MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 148

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:22 PMChapter 148

The item Nina received is a set of cloth armor, rings, necklace, bracelet, book, and a staff . The items she received was a set of magic cla.s.s items .

Heavenly Healer Set (Level 1) (Linked - Nina) - A cloth armor set created from light power materials . By absorbing the power of darkness, the set can increase its power . This set can only be used by NPC .

Set Effects

Heavenly Healer Set (2) - Increases healing effects by 20%

Heavenly Healer Set (4) - Increases HP Max and MP Max by 5%

Celestial Healer Set (6) - Increases Physical Defense and Magic Defense by 20%

Celestial Healer Set (8) - Increases Physical Attack and Magic Attack by 10%

Celestial Healer Set (10) - Doubles previous effects .

Liu Yang received no equipment, what he received were three transparent skill books .  

Indistinct Book - Shadow Clone (Active) (Level: 1-10) - Allows the user to create clones of themselves to attack and confuse targets . Clones have 50% of user statistics .

Indistinct Book - Beast Tamer (Active) (Level 1-10) - Allows the user to tame beasts creatures, the dominated creature will follow the user"s orders . The higher the level, the more tamed beasts .

Indistinct Book - Summon Tamed Beasts (Active) (Level 1-10) - Allows the user to summon tamed creatures . The number of tamed creatures summoned depends on the skill level
Indistinct books are books that anyone could use, regardless of cla.s.s and attribute . These were the rarest books of all, as it could allow the user to have skills from other .

Little White received a consumable item and a skill book .

Beast Nutrition Pill - By consuming, the beast gains a thirty percent increase in all statistics . It can only be used once time .

Skill Book - Sniff Treasure (Pa.s.sive) (Level 1-5): Whenever the user is near a treasure, the ability activates and the user can smell the treasure .

Sophie also received a set of cloth equipment, but the attributes were different from Nina"s set . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Dark Sage Set (Level 1) (Linked - Nina) - A cloth armor set created from the materials of dark power . By absorbing the power of light, the set can increase its power . This item can only be used by NPC .

Set Effects

Dark Sage Set (2) - Increases the die of any spell by 20%

Dark Sage Set (4) - Increases HP Max and MP Max by 5%

Dark Sage Set (6) - Increases Physical Defense and Magic Defense by 5%

Dark Sage Set (8) - Increases Physical Attack and Magic Attack by 30%

Dark Sage Set (10) - Doubles the previous effects .

Liu Yang and Nina were shocked when they read the information on each item, they never imagined that Princess Relyea Goodwin would give them such a gift . Each of these items was broken, but not as broken as the World Jewel .

"Princess, this is…" Liu Yang didn"t know what to say about these items they received .

"Consider it a parting gift, that"s the only thing I can do for you . The rest, you will need to complete alone . "The princess"s soul was already becoming transparent, it showed she didn"t have much time .

"Ancestor, we thank you for the great help you give us . " Liu Yang and Nina bowed and thanked the princess .

"You don"t have to do this, this is my job and my promise to the guardian after all . Little girl, you need to remember, before you get accepted by the guardian, you can not lose your purity, understand? "The princess repeated these words, she didn"t know if Liu Yang and Nina would do activities or not .

"Ancestors, we already understand…" Nina was extremely embarra.s.sed when she heard those words .

"Little girl, it was great meeting you . I am glad the royal bloodline still lives . Goodbye . "The princess closed her eyes after saying those words . Her soul slowly began to fade before it completely disappeared .

"Honey, my child, I will finally meet you…" The princess murmured in the language of souls before disappearing .

"Young master, are we going to pray for the ancestor?" Nina was sad to see the princess leave .

"Yes, let"s go" The pair knelt and prayed before the princess"s altar . They stayed like this for a while before leaving the room holding hands .

Outside the room, Sophie and Little White were already waiting, the two had already woken up after a brief rest .

"Young master, perverted girl, what happened?" Sophie sensed there was something different about Nina after she left the room .

"Little Sophie, it"s nothing, the young master and I was just praying for my ancestor . Her grave is inside the room, you should do that too . "

"Why?" Sophie didn"t understand why .

"Sophie, pray for the rest of the princess, Little White, you too . After that, I"ll give you both a little gift . "Liu Yang spoke in a mysterious tone .

Sophie and Little White didn"t know what Liu Yang was talking about, but they did what he had asked . Sophie knelt and began to pray, while Little White bent down and closed its eyes .

The two left the room sometime later .

"I"m glad you did that, and I believe the princess is too . " Liu Yang patted their heads .

"Young master, who is the princess you are talking about?" Sophie asked doubtfully .

"Relyea Goodwin, the ancient princess of the human kingdom, she is Nina"s ancestor . " Liu Yang didn"t bother to reveal this, as he thought Sophie had a right to know about it .

"What???!!! Young master, are you telling me this perverted girl is a descendant of the royal family? "Sophie had seen Nina"s blood recognized before, but she was still skeptical about that . But after hearing Liu Yang"s words, Sophie believed that .

"Little Sophie, the ancestor left some presents for us . Young Master, you should give it to them . "Nina said, she realized that Sophie was shocked to find out about her background, she was also shocked by this revelation .

"Little White, eat this and then accept that ability . " Liu Yang put the pill in Little White"s mouth, and activated the skill book, a light shone and the book disappeared before covering Little White"s body .

Ding… Ding…

"All your pet statistics have been updated: + 30% on all statistics"

"Your pet learned a new skill - Sniff Treasure . "

(It worked) Liu Yang was extremely happy when he saw both notifications, it proved that the items affected .

"Little Sophie, these items were delivered by the princess . She asked you to help Nina with her challenges . "Liu Yang handed the set of items to Sophie .

When Sophie saw the item information, she was shocked, she never imagined she would suddenly receive something as precious as these items .

"Young Master, this is… I can"t accept this, this is very valuable . " Sophie knew these items were extremely rare and precious . But now, she was suddenly receiving, Sophie couldn"t handle it .

"Little Sophie, this is an ancestor"s gift to you . The young master and I also receive our gifts, if little Sophie refuses, the ancestor will feel bad . "Nina tried to persuade Sophie to accept the items .

"Perverted girl, I swear I"ll do my best to help you reach your goal," Sophie swore, after receiving these items, she was one step closer to her revenge . But before that, Sophie would perform her duties as a maid .

"Little Sophie, we are the young master"s maids, our duty is to protect the young master and take care of his needs . But for that, we need to get stronger . "

"I know that, but . . . My current is very weak, how can I get stronger?" Sophie asked dejectedly, she couldn"t even yet and there was nothing Sophie could do about it .

"Sophie, there"s something you can do to get stronger," Nina said in a mysterious tone .

"What ??" Sophie"s curiosity was piqued after hearing Nina"s words .