MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 136

Black Sh.e.l.l - A sh.e.l.l that belongs to a creature with large defenses is a good material for forging items.

The two words that were written on top of the item were like flames that were attracting the moths. No one could resist looking at those two pieces of black that looked like a small iron plate. Everyone in the place was looking at it as if it were the most precious thing in the world.

"Impossible !!!!!!" One Dagger stood and shouted when he saw both items. If only one Black Sh.e.l.l was hard to get, but two Black Sh.e.l.l was impossible. Now, this scene was being watched by several dozen people who belonged to influential groups at the same time.

One s.h.i.+eld and One Staff had wide eyes as if they couldn"t believe what they were seeing. One s.h.i.+eld"s face darkened with envy and jealousy over this, as the two items Liu Yang had given were far more valuable than the properties offered by One Dagger, at least in the short term.

One Dagger"s sudden scream roused everyone from their daze. Dozens of private conversations began to emerge among the invited groups.

"What is happening?? Didn"t Rose say that her lover had gotten this item while he was traveling to the white elf kingdom ??? How did he get two Black Sh.e.l.l ??

"It seems that the situation is not as simple as we thought. Rose may have said that her lover took the road, but which road was he doing? Getting a Black Sh.e.l.l on white elf territory is just one thing: He stole from some influential group that had both of these items, to be able to do such a thing, this young man must be someone extremely influential and powerful."

"It seems that Rose"s boyfriend is more than just a young man, he probably belongs to a very influential group. Getting a Black Sh.e.l.l is rare, getting two is a miracle. I wonder how he managed to do such a thing? "

Many private conversations came up, everyone was trying to figure out how Liu Yang got these items and what his background was, but only Rose, Little Thorns, Tears on Sky, Wisdom Tree, Furious Leaf knew. 

No one at the place could imagine that Liu Yang was from a common background, simply, because for them, those who could travel to other realms were powerful players in influential groups.

Apart from the fact that Liu Yang picked up two Black in the other kingdom, that is to say at least he must have stolen from some influential group in the other kingdom. And to do that, it needed at least one large group of powerful players. That was the thought of those who were in the place, who didn"t know Liu Yang"s background.

Even though Wisdom Tree gave the challenge to Liu Yang, no one in the place dared to think that he was from a common background, as the Luminous Forest guild was famous for its challenges in finding a son-in-law or daughter-in-law. That helped Liu Yang a little.

The talks lasted for some time before anyone spoke up.

"Wisdom Tree, are you selling one of the Black" One of the guests asked that was one of the questions everyone wanted to know the answer to. No matter what Liu Yang"s background at the moment, he already delivered the items to Rose, and the person who could decide whether or not to sell the two items was her or Wisdom Tree.

"I understand that everyone is anxious to know if these items are for sale or not, this issue cannot be decided at the moment. At the moment, we are in the middle of another important issue. As you all know, I had made a bet with my precious daughter, if her boyfriend can impress me, I would support their relations.h.i.+p. After looking at the gift he handed, I can say that I approve of their relations.h.i.+p. "Wisdom Tree"s words were not loud, but everyone in the room could hear.

The Luminous Forest guild allies were both happy and envious that Wisdom Tree had a good daughter and got a good son-in-law. Their enemies were jealous and jealous of this situation.

The group that was having the heaviest feelings were those that belonged to The One guild, after so much effort they were humiliated in the end. Although the properties they offered were of high value, they could recover the money later.

But the Black Sh.e.l.l was different, this item was extremely rare and so far, only the realm of the white elves could find the Black Sh.e.l.l mine, so this item became something that was highly valued and might be worth a fortune.

Since no one knew that Liu Yang had already explored and cleared a Black Bark mine, Rose and Little Thorns had suspicions about it, but could never confirm those suspicions.

"One Dagger, it looks like you don"t have to go through with your proposal anymore." Wisdom Tree spoke in a casual tone, but inside, he was extremely happy about it. Liu Yang gave him a big surprise.

"I"m glad you got a good son-in-law," One Dagger said in a casual tone, it seemed like he wasn"t caring about that. But internally, One Dagger was feeling jealous and envious of Wisdom Tree, because he not only got a good son-in-law but also received two Black Sh.e.l.l as a marriage dowry. After saying these words, he left with his group, they had already lost their face, none of them wanted to be humiliated while staying in the place.

Despite the casual voice, everyone at the venue knew that One Dagger was extremely angry and envious of the gifts Rose received from Liu Yang. Not only was he like this, but everyone in the place as well.

"Guild Master Wisdom Tree, are you selling these Black Sh.e.l.l?" Someone asked, after One Dagger and his group left, someone asked again.

"Dear guests, I apologize, but I cannot give that answer now. These two items belong to my precious daughter, since it was given as a gift, she is the one who will decide to use these two items. "Wisdom Tree said, the items were given by Liu Yang to his daughter, he had no right to decide on the use of the items.

"Dear guests, I will announce my decision tomorrow. I apologize for not being able to give more information on the subject. "Rose bent and said goodbye, she left the room, Little Thorns accompanied her on the way out.

"Dear guests, I apologize for my daughter, she is a little agitated about the things that have just happened. She will give her answer tomorrow as promised "

"Wisdom Tree, we"ll be looking forward to it." Those who had no relations.h.i.+p or had a bad relations.h.i.+p with the Luminous Forest guild, they were the first to leave.

After these groups left, there were only those in the room who had a good relations.h.i.+p with the guild.

"Wisdom Tree, congratulations, you"ve found a good son-in-law." A middle-aged man appeared and greeted Wisdom Tree courteously, he was wearing casual clothes.

"January, this is something my daughter has achieved for herself. I just asked him to show me something that could impress me. "Wisdom Tree spoke casually.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Wisdom Tree, you can say that, but that doesn"t change the fact that your future son-in-law is someone who has managed to go to another kingdom and steal two extremely precious items from them. Haha…"January said, he belonged to a guild called Calendar, where each month was the main member of the guild.

January was already imagining the distorted faces of the white elves after losing two precious items like that.

"My daughter has good eyes"

"Just like you, right? You also got a good wife. "

"What are you talking about me?" A female voice was heard behind Wisdom Tree, it belongs to Furious Leaf.

"My dear wife, I"m just saying that you are a good wife" 

"Hehe… Honey, looks like our daughter was born with your talents to see people."


Many people started to gather around Wisdom Tree and Furious Leaf to congratulate the two for having a good son-in-law.

But one thing n.o.body would notice, in one room of the hall there was a person with a complicated look on her face.

Inside Rose"s room at the guild headquarters.

"Big sister, this is amazing !!! The younger brother made it !!! "Little Thorns shouted with joy.

"Yes, that shameless boy did," Rose said emotionally. When she looked at that small wooden box, many emotions were welling up in her eyes.

"Older sister, but why would the younger brother deliver two items? Just one was enough. "Little Thorns said doubtfully.

"Because of that." Rose showed Little Thorns the letter that was in the box. When she was in the hall, Rose didn"t dare comment on the rest of the letter. Now there were only the two girls, she decided to show Little Thorns the rest.