MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 138

When the vault door was opened, the group had a big surprise. They saw that there was a message left in the entrance with the following words written: the Wrong Vault, Try Again.

"What"s going on ?? !!!" One of the leaders shouted. Everyone in the place was in a frenzy when they saw this message.

Because the message was only one thing: Someone managed to open the vault without their knowledge.

Now another question popped into their minds: Who was the one who did it?

"Calm down!" Fryron Wildspear shouted he realized something was wrong.

"Guild master Fryron, how can you be so calm right now? Someone managed to open the safe without us knowing."

"I understood the situation, but before we get into a commotion, we need to check things out first. How many Black are in the vault? "Fryron Wildspear was being more rational and brothy than the others.

"Guild master Fryron, according to the count, there are a total of fifteen Black inside the vault." The person who said that had a strange face, he didn"t understand why he had that amount.

"It seems that the purpose of the person, who opened the vault, was another, otherwise, he would not have done so, not taking any Black Beside, the message he left made it look like this vault wasn"t his target. "

"Guild master, this is…"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Check the other vaults, see if any items are missing." Fryron Wildspear understood that the intruder had another vault as his goal.

Several players started calling the other members of their guilds and families, they were the ones they knew and had the other keys to open the other vaults. It wasn"t long before the vault room was full.

The Federation Bank of the kingdom of white elves was different from the kingdom of humans, here, they had shared pa.s.swords, unlike the human kingdom.

It took some time for all safes belonging to these groups to be opened.

"Guild Master, we have a problem"

"What kind of problem?"

"One of the vaults is missing five Black Sh.e.l.l" The reporting person spoke in a heavy tone. Losing a Black Sh.e.l.l was already a heavy loss, let alone five

"Is something else wrong with the vault?" Fryron Wildspear understood that the situation is not that simple.

(What is your goal? Why did you steal only five Black These questions and many others popped into their mind, they were curious about what the thief"s true purpose was.

"Guild Master, we found a message in the safe that was stolen"

"What kind of message?"

"You should create a more secure pa.s.sword. Guild Master, it looks like the intruder knows the pa.s.sword to open the vaults. "

"That"s not true, there"s another possibility." Fryron Wildspear"s eyes twinkled as he considered that possibility.

"What possibility?"

"Do you remember the world announcement a few days ago?"

"Yes, the World Jewel announcement" This person understood what Fryron Wildspear meant.

"Guild Master, are you saying that…"

"Yes, the jewel is in the possession of someone from our kingdom. But instead of helping the kingdom, this player is using it for his benefit and has even stolen five extremely valuable items. That person has courage. "

"Guild master, what should we do?"

"We will have a meeting again. Everyone, lock the vaults and let"s have a meeting again at headquarters. Now"

"Guild Master Fryron Wildspear, what happened? Did you find out the real culprit behind this? "

"No, but I thought of a big possibility on this subject"

"Alright, let"s go back"

The group locked the safes and returned to the Bright Moon guild headquarters.

The guild leaders and families were already seated, the place was fuller than before, now the pa.s.sword holders were there too.

"Guild master Fryron Wildspear, what kind of thoughts did you have?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you remember the worldwide announcement a few days ago? The announcement about the World Jewel"

"Yes" Everyone agreed.

"Guild master, are you implying that the World Jewel is in our kingdom?" Everyone on site was surprised by those words.


"Guild Master Fryron Wildspear, do you have any proof of this?" The person who asked was shaking with excitement, if the jewel were in the kingdom of white elves, they could be way ahead of the other kingdom in terms of power.

"I have no proof, but I thought of some possibilities about that. Do you want to hear it? "

"Yes" Everyone agreed.

"Everyone here should remember the last time the inspection on safes x.x.x and x.x.xX was done, right?"

"Yes, the inspection on vault x.x.x was made a few days after the jewel was found, but vault x.x.xX was inspected a few months ago." The person who spoke could not understand the connection between the two facts.

"Guild master Fryron Wildspear, the two events don"t seem to be connected, the time difference is too big."

"That may be true, but that does not mean it is not connected. You still remember the two Black appearing in the human realm a few months ago, right? "

"Yes, this incident took everyone by surprise. Wait a minute… When was the last time the vault x.x.xX was inspected ?? "This player was surprised by her own words and asked for the report.

"Guild Master Faelia Truewings, according to reports, the last inspection on safe x.x.xX was a few days before anyone auctioned off the two Black Sh.e.l.l in the human kingdom."

"Guild master Fryron Wildspear, do you think these cases are related?"

"Yes, my conjecture is this: The person who opened both vaults is the same, but for some reason he decided to steal only five Black Sh.e.l.l, if he had wanted to, he could have cleaned both vaults. But why did he do it? This is a question I can"t answer.

According to the reports, on the day the vault x.x.xX was inspected, there were a few more players besides the inspection group, some were wearing black robes while others were showing their faces. After that day, the vault x.x.xX was not opened until today.

So how was it possible for someone to have put the message inside the vault? Apart from our members, no one approached the vault, and besides, no one else can touch the vault except those who can open it. This shows that the person who posted the message was one of the inspection members.

Now, I ask you, do you think those with the pa.s.sword put the message inside the vault?" Fryron Wildspear asked and waited for the people in the room to respond. No one answered everyone looked toward the seven inspectors who inspected the safe box x.x.xX that day.