MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 65

(Little Flower !!!) Liu Yang exclaimed internally when he saw the girl, he never imagined he would see her in a place like this.

While talking to his colleagues during the trip, Liu Yang heard about Rose"s rumors, he saw the community posts on this subject. Some strange thoughts popped into his mind when he read that, as he imagined Rose did it on purpose.

Despite this, Liu Yang did not worry about this issue, as no one could know that it was him because of the black cloak, and only four people knew about it. And none of the girls would spread this news about it.

Rose and Little Thorns wouldn"t do anything to harm him, but Liu Yang didn"t know about Tears on Sky, he didn"t know if she would do something or not.

The fight was in favor of the Little Flower group, despite the smaller number of players, they were stronger and had better equipment. However, this advantage did not last long, as the other side began to spend potions and scrolls that increase the power, it balanced things out.

But because of the larger number of players, the Little Flower group began to come under pressure, but something surprising happened seconds after the Little Flower group began to lose their members.

A person dressed in a black cloak appeared in the middle of Little Flower"s group and began to butcher the other group. This person dressed in the black cloak was of an cla.s.s.

With each blow of the sword, a player from the other team fell dead to the ground, and soon after, the body would disappear. The Doom City had a strange effect where the player who died in some area of ​​the city would be sent back to the nearest city.

"This is cheating !!!!" One of the people in the other group shouted he realized the situation was horrible for him.

"This is not cheating, this is called a bodyguard. If you don"t have one, it"s not my fault. "A young man from Little Flower"s group said, his voice was arrogant and rampant.

"Let"s see who will be the last person who will stand" The young man went crazy after hearing these words, he was silent, but his eyes were moving from side to side. The young man was sending a message of help to his guildmates.

As the situation got more and more intense, the spectators were frightened that things were getting out of hand. If any high-level players are called in, everyone on the spot could be killed without knowing it, because of this, many began ordering the mounts to run at max speed.

Liu Yang"s group was no exception, but before leaving, Liu Yang sent a message to Rose, saying that he found Little Flower and that she was in trouble.

Rose was aware of the things Little Flower was doing and asked one of the guards to follow her silently. What surprised Rose was that Liu Yang was attending the invasion event, but after thinking a little about his age, she realized that the school where Liu Yang was studying was partic.i.p.ating in the compet.i.tion.

Little Flower"s bodyguard had not appeared yet, for she was not yet in danger, the person in the black cloak who appeared was someone else"s mate.

While Liu Yang and his group were leaving the vicinity of the fight, he did not see that several lights appeared on both sides. Each of them was wearing a black cloak because none of them wanted to be recognized, that would be extremely shameful if discovered.

A great joke would be put in the community if these high-level players were seen killing low-level players.

The mood of the place was heavier than before, both sides had few players who were students of the schools. But around them were many people dressed in black cloaks, each of which exuded a powerful aura.

"You"re finally here, I want you to finish them off." The young man spoke arrogantly as he pointed at Little Flower"s group.

"Don"t leave any of them alive !!" One of the young people in Little Flower"s group shouted he was already annoyed by this situation.

"Yes, young master" Hearing the orders of the two young men, those under their orders began to charge as they took out their weapons.

"Don"t let our teammates be alone in this fight, attack !!!" The other young people shouted.

"These subordinates hear the orders of the young master!" Those who had not received the order before began to shout and carry their weapons in hand.
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The struggle of the young high school students became a great struggle between the powerful who were much older.

"Young master, getaway. If you stay here, you will be hit by magic, and any damage would be deadly to you. "Some people dressed in black spoke.

"I understood" The youths began to leave the scene and head toward the Cursed Battlefield.

The youths began to run while they were riding their mounts, sometime later, the place had only players dressed in black cloaks.

But it was a pity that it would not be that easy to leave, players of the began to ambush those who were fleeing, the players of both groups were suffering losses because of that.

Little Flower was mounted on a white horse, and it was run as fast as possible, but a shadow was following her from behind, and two blades could be seen in his hands.

A few followed her and her companions, but Little Flower and her group did not get cheap, her group also sent several to kill the rival group. Whenever a player died, they would get the message about it.

The escape attempt was being frantic, even using the horse, the"s running speed was still extremely high. This happened because of the level, it proved that the other person was a player who had a fairly high level.

Little Flower"s white horse began to tire and the running speed was slowly slowing down, but the killer did not slow his speed; on the contrary, he increased his speed.

Little Flower knew she was going to be killed when she saw that the killer was already ten feet away from her, she only saw him throw three daggers at her. Little Flower looked ahead and closed her eyes.

But what she was expecting didn"t come, the only thing that happened was a sound of metal hitting metal.

Clang !!!!! Clang !!!!! Clang !!!!!

Three sounds were heard.

Opening her eyes, Little Flower looked back and saw a person dressed in a black cloak blocking the path of her pursuer. She was curious to know who it was because the bodyguard with her was already fighting another pursuer.

Not having time to think, Little Flower put away her white horse in the cage and summoned another white horse. Her running speed exploded and the distance she traveled was much faster than before.

In the back, the two people wearing the black cloaks were facing each other, after a while each went to one side, the Little Flower"s pursuers returned to where he came from, and her bodyguard followed Little Flower"s trail.