MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 34

After hearing those words and seeing the actions of the groups that came from influential backgrounds, those who came from humble backgrounds or had no backgrounds were extremely angry but did not show on their faces, they could only endure this humiliation in silence. If anyone manifested, that person would be killed immediately.

Those who came from influential backgrounds were staring at the crowd with scornful eyes as if they were looking at a large group of ants. For this type of person, the most humble need to be sacrificed.

Clenching their teeth, the crowd began to ingest various types of potions before they began to carry as they held their weapons.

"Charge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" No one knew who the person who screamed was, but this increased the morale of those who were ahead and would be the first to carry. The crowd began to charge like a group of angry beasts.

When the crowd reached a certain distance from the fortress, the undead who stood in the doorway had the aggro activated and began charging toward the crowd, but the speed of movement of the undead was so low they seemed to be walking.

"Archers, separate !!!!!"

"Mages, separate !!!!"

"Healers, separate !!!!!"

No one knew who was the one who shouted these words, but the crowd understood the meaning of them, those who belonged to the three began to separate into three groups. That was the basis of a battle against a great number of the undead.

Due to low mobility, the undead were the easiest creatures to defeat using long range, but the problem was that in melee combat, since the undead had a special ability that poisons their targets, and this poison causes great damage.

After the four groups were divided, the melee fighters were facing like blocking flesh s.h.i.+elds, while the healers were soon healing, and the archers, wizards or any kind of ranged attack were on the sides bombarding with powerful attacks.

Tens of thousands of red numbers began to appear on everyone"s screen, these were the damages caused by long-range attacks. Fire b.a.l.l.s, Arrows Storm, Lightning, Explosions, Earthshaker, Wind Blade, and many other things could be seen.

Thousands of abilities were conjured while the tanks were on the front line holding off the attacks under the healers "intensive healing, many green numbers were rising every second on the tanks" heads.

Players who were constantly using magic and skills were forced to drink potions whenever the cooldown was over because they could not hold on. Some took hold to keep the items, as they wanted to spend inside the fortress.

Although there were some losses, this was not enough to shake the confidence of the players, on the contrary, the advance of the crowd of players was more frantic. Due to lots of the undead, many players leveled several times, this made those who came from influential groups jealous and envy because they imagined that if they were on the battlefield like leeches, they could also have leveled several times.

After nearly an hour fighting the undead, all creatures were defeated, those who came from humble groups were extremely happy because they managed to level at least five times, that had area attacks were the ones who benefited the most because some managed to level at least ten times.

While the humble groups were walking happily toward the entrance of the fortress, the most influential had dark faces, for they missed a great chance to level, but some were not worried about it, for they knew that inside the fortress they would have more chances of leveling.

When they all entered the fortress, they were not surprised by their previous scenes, since they had already seen videos of other players in the place, and each one already knew where it would go. The parties that were created before the fight against the undead were undone because the places that would be different.

Many humble players began shouting for groups to certain fortress sites. The Fortress of the Undead was divided into five sites, the Royal Palace, the Labyrinth, the Forest, the City of the Dead and the Catacombs. Each of these locations had different creatures with different powers, so those who were more fit for certain locations would choose the easiest places to level.

After choosing the locations, the players started to go to the entrances while shouting the group search.

"I am a wizard of fire, I am at level 80, I look for a party to level in the City of the Dead" A magician who was wearing red clothes shouted.

"I"m a level 70 priest, I"m looking for a party for any of the five places in the fortress." A priest shouted, he immediately caught everyone"s attention, for he did not care where to level it. Thus, many began to dispute over which group he would attend.

"Hey, would you join my party ?? We have a mage of fire in the group, he is at level 80. "A person dressed in heavy armor spoke.

"Hey, would you join my party ?? We have an archer in the group, he is at level 90 "A person dressed in cloth clothes spoke.


Many cries began to echo around the place because of the priest. This was obvious since the number of people who played with healer was few, so this type of cla.s.s was the most wanted after to form parties.

While many priests were hara.s.sed, many other groups were already formed and began to go to one of the five places to level. The influential groups did not split, they got together into one large group and announced.

"The City of the Dead belongs to our group, if anyone tries to enter, that person will be killed mercilessly." The young people showed the emblems of their guilds to the crowd.

At first, the crowd wanted to protest, but when they saw those s.h.i.+ny symbols, they all gritted their teeth and walked away from the City of the Dead, knowing that if they entered the place, they would offend many influential groups.

The young people of these influential groups were looking at the lowly with arrogant eyes and scorn, for to them, this kind of scene was fun.
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As the City of the Dead was already occupied, the crowd had to choose the other four places to level. Each group chose its own way, but there were also those who were planning to level up alone. One such example was a person dressed in black, he was heading toward the Catacombs.