MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 168

The skeleton was celebrating wildly as if it was the winner of the great battle. But in the middle of its celebration, a casual voice was heard, the tone of voice was relaxed, it seemed as if the owner had just seen a great show.

Crack… Crack… Crack… Crack ...

s.p.a.ce began to crack like gla.s.s that was. .h.i.t with something hard and heavy, the cracks began to spread rapidly throughout the room before a great cras.h.i.+ng noise was heard.

Boooom !!!!!

The world shattered like a fragile sphere of gla.s.s, the world was crumbling before the skeleton"s eyes.

"This is impossible!!! How did you do that ??? !!!! "The skeleton couldn"t accept what was happening to it, that was a big nightmare. It looked at the group that was looking at it and realized that each of them was alive and uninjured.

"Nothing is impossible when destiny wants it to happen," Liu Yang said casually.

"Boy, answer my question, how did you do that?" The skeleton just wanted the answer to that question, the rest didn"t matter anymore.

"I used it" Liu Yang waved his hand and an illusion appeared before him, that was the power of the Master of Illusions he received from the World Jewel.

"This is an illusion !!! You have the powers of an illusionist master. I never imagined that I would find someone with such rare powers in front of me, even after so many years, this is the first time I"ve ever seen anyone using such powerful illusion power. Looks like I"ve never had a chance to win this challenge. "The skeleton finally understood the reason for its defeat, the skeleton could only regret its loss.

"Old skeleton, it looks like we can complete the challenge, right?" Liu Yang asked obviously, he wanted to see if he really could complete the quest.

"Yes, you pa.s.sed the challenge, a loss is a loss" The skeleton spoke with a reluctant tone, it lost shamefully.


"Quest Complete"

"Young people, as you have completed the challenge, all my treasures will be yours, I hope you will use wisely." The skeleton spoke in a nostalgic and melancholy tone at the same time when it mentioned the treasures. The skeleton had sacrificed a lot to collect the treasures, but now, it was giving to someone else.

"Old skeleton, we will honor your glory by creating an even more majestic kingdom with your  treasures." Liu Yang said, he understood that the skeleton was an ancient king who had died many years ago and that its kingdom disappeared with the time.

"Young man, I hope that happens. That young woman may be the person the kingdom is waiting to take on new forms. By the way, I"m not the guardian you"re looking for, I"m just one of its servants, the real guardian on this side of the desert is in a place called Snake G.o.d Palace, if you want to look for it, just go there." The skeleton spoke, it was not the true guardian although it spoke as one, the skeleton was just one of the few servants that existed.

Each kingdom had a main guardian, and that guardian had some beings chosen by it, which by the way, the chosen ones also had some servants after the servants were the servants of the chosen, who were the normal and elite NPCs, and the players. This was like a pyramid.

"Old skeleton, are you leaving yet?" Liu Yang asked he could see that the soul of the skeleton was almost disappearing.

"Yes, it"s time for those old bones to rest in peace. Children, I hope you can handle it until the end and change this kingdom after so many years. But it"s a pity I can"t see that. "The skeleton spoke with a tone of loss, its soul slowly fading before it turned into lights and disappeared. The bones were turning to dust before being blown away by the wind.

"Old skeleton, we will not disappoint you. When we are done with this, you will have a large statue in the capital to remind you of your great help in the rise of the new queen. "Liu Yang spoke solemnly, after which the group bowed and prayed before the skeleton disappeared.

A few minutes after praying…

"Young master, where are we going now?" Nina asked, she knew they had to get the skeleton"s treasures, but they didn"t know where it was.

Before Liu Yang could answer that question, a door appeared on the side of the room, the door was the same as before, full of strange designs.

"I think it"s through that door we should go in, but before that, let"s explore this place to see we can find something interesting." Liu Yang wanted to see if there was anything of value in the room or not.

"Yes, Young Master" The two girls broke apart and began searching, Little White used the ability to sniff treasures and Little Blue also tried to search for treasures.

The first thing Liu Yang did was to go to the place where the skeleton turned to dust, the bones disappeared, but the two swords were still in place, it showed that this was part of the reward.

Twin Blades: Sun and Moon - Two blades created to represent the two great stars, the Sun and the Moon, each of the blades has been forged with the finest and rarest materials found in the realm of humans.

No Tier

Type: Twin Blades

Effects when using both blades

Physical Attack and Magic Attack: + 50%

Double Attack - Allows the user to double damage with each attack with the blades.

Element Change - Changes weapon elements, fire to the golden blade and water to the silver blade. Increasing damage of both element skills by 100%.

Physical Attack: 1000 (500 for each blade)

Magic Attack: 1000 (500 for each blade)


Sunblade - When hitting the target with the blade, there is a twenty-five percent chance of casting five fireb.a.l.l.s to attack the target. Fireb.a.l.l.s deal 50% of magic damage.

Moonblade - When hitting the target with the blade, there is a twenty-five percent chance of casting five ice spears to attack the target. Ice spears deal with 50% of magic damage.

Requirement: Level 750 and the ability to use two swords.

Weight: 2 pounds.

(No tier equipment !!!!!!!) Liu Yang exclaimed in his mind, he was shocked when he saw these words. He never imagined that the skeleton would left anything like this behind when it left. The item was something far beyond rare, the blades were something that could not be calculated the value.

Each equipment had a rating level, and the higher the level, the stronger and rarer the equipment was. Thus, if a weapon of rank 1 was refined, it would only increase 3 attacks per refine, and the refining limit was 5.

Already a weapon of rank 2, it increased 5 with each refining and had the limit of 6. And so on.

However, there was an exception to this rule, which was no tier equipment. These types of equipment had an unknown of power increased with each refining and the refining limit.

This was because each weapon that was no tier was different and had different effects. Developers created this type of weapon to increase compet.i.tiveness among blacksmiths to see who could create such a weapon and compet.i.tiveness to hunt materials. There were also extremely difficult quests that gave this type of equipment as a reward, such as a skeleton king"s quest.

In the entire human kingdom, there were only seven no tier equipment, the twin blades being the eighth. This proved how rare no tier equipment was.

Although the item was extremely valuable to the point that it was almost impossible to know the price, for Liu Yang, this item was just trash because no member of his party could use it because of one of the restrictions: The ability to use twin blades.

According to the community, in the entire human kingdom, there were only ten to twenty players who had this ability. This showed that this ability was also very rare.

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