MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 158

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:12 PMChapter 158

"A group of unknown players got a quest with a legendary NPC" That was the t.i.tle of the post . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Liu Yang almost choked on the food he was eating because of that t.i.tle, he figured it was him and his group .

Opening the post, Liu Yang saw the following information when he opened the post .

"I and my teammates were pa.s.sing through the Guardian Forest until at one point a group of three players showed up, we couldn"t see their names or information . One thing was certain, they were players .

Sometime later, a giant bear appeared, when my companions and I saw their information, we were shocked that it was a legendary NPC . We could only see NPC information because of its size, if it was smaller, it was impossible to see .

Shortly thereafter, the giant bear started walking towards a certain direction of the forest, and the group of unknown players followed behind, it shows that they got a quest with a Legendary NPC, we don"t know what kind of NPC this is or what kind quest it can give . Watch the video below"

Below this message was about ten videos about the same thing but from different angles .

Liu Yang clicked to see the first video, the images began to look .

The only thing that could be seen as the giant bear, the three supposed players following behind it was blurred because of the distance . But it was still possible to distinguish the three mount, Little White was harder to difficult to identify, but the two horses were easier .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntThose who filmed did not dare to get too close .

The second video was the same, you could only see the giant bear and vaguely see the animals . The third too…

In all the videos you could only see the giant bear, and the mounts vaguely .

Many have responded to this post with various kinds of crazy theories about what kind of quest the group has managed to tackle .

However, everything changed when two posts were made .

"My group and I were fighting at the Wild Beasts Invasion Event at Sharp Fang Village . After the event, we were thinking about whether or not we should take the quest with the village chief . In the end, we chose not to do that, we just walked through the forest to see if we found anything .

Near the village is a large river, where there were a player and two NPCs, a wolf, and two horses . These are in the images .

I think they are the group that is in the video, according to the video, we can see that there are two horses because of its paws and tail, the other may be a wolf or some other animal . But by the size of the wolf, I can deduce that it is the wolf of this group .

Look at the photo below "

After this post, a photo was included, in the photo was Liu Yang, Nina, Sophie, Little White, and the two horses resting . The three were wearing masks to cover their faces .

Nina and Sophie"s names and tiers could be seen, but not those of Liu Yang and Little White .

Those reading this post also joined in and began discussing the relations.h.i.+p between the video players and the photo players .

Many agreed that there was indeed some relations.h.i.+p between the group in the video and the group in the photo .

Sometime later, another bomb was dropped on the same post, the person who made it was the leader of the group that was doing the mission to capture Nina .

"This group looks like the group I was chasing, one of these two NPCs was the target of my quest and the human kingdom army . According to the quest, I just needed to capture the NPC, but that wasn"t easy and I ended up failing .

The picture that my companions and I found during our searches are just that, a wolf and two horses . I don"t know what kind of crime this NPC committed, but to be pursued by the government of the human kingdom, the good thing wasn"t .

After reading this post, I searched for this bear, and according to the information I got, this bear is one of the guardians protecting the human kingdom, meaning this bear is one of the most powerful NPCs in the human kingdom . To get a quest with this bear, the NPC I was chasing must be someone very important to the human kingdom .

However, it seems that the rulers of the kingdom do not want this NPC to stay alive, which is why they ordered her to be captured . Luckily, the other side had a qualified player and was able to take the NPC safely .

The only question left is: Who is this NPC? And why is she being protected by the bear? "

This was the other post that was made, which eventually attracted many curious people . Everyone who read the post was able to connect the dots .

It seems that some player managed to pick up a chain quest that was extremely rare and dangerous, and the result could change the human kingdom, for better or worse . But one thing everyone understood, that one of the NPCs that were with the player was extremely important to the guardian of the human kingdom .

In the hierarchy of the human kingdom, the guardians were above the king, for they were the ones who protected the human kingdom whenever it was in danger . The powers of the guardians amount to millions of soldiers, that power was gigantic . This proves how strong a guardian was .

If the guardian is protecting an NPC, what can this mean? That was another question that stuck in the minds of those who read the post .

Liu Yang read a few posts about it, he was shocked that he was being followed again unknowingly, it proved that detection skills were important, even if the basic ones only needed a few requirements .

What surprised Liu Yang most was the fact that indirect information about Nina was scattered . Those who had contact with influential NPCs from the human kingdom could use community information to receive some benefits, but this is only possible if the NPC has an Exalted relations.h.i.+p to it . For NPCs to trust players, the relations.h.i.+p was necessary .

For NPCs to trust the word of an unproven player, their relations.h.i.+p needs to be in Great at least, that was for ordinary NPCs, Elite NPCs and tiers above, the relations.h.i.+p needs to be Exalted .

Liu Yang knew that the older players of New Earth had exalted relations.h.i.+ps with some influential human kingdom"s NPCs . If after twenty or thirty years playing, the player who fails to make friends with someone influential in the game, he would have wasted many years of his life for nothing .

The only thing that worried Liu Yang was: What would happen if this information about Nina leaked to those who were controlling the human kingdom? What would happen to him and his group?

Liu Yang didn"t know the answer to that question, he didn"t want to find out either .

One thing left Liu Yang relieved in this situation, like someone being "protected" by the guardian, those who are trying to capture Nina will think twice before doing anything .

Finis.h.i.+ng reading the posts, Liu Yang became thoughtful about the subject, he knew he needed to get stronger as soon as possible and be able to complete his cla.s.s quest . Several crazy thoughts started to surface in his mind, he would try to level out faster, but the risk was also very high .

What Liu Yang needed at the moment was to improve the power of Sophie and the bear cub, Little Blue .



While Liu Yang was lost in thought, the two giant bears and Little White were talking . The roars and howls roused Liu Yang .

"Nina, what are they talking about?" Liu Yang asked Nina, as she was the only one who could understand the bear"s roars .

"They are saying that this side of the human kingdom is very dangerous these days and that I need to get out of here and get stronger before coming back . "