MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 38

Over the next few days in high school, Liu Yang began to get along with his cla.s.smates, or rather, with his three new cla.s.smates. The four of them talked about the game, their current levels and the highlights in the New Earth"s community.

One such conversation was about the mysterious young man who deceived many influential people into a lodging. Another conversation was also about a mysterious player who got a silver wolf that released a blue light.

Liu Yang did not comment much on these matters, as he could end up exposing himself. He just said a few words.

The four had already been added as a friend within the game, but they rarely spoke within the game, as each one had something to do. And they would only communicate more when they went to the event of the bodies possessed.

This was Liu Yang"s daily life in high school. While in the evening he would play New Earth.


A few days later, after Liu Yang left the Fortress of the Undead, he did not go out to level again, as he would let Little White resting. So, Liu Yang could only go to the cemeteries and do the common soul quests, the goals were easy because he only had to go to some places or buy some time in the stores.

The quests of the souls that were in the common cemetery were the easiest to complete, but the souls that wandered the maps out of the city, these quests were difficult and slow. One of the examples was the wooden sculpture quest, if Liu Yang did not have the help of Little White, he would not have been able to complete the quest.

As it was four days before the invasion event, Liu Yang decided to go level, since Little White had already recovered. After thinking for a while, Liu Yang decided to enter a dungeon to see what it was like, but it was not the free dungeons that any player could enter.

Liu Yang wanted to enter the dungeons that required at least one person or a small group of five people. The solo mode did not give much experience, so Liu Yang decided to go to a group.

In New Earth there were two ways to enter a dungeon, the first was to go personally to the entrance together with the group, the second way was to use the Dungeon Stone, this stone was used to use the game system and look for a group with needs.

The Dungeon Stone was heavily used by those players who did not want to waste time going to the entrance of the dungeons, the problem was that the other members were all random. This was a big problem most of the time.

Liu Yang was already at level 90, he did not mind leveling or not, since he was already strong enough to handle the first zones of the invasion. He just wanted to get into the dungeons to see what it was like and also to improve his group work as he never played along with another player before.

The Dungeon Stone was a gigantic stone block, and around it was tens of thousands of people, each of them waiting for the system to find the other members.

When Liu Yang touched the stone block, he saw that a window with dozens of options appeared, each of these options was a dungeon, difficulty, and position. The difficulty was the level of the dungeon, there were five modes, beginner, amateur, intermediate, hard and specialist.

The greater the difficulty, the more powerful creatures within the dungeon, and the rarer and more powerful the items. The position was what kind of cla.s.s the player was, the position could be tanker, healer, melee or ranged damage.

Liu Yang used the filter to search for only dungeons that were between levels 80 and 90, these were the best dungeons for him to level. After some searching time, Liu Yang chose a dungeon called Royal Guard Temple, this dungeon supported up to ten members in the team.

The Royal Guard Temple was a large and majestic ancient temple, according to New Earth history, the place was a former training site of the royal knights who protected the king"s family. The creatures on the site were humans and animals that were between levels 80 - 90.

After choosing the dungeon, the level of difficulty was the specialist, he placed the position of melee damage, then Liu Yang clicked on search. Liu Yang wanted to experience the dungeon in the worst possible way as he wanted to test out his current skills.
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A timer appeared counting the time, but before it could reach ten seconds. A confirmation window appears.

Ding ... Ding ...

"Found group"

"Accept - Decline"


Ding ...

"Waiting for the other members"

Accepting to be part of the group, Liu Yang saw that there were still three more members to confirm. A few seconds later.

Ding ...

"All members accepted the invitation, prepare to enter the dungeon."

After the voice of the system finished speaking, the screen of Liu Yang turned black before changing again. When he opened his eyes, Liu Yang realized that he was at the entrance of an ancient temple, around him were the other nine members.

"h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you, my name is Off s.h.i.+eld, I will be the captain of this exploration group. I"ve been to a lot of dungeon explorer groups, because of this, I have plenty of experience on the subject. "A young man stepped forward and said, he was wearing a set of heavy armor that had a slight red glow.




The other members also greeted back, some spoke their names, while the others did not speak. Because it was not necessary since in the window of the group there was the name of all.

"Before we start, I need to look at our, after that, we can decide how we will fight." Off s.h.i.+eld said, he wanted to think of the best possible composition for the group, that was to improve the efficiency in the fighting.

As he looked at the names, a strange light appeared in Off s.h.i.+eld"s eyes when he saw the name of Liu Yang, because next to the name was a writing thing that caught the eye of Off s.h.i.+eld: No cla.s.s.

Off s.h.i.+eld figured out that Liu Yang was doing a quest of a hidden cla.s.s, but at the same time, he thought Liu Yang might be someone who has not yet decided which cla.s.s to use. While Off s.h.i.+eld was thinking about it, he was also thinking about how to improve teamwork on the team.

Sometime later…

"I apologize for the delay, I was able to think of a good plan to improve our efficiency during combat. Me, Sword and s.h.i.+eld, and Star Ax, the three of us will be the group"s tanks. Pure Cure, Pure Heal, and Curation, you will be the healers who will help the tanks and the attackers. Archer Power, Arcane Mage, and Sleep Power, you will be the damage. And Ward, you will be the player that will attract opponents up to the group, so you just need to run and nothing else." Off s.h.i.+eld spoke with a solemn and honest tone.