MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 113

The mood was tense, with each step Liu Yang took, he felt as if a mountain were pressing on his body, and the closer he got to the altar, the greater was the pressure. This was not body pressure, but in Liu Yang"s mind, he was very tense.

Liu Yang was already a meter from the altar, and the guardian still did nothing, it seemed that Liu Yang did not exist. It gave him some relief.

When Liu Yang arrived in front of the altar, he saw that the jewel was beautiful, he felt like taking it, but when Liu Yang"s hand approached the altar, the guardian finally moved.

The guardian looked at Liu Yang as if it was looking at its worst enemy, he felt a chill down his spine when this happened and withdrew his hand, the guardian returned to the normal state. Liu Yang could only look at the jewel with silly eyes, the treasure was right in front of him, but he could do nothing to take it.

Liu Yang would have to try another approach, he started checking the guardian, before, he had only seen the name and the type, that had scared him enough. Looking closely at the guardian, he could see that he was made of energy from the mad souls, the souls that were screaming inside the barrier.

(Wait… What would happen if I cleansed some of these crazy souls?) Liu Yang thought that was the only idea that popped into his mind at the moment. After looking at his backpack and seeing that there were still a lot of Light Stones, Liu Yang decided on his plan.

(Imagine) Liu Yang took out some Stones of Light and put it in his hands before starting to imagine again, this time he wanted to appear inside the barrier.

(Focus) His eyes were closed to try to focus.

The surroundings began to distort again, the place was turning into a place with orange light and sand with many screaming souls. Liu Yang succeeded, he appeared inside the barrier along with the crazy souls. When he opened his eyes, joy appeared on his face.

When the crazed souls saw Liu Yang appearing at the scene, they began charging toward him. Without thinking twice, Liu Yang began to throw the stones of light toward souls.

Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom…

As the stones of light came into contact with mad souls, explosions began to occur. And the crazed souls began to lose their dark color and begin to become transparent before disappearing from the place, this was the process of purification.

(It worked, it worked) Liu Yang was glad that he managed to purify the corrupted souls.

Ding… Ding… Ding…

"Quest Complete"

"Quest: Purifying Corrupted Souls (2) - Complete"

+1 level

(The reward wasn"t bad, winning a level for a quest I got at level 50 is fine) Liu Yang was happy with the reward, after purifying a few dozen souls, he started walking towards the altar again while he throws the Stones of Light there were tens of thousands of corrupted souls, fortunately only a few carried toward him.

This time he didn"t have to imagine, for the altar was already in front of him.

When Liu Yang reached ten meters from the altar, the same scene happened again, the guardian appeared, but it had something different. When Liu Yang looked at the guardian"s HP, he saw that it had decreased by a few percents.

(It worked !!!!) Liu Yang exclaimed in his mind, he was extremely happy with that fact.

Without thinking twice, Liu Yang began to take Stones of Light out of his inventory and throw into the corrupted souls. He still had a lot of these stones, even after having used many in the previous event, there was still a lot left.

Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom…

Liu Yang started throwing the stones madly at each of the souls, he can only hit the souls because of his ability to see souls.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

99% ... 98% ... 97% ... 96% ...

As souls were purified, the guardian"s HP was also slowly decreasing until it was difficult to fall, as the high-quality Light Stones were gone, Liu Yang had only medium and low-quality stones and the purifying effects were smaller. Because of this, Liu Yang had to throw more than one stone to completely purify the soul.

Some hours later…

Liu Yang was already running around while throwing the stones at the corrupted souls, he was already tired and could only sit down to rest. Luckily, the number of corrupted souls in the place had already decreased greatly, if there were ten thousand before, now there were only one thousand. Liu Yang spent a fortune on the high-quality Stones of Light, all of which were used to purify the corrupted souls.

The rest lasted a few minutes, Liu Yang ate some snacks and sat for a while.

(It"s time to finish this) Liu Yang started throwing the stones back at souls, he was throwing two or even three stones at the same souls to purify. This showed that they were low-quality stones.

Some more time later…

When the last soul was purified, the guardian began to disappear, his body was becoming transparent before disappearing completely.

(I finally got it after so much hard work) Liu Yang fell to the floor tired after seeing that it was finally over, he rested for a few moments before getting up and heading towards the altar.

"Let"s see what it can do, I spent a fortune getting to catch it," Liu Yang said while looking at the jewelry. He reached slowly toward the jewel.

The moment the jewel was touched, the world around it began to change, the orange light disappeared and was replaced by a less bright orange light and only illuminated the areas around Liu Yang.

Ding… Ding… Ding…

"Quest Complete"

"Congratulations, you have to get one of the seven World Jewels, do you wish to announce your name to the world?" 

"Yes - No"

(Announcement to the world ?? !!!! This means that this stone is something extremely rare and precious. The only times this situation happened was when a player discovered something that could change the balance of the four kingdoms. What this small stone so special?) Liu Yang thought, he didn"t know what kind of power the World Jewel had, he just knew it was rare and precious, and the announcement of the system confirmed his theory.

"No, I don"t want my name on the ad" Liu Yang refused to have his name on the ad, he knew he would have endless problems if that happened.

Ding… Ding… Ding…

"Global Announcement"

"The player, x.x.xx.x.xx.x.x, has found one of the World Jewels - Illusion, he is the first player to find one of seven jewels, his achievement will be recorded in the New Earth"s Hall of Fame"

"To learn more about the seven World Jewel, visit our community, the information will be released in a moment."