MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 151

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:19 PMChapter 151

Rose was curious to know what was on the scroll when she took it to read, a surprise appeared in her eyes . A vague idea of ​​what Tears on Sky were trying to show she came to mind .

The scroll that Tears on Sky handed Rose to read contained the names of the players who recently entered New Earth, and a particular name appeared on the list: Liu Yang - Ward .

Liu Yang"s name was on the list, and besides it was the word: Ward .

When Rose saw this, her eyes flashed like two bright moons, and a mischievous smile appeared on her face . Several ideas began to pop into her mind .

Tears on Sky and Little Thorns were looking at the smile on Rose"s face as if it was the worst thing in the world, they understood that someone would suffer a little on her hands . Tears on Sky already knew who the person would suffer .

"Little sister, what do you think of that?" Rose showed the scroll to Little Thorns .

The moment Little Thorns saw the names on the list and the things on the top of the scroll, she immediately understood what it was about . Little Thorns just searched for Liu Yang"s name, it took a few seconds to find .

"Big sister, that"s…" Little Thorns couldn"t finish talking before Rose interrupted her .

"Yeah, little sister Tears researched information about her supposed lover and she decided to look for him," Rose said playfully .

"Big sister, you know that I and that boy don"t have this kind of relations.h.i.+p" Tears on Sky refuted Rose"s words .

"Little sister, you two don"t have that kind of relations.h.i.+p yet, but that doesn"t mean you two can"t have one . Besides, you may have noticed the way he looks at you sometimes, "Rose said teasingly, she was referring to the times the four of them were together . Liu Yang looked at the girls" bodies from time to time, and Tears on Sky was no exception .
"That boy is a shameless pervert…" Tears on Sky didn"t refute those words, she just cursed Liu Yang for being shameless .

"Hehe… Little Sister Tears, if you don"t hurry, the bed will be full . When that time comes, there will be no more s.p.a.ce for the little sister . "

"Big sister, you make it look like I want to join your group, and he"ll keep picking up a few more girls . " Tears on Sky said strangely, she didn"t think Rose could say anything like sharing her man with several women besides Little Thorns .

"Little sister Tears, if that shameless boy moves on you, you won"t be able to back down and become his woman . But this is not the right time for this, not yet . "Rose spoke in a confident but mysterious tone .

"Big sister, why are you so sure about that?" Tears on Sky wanted to know where Rose"s confidence was going .

"Because I believe in my man," Rose said confidently .

"Big sister, you mean you believe that boy will get more women?" Tears on Sky didn"t believe what he was hearing, that seemed like the most absurd thing in the world to her . How was it possible for a woman to have confidence in a man who wants more than one woman?

"Yes, I believe that . That perverted boy will reach the highest peak of all the people I"ve met, he"s the one who gives me this feeling, and because of that, many women will try to grab him . Luckily, me and little sister Thorns were the first, so little sister Tears, you better hurry, because when the bed is full, there will be no more vacancies, "Rose said, the way she was talking, it seemed that she was urging Tears on Sky and forming a harem for Liu Yang . But what is her goal in doing this?

"Big sister, why are you trying to recruit me for this group?" Tears on Sky knew Rose very well, she understood that Rose was planning something special .

"No special reason, I just want to get a few more women to warm the bed with us," Rose said with an amused tone .

"Big sister, we are talking about a serious matter here . At least be more serious when we talk about it . "Tears on Sky rolled her eyes when she heard Rose"s reply .

"Little sister Tears, I"m serious, my goal is to create a group of powerful and influential women only . It would be better if they were lovers of that shameless boy, "Rose said in a serious tone .

"Big sister, are you trying to create a harem for that boy?" Tears on Sky understood Rose"s plan, but when she talked about creating a harem for Liu Yang, she didn"t understand why .

"Little sister Tears, the answer to that question is simple: Organization"



"Why the organization?"

"Because if all women in the group belong to just one man, things will be easier to do"

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"Big sister, this reason is very simple, I thought you would have some other kind of better plan for it . I know the big sister has always had in mind the plan to create an elite group, but turning all the women in the group into a private harem, this is the first time I"ve seen anyone try to do that . "

"Little sister, turning my group into a private harem is just the second goal that I thought after I met and fell for that shameless boy . Since he"s already got me and younger sister Thorns, it"s okay to put a few more girls in the group . "

"I see . . . Looks like the big sister is trying to compensate that boy somehow . "

"You might think that way, but I think that shameless boy would never want to hear those words . So, I decided to create my strongest group and turn it into a harem for that shameless boy, besides, I think he would be happy with this initiative of mine . Little sister, you must know why . "

"Yes, I know . . . Men are never satisfied with what they have and will always want more . "

"As the little sister already knows my goal, what are you going to do from now on?"

"I? Big sister, you know I"d like to join your group, but I"m not part of that boy"s harem, so I"ll pa.s.s . "

"Little sister, you can join the group, but sooner or later you will warm this big bed together with both of us . "

"Is that a bet?

"No, it"s just my female intuition"

"Your intuition?"

"Yes, my intuition, it has never failed before, and it will not fail now . Little sister, sooner or later, you"ll warm that bed over there with me and little sister Thorns . "

"This is what we will see"

"Little sister, I congratulate you on joining the group . We currently have only three members, in the future, we will have a few more promising girls . "

"I hope this group doesn"t disappoint me"

"You will not be disappointed"

"Big sister, goodbye" Tears on Sky pulled out a transport scroll and left .

The room was quiet before Little Thorns spoke .

"Big sister, are you going to do this? Isn"t that the complete opposite of what you wanted to do? "

"Yes, I think I changed my mind after meeting that shameless boy…"

"Big sister, we will make this group the biggest of all"

"Yes, but it also depends on that perverted boy"s ability to manage the group"

"Big sister, I think he will leave this task to you"

"Yes, I also think" .

The two girls continued talking about this before they talked about the quest they are doing .