanted to prepare himself to be able to leave.

Liu Yang saw that the destroyed place was regenerated after some time, so he needed to be quick when he was going to escape.

"Master, did something happen?"

"Silali, let"s make preparations first before you destroy this place. It"s all right?" Liu Yang had to keep Silali calm so she wouldn"t make too much of a mess.

"It"s all right"

"Girls, you go back to the ring. Silali, you stay "

"Yes, Master." The girls did not know what preparations these were. As Liu Yang asked them to come back, they will hear his words. They took the beasts with them.

"Silali, go up" Liu Yang bent down and stood with his back to her. He wanted her to ride him.

Silali jumped happily on Liu Yang"s back, her legs were held by his hands as she rubbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on his back.

"Master, you"re holding it too low, raise your hands" Silali grabbed Liu Yang"s neck and whispered in his ears.

(Up higher ?? !!! Mischievous girl !!!) Liu Yang was already holding Silali"s soft and supple thighs, if he raises his hands, he will be squeezing her soft and round b.u.t.tocks.

"Master is a pervert" Silali whispered again when she felt Liu Yang"s warm hands squeezing her bottom.

Pahh !!!

Pahh !!!

"Ahh ..." Silali was startled by these two sudden spankings in the b.u.t.t.

Liu Yang had held her with one hand and with the other, he hit one of the b.u.t.tocks, and then he hit the other with the other hand.

"Master, you beat my bottom. Now it will hurt, it hurts more than when you violate my backdoor with your hard thing "Silali whispered pervertedly again.

Before, Liu Yang had never used the girls" back door before. That changed when Silali made this request for him, she wanted to experience new pleasures when using the other hole. After that day, she always wanted to use both sides for pleasure.

"Mischievous girl, when this is over. I will teach you a little lesson "Liu Yang squeezed and appreciated the softness of her b.u.t.tocks.

"Master, I will be waiting for the punishment in bed" She whispered again.

(You two !!! Stop flirting with each other and let"s get out of here !!) Nina screamed. She and the girls were jealous of Silali because of the flirting between her and Liu Yang.

(Hehe ...) Silali just laughed at the girls" dissatisfaction.

Cough cough…

Liu Yang coughed and pretended that nothing happened.

"Silali, destroy that place. Then try to take us outside "Liu Yang didn"t know if he would have the strength to go against the force of the water entering the place. So he asked Silali to take him outside.

"Master, hold me tight" Silali raised her hand towards the place she had destroyed earlier. A sphere of energy appeared in her hands before shooting at the location.

Boooom !!!

The energy sphere exploded after it hit something.

Crack… Crack…

The sound of breaking gla.s.s was heard, drops of water started falling a few meters in front of Liu Yang. However, the water seemed to be falling from somewhere in s.p.a.ce.

Crack… Crack…

The more cracks appeared, the more water entered. Until a current started to flow. A lot of water was coming in at once.

In less than five seconds, the broken spot began to repair itself again.

"Silali, attack that place up again. Create a bigger hole so we can get through it" Liu Yang ordered quickly after seeing the place recovering on its own. He had to be quick.

"Yes, master" Silali understood what Liu Yang wanted to do. She waved her hand again and five spheres of energy exploded in the same spot.

Booom !!! Booom !!!! Booom !!! Booom !!!! Booom !!!

"Master, hold me tight. I will take us outside "

"It"s all right"

Liu Yang tightened his arms around her thin and delicate legs while his hands tightened firmly on both soft, round b.u.t.tocks.

Silali waved his hand again and a yellow light covered their bodies like a bubble. The two flew towards the place where the water was flowing. 

The instant the pair left, the two were startled by the scene before them. They are not believing the scene they were seeing.