MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 104

"Sir, this is ..." The clerk was still not believing what she was seeing.

"Yes, this is the deed of the abandoned mansion. Miss, could you call the descendants of this family? I have a letter for them "

The deed Liu Yang received from Arch Merton was from the property at the southern end of Sword City. This was the place of the abandoned mansion that could not be bought because the deed was missing.

"Sir, wait a moment." The attendant handed the scripture back to Liu Yang and left the room.

Sometime later…

The door opened and two people entered, a man and a middle-aged woman, the attendant entered shortly after.

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"Attendant, is this the person who stole our deed?" The middle-aged woman said, her voice was arrogant and seemed to be talking to a thief.

"Ms. Merton, this gentleman was the person who brought the deed to the city hall, and he was the person who asked me to call you." The attendant didn"t care how the middle-aged woman was talking, it seemed like she was used to it.

"At least he still has a little bit of a sense of returning what he stole for us." The middle-aged woman was not at all grateful for Liu Yang"s att.i.tude, she continued to tax him as a thief.

"Looks like it was a waste of time asking you to come if the senior knew his descendants had become a bunch of idiots ..." Liu Yang muttered. As they were inside a quiet room, his voice was heard.

"Do you dare to curse us? Do you know who we are? Do you believe I will ask the governor to get you expelled from the city? "The middle-aged woman was hysterical when she heard Liu Yang"s words.

"Kendra, stop do our family lose face," The middle-aged man next to her said, he was unhappy with his younger sister"s words. Liu Yang"s words surprised him, he didn"t know who Liu Yang was referring to.

"Big brother, this person is insulting us, why should I calm down?" The middle-aged woman"s name was Kendra Merton, she was a descendant of Arch Merton.

"Kendra, you know very well that it is impossible that he stole the deed, our whole family knows about it. The only answer to that is that he could find some clues about it. Besides, he called us, it shows his sincerity. "The middle-aged man was more rational than the middle-aged woman.

"Older brother…"

"Just keep quiet for now. Sir, I apologize for the unkindness of my younger sister. "The middle-aged man apologized.

"I don"t care about that, people like her should be quiet," Liu Yang said, he wasn"t caring about this woman named Kendra Merton.

"You…" Kendra Merton was very annoyed by Liu Yang"s words and tone, this was the first time anyone had dared to talk to her that way.

"Kendra !!!" The middle-aged man already knew this could happen and asked his sister to calm down.


"Sir, can we forget what just happened and focus on it?" The middle-aged man said.

"Alright, I have no time to lose anyway"

"I thank you for that. Sir, my name is Connie Merton, I would like to know yours… "

"I apologize, but it"s inconvenient for me to say my name." Liu Yang didn"t let Connie Merton finish talking and interrupted him.

"If you don"t feel like talking, that"s fine. Sir, would I like to know why you called us? "These words caught the attention of everyone at the scene, including the attendant, but she knew she was not able to hear this conversation, so she left the room.

"That" Liu Yang handed the letter inside the box.

"That"s ..." Connie Merton was startled when he saw the letter because there was an envelope with his family symbol.

"Read the letter, this is something for you." Liu Yang already knew the contents, he read when the attendant went to call Connie Merton"s family members.

Opening the letter, Connie Merton began reading, in the end, he just sighed.

"This letter is intended for the person who can find the box with the deed. My dear family, the person who obtains the box will be the owner of my mansion in the City of Swords, but that does not mean that there is nothing for you, on the contrary, my other lands and objects belong to you except my old mansion. Do not disturb the person who got the box, this is my last request.

My dear relatives, those who are direct descendants of my children will be able to go to the Federation Bank in the Wind Federation and take my stored material possessions, but this requires the wooden box next to the letter and the deed. This is to help you in your times of difficulty.

If you are reading this, it proves that I have already pa.s.sed away.

Live life while you can, enjoy it as much as you can before it"s time to pa.s.s away. "

Connie Merton closed his eyes and was silent for a while before opening his eyes again.

"Sir, thank you for showing us this, the Merton family will always be grateful for today"s favor." Connie Merton bowed and thanked Liu Yang.

"Take it, this belongs to you. And those two things belong to me. "Liu Yang placed the wooden box on the table. And showed the deed and a key.

"Thanks," he thanked him again.


Goal Complete - Help Arch Merton"s family members.

"Little brother, what is going on? Why do the deed and the mansion key belong to him? "

"Kendra, this is what is written in the letter of our ancestor, Arch Merton, this is his wish. What"s more, we can raise our family again, the ancestor left some things for us at the Federation Bank, we just need to go there with all the family members to do the tests. "

"What ?? !!" Kendra Merton was shocked when they heard Connie Merton"s words, she never imagined that her ancestor had given the mansion to some stranger, at least he left something to his descendants.

"Let"s go out and get things ready. Sir, we appreciate your help. "Connie Merton bowed again before taking the other three away.


"Your Relations.h.i.+p with Connie Merton: Good"

Liu Yang was surprised by this notification because usually, the only way to improve the relations.h.i.+p with an NPC was by doing some quest, he never imagined that by returning things, the relations.h.i.+p would change. Liu Yang learned something new today.


After the two left, the clerk returned to the room, she didn"t know what had happened, but she realized it was a good thing.

"Miss, can you register this deed for me in my name?"

"Yes," The attendant understood that Liu Yang could be influential because of the faces of the two who left.

The attendant took out the logbook and began the process of registering the deed of Arch Merton"s mansion on behalf of Liu Yang. She was ordered by Connie Merton to register the deed.

Sometime later…

"Sir, it is done. Here"s the new deed. "The clerk handed Liu Yang a scroll containing all the information on the grounds and the mansion.

"I thank you for that," Liu Yang thanked.

"I"m glad it went well. Sir, do you have any questions or anything? "

"No, we can leave now"

"Alright, follow me" The attendant guided Liu Yang to the city hall exit, he was extremely happy with his gains.