MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 137

When Little Thorns read the second part of the letter, she showed a strange face, then, an emotional look appeared on her face.

The second part of the letter read as follows.

"My dear Rose, this little gift is for you and my dear Little Thorns. If I give only to one of you, the other will be jealous. I had a lot of work and effort to get these two items during my trip to the white elf kingdom, I hope you enjoy both items and make the best use of it. " 

It took a few moments before Little Thorns returned to normal.

"Big sister, an little brother…" Little Thorns couldn"t describe what she was feeling at the moment, the only thing she knew was that there was a great heat in her heart.

"That shameless boy worked hard this time… Little sister, it seems like that shameless boy wants to have both of us. Hehe…"Rose joked a little, she was feeling good after her father"s approval.

"Big sister…" Little Thorns was extremely embarra.s.sed to hear these words.

"Hehe… little sister, we both have to work hard too"


The two girls started talking about various kinds of things in particular.

After leaving the Luminous Forest guild headquarters, the guests immediately spread the word about Rose"s boyfriend, and what he had given as a marriage dowry, two Black

The community of the four kingdoms was frantic with this news.

The human kingdom community was boasting that someone from the kingdom had invaded the kingdom of the white elves and managed to steal one of the kingdom"s most precious items, this was unknown to anyone. But the biggest curiosity was about Rose"s boyfriend, who was he? Or what kind of background did he have to be able to do something like that?

Only Rose, Little Thorns, and Tears on Sky knew Liu Yang"s face, while Rose"s parents only knew he was from a humble background, but they didn"t know how strong he was. They could only speculate after seeing the items that Liu Yang had given as a gift.

All the most influential groups in the human kingdom along with the government, they started looking for information about Liu Yang, of course, this couldn"t be done blatantly, as they were thinking that Liu Yang belonged to some mysterious and powerful group to get the two black

After some time of the investigation, they found a possible suspect: A player who stayed inside the library for almost a full month reading the books about the Great War, and then that same player spent some time reading the books about the kingdom of white elves.

When Liu Yang stayed in the library for so long, many began to think that he was discovering information for a possible quest about the white elf race. Because of this, he was one of the suspects about this event, fortunately, Liu Yang was wearing a black cloak that covered his body.

This was just a suspicion, the influential groups and the government found other suspects as well, they would have to investigate the situation further before making possible moves.

The most chaotic kingdom due to this situation was the kingdom of the white elves, as they were the only ones who had found a Black Sh.e.l.l mine, the other three kingdoms had not yet found. So the amount of Black Bark sold was few, that was to keep high prices.

The sudden appearance of two Black Sh.e.l.l in the human kingdom again, beyond the fact that it was achieved within the kingdom of white elves, was like a slap in the face of the whole kingdom.

Their community was crazy, they were cursing humans for invading the kingdom of white elves to steal. Besides, there was nothing the white elves could do, there was no restriction on the entry of other races into other kingdoms.

Because of the things that happened, the great leaders of the white elf kingdom called an emergency meeting to talk about it.

The largest city in the kingdom of the white elves was the Imperial Capital, unlike the human kingdom, the capital was built within a large forest, the buildings were on top of the large trees, and the branches were the roads of the city.

The largest building in the city was downtown, this was the site of the largest guild in the white kingdom, the name of this guild was called Bright Moon. This was the guild of the kingdom government.

The guild"s main hall was already full of people, they were sitting around a circular table, each of them had solemn faces. The weather here was tense and heavy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I"m glad you all came, and I apologize for the sudden call." A middle-aged man said, he was handsome and elegant, his skin was snow-white, and his ears were pointed. He was a white elf, his name was Fyron Wildspear.

"Guild Master Fryron, you don"t have to worry about that, we all know this subject is of the utmost importance." Another middle-aged man spoke.

"Yes, Guild Master Fryron, we are all here because this is an urgent matter."

Many leaders spoke out on the subject, all of whom understood that the subject of the two Black Sh.e.l.l appearing in the human realm was of utmost importance.

"Okay, let"s start with the meeting. According to reports from spies in the Federation of Independent States, the person who got the two Black Sh.e.l.l traveled to our kingdom, and during the trip, he found the on the road. Besides, the information says that this human has studied all possible information about the kingdom of white elves. This is the information received from the human kingdom so far. "Fryron Wildspear did not believe these words.

"That"s the most brazen lie I"ve ever heard. How can he find two Black Sh.e.l.l on the road so easily ?? "Another answered.

"That"s true, but the words written in this report were heard directly from humans in the federation. According to them, this was used as a wedding dowry. The person who gave the Black Sh.e.l.l is still in our kingdom. "

"Outrageous!!! He stole us and still dares to stay here ??"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Let"s be calm and think a little better about this situation. You all know that the Black Sh.e.l.l is stored in the bank and can only be opened when everyone who has the key is together if not, it is impossible to open the bank vault. "

"That may be true, but this person must have gotten the Black Sh.e.l.l somehow."

"That"s true, the only way to prove that these two Black Sh.e.l.l is from our realm is to check the bank vault. If the amount is still correct, it proves that the Black that appeared in the human kingdom are not from our kingdom but another kingdom. "

"Guild Master Fyron, are you implying that another Black sh.e.l.l mine was found? But this time, was it in another kingdom? "

"Yes, if the amount of sh.e.l.l inside the vault is correct, that proves my theory. But if it"s missing, we have a big problem, because someone managed to steal the without any of us knowing. "

"Guild master, according to reports, the last time the vault was visited for the survey was two weeks ago. If something happened, it was during this survey. "

"Let"s go to the bank to check, you need to call the owners of the keys"


The group left headquarters and went to the Federation Bank, this bank is the same as the bank of the human kingdom, but this was the branch of the kingdom of white elves.

When they arrived, everyone was greeted by the chief manager, they were taken to the safe where the Black Sh.e.l.l was stored.

By the time the safe was opened, and the Black Sh.e.l.l was shown, the group had a big surprise.