MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 169

(If the old skeleton was using both swords, does that mean it must have the ability to use them, and if it left the swords behind, is it possible that the ability to use double blades is in with its treasures?) Liu Yang imagined this possibility when he saw the swords. His heart sped up when he thought of it, for he would get another rare treasure.

"Auuuu" Little White howled happily as if it had found something precious with the ability to sniff treasures. The group looked to where Little White was sniffing and saw that it was on the side of the golden throne.

"Little White, is there any treasure on the throne?" Liu Yang asked expectantly.

"Auuuu" Little White replied howling, it was sniffing the back of the throne.

"Let me see," Liu Yang asked, he was behind the golden throne, he saw that there was a little puzzle to solve.

The puzzle was a maze inside a moving board, the ball was in the center, and had to be carried to the hole outside the maze. To make the journey was necessary to move the board, rotating both ways and move back and forth.

"Looks like this is going to be a little tricky ..." Liu Yang muttered, he tried to complete the puzzle, but it was very difficult.

Sometime later…

"This is very hard ..." Liu Yang muttered.

"Young master, let me try" Sophie wanted to try her luck.

The group was trying to complete the puzzle, but it took a long time for them to finally make it.

While the group could not complete the puzzle, we will go elsewhere.

Somewhere too far, to be exact, the realm of dark elves. The dark elves were dark-skinned beings, males were thin and tall, while females were voluminous and sensual.

Because of the low male population, females divided their partners and was one of the kingdoms that allowed polygamy. This was the dream of every male who lived outside the realm of the dark elves, but for men who lived within the realm, the place was a living h.e.l.l.

Males of the dark elf race thought the kingdom was h.e.l.l to them, for one reason: s.e.x.

They had to satisfy several partners at the same time, some had up to ten or twenty partners, that was something no man could handle. And each of them had to go all the way and drop the last drop of essence.

Unlike other kingdoms, the kingdom of the dark elves was matriarchal, that is, the woman who ruled the kingdom and among other things.

Like the other kingdoms, the kingdom of dark elves had its main cities, dungeons, and many other things. But they had their differences, the main cities were not on the surface, it was in the underground.

Far away from the dark elf kingdom, the place was in one of the kingdom"s most remote locations, a place where there was no town or village. The name of this place was Valley of Echoing Screams, this was one of the most dangerous places in the kingdom of dark elves, the level of the creatures that inhabit this place was in the range of 700-900.

The Valley of Echoing Screams was named for one reason: Many cries of agony and despair of something suffering was heard from time to time through the valley.

The sky was pitch dark, not a single bright star could be seen, the only thing that could be seen in the sky was the black clouds that seemed fully charged to a great storm.

Bitter winds blew across the valley, sometimes some rocks were cut by the wind, which looked like blades of steel cutting everything in its path.

There was no rain or thunder in the sky, just the heavy weather, and the endless darkness.

In the middle of the valley, you could see a person dressed in a black cloak and mounted on a black dragon, the dragon was not flying, it was walking on the ground.

The person in the black robe opened a map and pointed in a certain direction in the valley, the black dragon followed the order and began to walk.

The pair were traveling to the deepest parts of the valley, the place no longer lit, the only thing that could be seen were the two bright eyes of the black dragon.

The person dressed in the black cloak took a crystal lamp from the inventory and activated it, the surrounding area began to light up.

After a few detours, the pair finally reached their goal, a dark and silent cave. A stone was thrown into the cave, thousands of echoes could be heard as the stone hit the ground several times.

The pair entered the cave as she carried the crystal lamps to light the way.

The cave was two meters high and three wide, the pair can walk side by side without any problem. The place is a large dark maze with large tunnels and dangerous creatures.

"According to the map, this is where the treasure is hidden. Let"s go "An aging voice could be heard through the hood. The person dressed in the black robe spoke with a tone of expectation. The map she was holding had the design of a perfectly round sphere of blue color.

"Roar" The black dragon roared and followed after its master.

The pair walked for some time before they stopped, and were ready for combat.

A dozen yards ahead, the pair saw five maroon-colored giant with one eye, each of them following a large stone club, the group pacing as if disoriented. That was a cyclops.

Ancient Cyclops (Level 950) (Boss)

The person dressed in the black cloak was shocked when she saw the levels and the tier of the Cyclopes, she never imagined that he would find anything like that inside this cave. This further heightened her suspicions about what would be hidden inside the cave.

"Come back" The dragon was called back to the cage.

"Darkness Eye. Cloaking Exceed"The eyes of the person dressed in the black cloak began to change color, if previously it was green, now, turned white. Her body began to be completely invisible.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Darkness Eye - Allows the user to see in the darkness for an hour.

Cloaking Exceed - The user is invisible to anything to five hundred levels higher. The effects last for an hour.

Swallowing hard, she walked slowly toward the Cyclopes, when she reached two meters from them, nothing happened. When she reached a meter, the Cyclops moved, fortunately, the Cyclops walked in the other direction and did not attack.

The person dressed in the black robe sighed with relief inwardly when this happened and continued walking and following the map.

The more she walked, the more frightened she was because the number of Cyclopes inside the cave was gigantic, a much larger number was guarding the maze. And there were also other types of creatures dwelling in the cave, such as stone golems and stuff, each of these creatures was also at level 950 and were from the tier boss.

After thirty minutes following the map, the player came to a dead end, which scared her, because the map was indicating that it was the right place, but there was nothing. Unless the entrance is hidden somewhere.

A thought popped into her mind as she began to touch the wall to see if there was something or not.

(I found!!!) She exclaimed internally, somewhere on the wall was a mechanism to be pulled. But the moment she pulled the mechanism, something happened, a door opened and sucked the player inside.

"Ahhhhh !!!!" The gambler shouted in fear because of the sudden event.

The place where the player was sucked into was a big hole, she was falling for twenty minutes before falling to the ground, but there was no loss of HP or anything like that.

A blue light completely illuminated the place where the player was, she could see a round jewel on the top of a small stone altar. When she looked at the name of the jewel, her heart pounded.

Blue Jewel - Magic