MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 130

Getting back to normal time…

Currently, Liu Yang and the two girls were in River City, the three were wearing black robes, this was not to get the attention of other players. Having two beautiful NPCs as a maid was enviable.

Liu Yang"s goal is to buy some things on the place and send them to Broken Village, and the best place for that was the Adventurers Guild. Liu Yang could ask other NPCs to deliver items instead of players.

Liu Yang wanted to hurry up and finish these quests before going to the white elf Kingdom, but his six-month time was running out, and he had no time to visit the Luminous Forest headquarters, so Liu Yang went to in the Federation Delivery Service, he ordered the most expensive service there was and ordered top priority.

Delivery time was one hour before time expired, Liu Yang asked this way because he wanted to give Rose, Little Thorns, and his future in-laws a big surprise. After that, he went to a hotel, Nina and Sophie needed to rest.

The River City"s Adventurer Guild was the same as the other headquarters, the only thing that changed was the sign at the entrance, the inside and outside were the same. The price to buy all the materials needed to build the houses for the NPCs and Liu Yang cost tens of thousands of gold coins, and adding the supplies, Liu Yang paid a total of twenty thousand gold coins.

That price was like a few cents for Liu Yang since he got a few million more gold coins, a hundred souls gave him that amount. Finis.h.i.+ng resolving issues related to Broken Village and Rose, Liu Yang began to make his journey to Stone Village, the former Nina"s house.

A few days later…

Liu Yang, Nina, and Sophie were already traveling the road for several days, they had to travel on horseback because they couldn"t use the Transport Stone, Nina and Sophie couldn"t do it yet, only when they reached the Exalted relations.h.i.+p that they could do that.

Because of this, Liu Yang had to travel the dirt road, he wanted to take this opportunity to level the two girls, but it was impossible, their relations.h.i.+p was not Exalted yet. Linda could do that too, become a Liu Yang"s leech, but she preferred to go her own way.

Currently, Liu Yang"s level was 224, his status was too low for anyone of his level, as he had not distributed his 1,115 attribute points, meaning Liu Yang only had the extra points he earned throughout the lifetime his journey to the present moment.

Name: Ward

Race: Human

Level: 234

Cla.s.s: None

HP: 3580

MP: 1845

Hunger: 100

Attack: 248 + 200

Magic Attack: 248 + 50

Defense: 240 + 140

Magic Defense: 240 + 40

Critical: 10Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Resistance to adverse effects: 10


Strength: 5 + 100

Agility: 5 + 100

Vitality: 5 + 100

Intelligence: 5 + 100

Concentration: 5 + 100

Luck: 5 + 100


Adventurer Armor (Bound) (Level 5)

Effect of Full Set (1): + 15% on maximum HP and MP

Effect of Full Set (2): + 15% on Physical Attack and Magic Attack

Effect of Full Set (3): + 40% on Movement Speed

Effect of Full Set (4) (Insufficient Item Level): ?????

Effect of Full Set (5) (Insufficient Item Level): ?????

Adventurer Glove (Bound) (Level 5)

Adventurer Pants (Bound ) (Level 5)

Adventurer Boots (Bound) (Level 5)

Adventurer Sword (Bound ) (Level 5)


One-handed Sword Skill - Level 10 (+ 4% damage when using a one-handed sword)

Dagger Skill - Level 6

Club Skill - Level 6

Bow Skill - Level 6

Spear Skill - Level 6

Ax Skill - Level 6

Mining Skill- Level 9 (396 - 400)

Cook Skill - Level 7

Illusion Master Skills - Level Max

Whenever Liu Yang looked at these statistics, he sighed, his current character was rubbish compared to the others. Without using the statistics points, his status was very low. Liu Yang decided to use it only when he finished the Master of Souls cla.s.s quest, until that day, his points would be saved.

The road trip was smooth, the number of creatures blocking the way was few and their levels were low 50-60. The creatures were weak because the place Liu Yang was was near one of the main cities, the farther he drifted away, the higher the level of the creatures.

The creatures that Liu Yang and the girls encountered on the road were common wild beasts. Liu Yang had to protect the girls while traveling, he was in the front and Little White in the back, the girls were in the middle.

The group was traveling peacefully for a few days, but things were slowly changing, the creatures on the way were getting stronger. Liu Yang was unable to handle the situation, fortunately, Little White was together managed to give Liu Yang the necessary support. The group was about to arrive in the mountains.

A few days later…

"Nina, is this where you lived?" Liu Yang asked the group reached the mountain when they looked up, they saw large holes dug into the mountain wall.

"Yes, young master, this is my old home."

"Nina, take us to your home"

"Yes, follow me" Nina began to guide Liu Yang and Sophie toward the mountain.

To enter the village within the mountain it was necessary to find a secret pa.s.sage that led inland, this secret pa.s.sage was in the mountain wall and could only be opened by reciting a spell.

"----------------------" Nina sang the spell and a small entrance opened, the interior was dark.

"Little White, light up your body," Liu Yang asked Little White to release the light from its body.

"Auuuuu" As if understanding Liu Yang"s request, Little White howled and a white light began to s.h.i.+ne around its body. The place was fully lit.

"Nina, show the way"


Nina was in the front, while Little White was behind to light the way, Liu Yang and Sophie were in the back.

The group walked through a chain of tunnels that looked like a large maze within the mountain. It only took a few minutes to get to the exit, Nina still remembered the way.

"We"re here," Nina spoke with a thrilled tone, the memories of her childhood beginning to appears into her mind as she was almost out of the cave, but the familiar scene she remembered didn"t appear.

The scene before her was not the one she remembered, the place that was once beautiful and lively, people pacing while caring for animals. The village within the mountain was like a paradise.

Now, the scene was of utter destruction, the houses were broken and falling apart, the little fields had only dust, and the bones of the former residents were seen. This was the current scene of Stone Village, the scene looked like a desolate place.

Tears began to fall from Nina"s beautiful eyes when she saw this scene, she didn"t know what had happened after she managed to escape. Looking at the place, Nina understood that everyone died.

A desolate feeling began to rise in her heart that made her faint.

"Young master…" Nina muttered before falling, Liu Yang hugged Nina and put her on his chest. He just sighed at that.

"Young master, what happened to this place?" Sophie asked curiously, she understood that something horrible had happened in this place. Liu Yang and Nina haven"t told Sophie about this place yet.

Liu Yang summarizes the things he knew about Nina"s past when Sophie heard those words, she was shocked. The situation of the two girls was similar, but the difference was that the person who ordered the Stone Village slaughter is unknown, while Sophie knew who was to blame for her parents" deaths.

After looking for a place to stay, Liu Yang put Nina to bed and started cooking, the three were already extremely tired after the long trip and was very hungry.