MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 114

When the announcement was heard, the players of the four kingdoms frenzied over the item called World Jewel, although they did not know what this item was, as a global announcement was made, it proved that the item was out of the ordinary.

In less than a minute, information about the World Jewel was posted to the community.

"World Jewels, these jewels were made from six meteors that fell thousands of years ago, each of the meteors having different power and could affect the surrounding areas. Ancient civilizations took these meteors and refined into six small jewels, one of each color, each of which had unimaginable power.

The colors of the stones were red, blue, yellow, green, orange, violet, and black. Each gem had a different power.

Red Jewel - Power: Jewel of unlimited power, grants the user ten times the physical power. Strength x 10 and Physical Attack x 10. Effects are active when placing the item in inventory. The jewel drops to the floor if the player dies.

Blue Jewel - Magic: Jewel of unlimited magic, grants the user ten times the magic power. Intelligence x 10 and Magic Attack x 10. Effects are active when placing the item in inventory. The jewel drops to the floor if the player dies.

Yellow Jewel - Life: Jewel of unlimited vitality, grants the user ten times the amount of vitality. Vitality x 10 and Total HP x 10. Effects are active when placing the item in inventory. The jewel drops to the floor if the player dies.

Green Jewel - Energy: Jewel of unlimited energy, grants the user ten times the amount of mana. Agility x 10 and MP Total x 10. Effects are active when placing the item in inventory. The jewel drops to the floor if the player dies.

Orange Jewel - Illusion: Jewel of illusions, grants the user the power to become the master of illusions. +5 levels on all skills and gain skills of the Master Illusionist cla.s.s. Effects are active when placing the item in inventory. The jewel drops to the floor if the player dies.

Violet Jewel - s.p.a.ce: Jewel of s.p.a.ce, gives the user the power to create special s.p.a.ces to store things or beings. Reduces equipment requirements by 50 levels and gains the skills to create closed s.p.a.ces. Effects are active when placing the item in inventory. The jewel drops to the floor if the player dies.

Black Jewel - Neutral Jewel: A Jewel of Neutrality, this jewel was created with the remnants of the six meteors and has the power to amplify the power of the other jewels tenfold. Attributes of other Jewel x 10.

When this information was read, everyone was shocked before they got into a commotion. The power of the jewels was insane and broken, only one of those jewels could break the game, maybe six.

(Who will be the player who got the first gem? He must have got it by luck, yet he will become an extremely powerful player.) That was the thinking of all players at the moment.

"Send the spies and search every corner of the kingdom, if not in our kingdom, travel to the areas of the Federation of Independent States and search there. No matter how much it costs, I want one of those jewels. "That was the order each leader of the medium and big influence groups gave their subordinates.

From that moment on, the most coveted items were the seven World Jewel.

While the four kingdoms were in a frenzy searching for the other six jewels.

Liu Yang was still stunned by the things that just happened, He never imagined that he would unleash the greatest hunt ever in New Earth.

When he looked at the jewelry information in the community, he was extremely shocked by what he read, the effects of the jewelry being extremely OPs to the point of being insane.

Liu Yang opened his skill page, he saw that all skills increased by five levels and a new skill set appeared, but some had question marks as he had no level to use yet.

Illusion Mastery (Level Max) (Pa.s.sive) - Increases the illusory effects of skills by 50%.

Create Illusions (Level Max) (Active) - Creates an illusion to confuse the target for 20 seconds. Cost: 200 MP.

Illusory Attack (Level Max) (Active) - Creates an illusion that causes the target to confuse enemy allies and vice versa. Cost 200 MP.

Illusory Impact (Level Max) (Active) - Creates an illusion that can cause stunning effects on the target. Cost: 100 MP.

Illusion Field (Level Max) (Active) - Creates an area of ​​effect of 20 square meters, any player who enters the area will be fooled by a random illusion.




The question marks were the skills that Liu Yang had yet to unlock.

Liu Yang was surprised by the skills he gained, although he did not gain any extra status, the skills already compensate, however, he could not always use the skills, as others could find that he had the jewel.

Looking at the information on the jewelry, a small idea popped into Liu Yang"s mind, he put the jewelry in the backpack he received from Mrs. Veola. When the jewelry was placed in the backpack and then placed in inventory, the effects were continuing, as it was in Liu Yang"s inventory. The only thing left to know was whether the jewel would drop if he died, and Liu Yang didn"t dare to test it.

The surrounding barrier disappeared, and sometime after the jewel was removed from the altar, the barrier disappeared and the souls within the illusion began to emerge. In a few moments, the place was full of souls.

"Great master, we thank you for setting us free." The souls bowed before Liu Yang, the souls he had purified before were also in place.

Ding… Ding…

"Quest Complete"

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"You"re welcome, this is my job" Liu Yang replied, he didn"t lie while saying those words. Despite showing a polite face on the inside, Liu Yang was very happy with the result, he not only obtained World Jewel but also gained twenty levels, the experience gained by the quest made him level twenty times.

"Great master, we will say goodbye, it is time to leave." Souls bowed before Liu Yang again, their bodies began to become transparent before they disappeared.

"Rest in peace" Liu Yang knelt before the souls and prayed. He stayed in this position for sometime before creating a tombstone for souls with the following words: Date - XX XX x.x.x - Rest in Peace

Liu Yang walked back to where he came from, but there was no entry in the place, he could only use the Return Scroll to return. A light covered his body before disappearing.