MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 71

While the groups were doing their best to defeat the corpses, we are going to some other corner of the battlefield.

There was a person dressed in a black cloak and a blue wolf following behind, the wolf was wearing a face mask, the pair were attacking the corpses one by one. For it was hard to fight with more than that.

The bodies of the corpses were a powerful poison that when in contact with someone, that person would already be poisoned. The pair were doing their best to avoid the poison.

When the pair defeated the last corpse in the area, the person in the black robe immediately threw a large amount of dust that had a strong white glow on the corpse. And immediately, the corpse began to twitch before disappearing, it proved that the soul that was possessed the body was gone. But before the pair could have a little rest, something happened.

"Little White, watch out!" The person in the black cloak shouted when he saw a hole appearing behind the blue wolf.

"Auuuu !!!" The wolf howled as if it understood these words. The blue wolf returned to the side of the person dressed in black.

"Good wolf" The person dressed in black patted the wolf"s head.

"Auuu!!" The wolf answered as it wagged its tail and showed the tongue, it looked like a dog acting that way.

The duo was Liu Yang and Little White after the event began, the two distanced themselves as far as possible from the other groups, as he did not want to be interrupted by the other players. Liu Yang changed the color from Little White to blue, he did not want to be recognized for having a white wolf, since when he was traveling down the dirt road, Liu Yang was the only one with the white wolf.

The method that Liu Yang was using was said by Rose, she told him a practical way to purify the souls that were possessed the corpses, the necessary item for it was called Light Dust, this dust contained a lot of energy of the light. This method is only known to those who came from groups with big influences because the Light Dust was very expensive and not anyone who could buy this item.

When the dust was thrown on the corpse, the soul was already released, but it was necessary to throw where the soul was if not, the soul would still be inside the corpse. When the corpse is defeated, the soul would exit through some part of the body, it could be the head, arm, legs, back, or any other part of the body.

For the Dust of Light to take effect, the player had to play directly where the soul was leaving and in the right amount to cover the soul. Each soul had a different size, that is, for each soul, it was necessary to throw a different amount of Light Dust.

Liu Yang"s advantage in this event was that he could see souls, and for him, this event was like a piece of cake. However, Liu Yang had to hold on not to arouse suspicion about it.

Liu Yang was disappointed that he had spent a large number of gold coins to buy the light crystals before the event began, if he had known this method before, Liu Yang would have saved thousands of gold coins.

Another disappointing fact was that his quest to purify souls not activated after Liu Yang purified the first soul in the event proved that this was not the correct way to do so. This situation left Liu Yang a little perplexed, because if that wasn"t the right way, what was it? He didn"t know, and the only thing he could do was keep trying to find out how to complete the quest.

Despite being unmotivated by this, Liu Yang did not give up on the event and left the battlefield as he had yet to show Little Thorns that her kiss was very motivating. Liu Yang has thought of some ways to get a reasonable amount of points to reach some ranks at the event.

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Liu Yang continued to fight the corpses with great motivation after thinking about the kiss he had with Little Thorns.

The corpses were stronger elite creatures than normal creatures, and were at levels 120, as it was still the second phase of the event. The first phase was just the corpses attacking normally without using any skills, and their levels were 100, but when the second phase arrived, the corpses started using their poison skills and the levels increased to 120.

The event had a total of five stages, and at each stage, the corpse levels increased by 20, the last stage of the event had only one corpse, but it was at level 200 and was a Super Boss rank, this rank was much higher than the elite. It would take thousands of level 200 players to take down this boss, fortunately, on the battlefield, there were tens of thousands of players.

The event was slowly pa.s.sing, Liu Yang was no longer using the Light Dust, he began to use the Light Stones he bought at the auction, as no one would buy that, he decided to use these stones the best way he could to earn points in the event.

In the rank of players already had a thousand names after a few days of events, some names appeared while others were question marks, these people chose not to reveal their names. One of these people was Liu Yang, he didn"t want his name to be famous because of this event, even if it disrupted his group, cla.s.s, and school in the compet.i.tion.

With each pa.s.sing minute, more and more people entered the ranks, many positions were changing because of it. The maximum number of names you could have in the rankings table was 1000, which proved that only a thousand people could be the most prominent in the event and receive the best prices.

But that does not mean that other people could not receive prizes, on the contrary, anyone could receive some prizes, as long as that person has the number of points needed to exchange for the item. At the end of the event, there would be a trading post and would also have a table of items and the required points.

The event lasted two weeks, every two days, a new phase would happen, when the event arrives on the tenth day, the fifth phase would start and lasted four days. Anyone who can purify the soul of the final boss would receive a special prize and a huge amount of points.

The points in the event were given only to the player who purified the corpse, not the one who defeated the corpse, meaning the person would only receive the points if he can purify the corpse. And no matter how much effort the players put in to defeat the boss, only one player will get the points and extra prize from the event.

The days within the game pa.s.sed slowly, the schools let the students skip during those days because it was not long. Since one day in the real world was equivalent to four days in New Earth, the duration of the event was only three and a half days.

After that, the students from each school would have to talk about the things that happened during the event, that was for those who attended. For those who did not partic.i.p.ate for some reason, these students had to justify the reason.