MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 170

Time seemed to stop as the player continued to stare at the s.h.i.+ny round jewel above the altar, the world seemed to belong to only them, the player and the jewel. The player approached the altar a little, but the illusion was destroyed when the players heard some snorts as if someone or something was sleeping.

When the player looked around, she almost screamed from the fright, she was so impressed to have found the jewel that she forgot to look around. What the player saw behind the altar was a gigantic skeletal body of something, what she got was only part of the body, the rest of the body was impossible to see.

Dragon Skeleton Guardian (Level ????) (Tier ????)

(If only this body part was already this size, how will the skeleton dragon"s total body size be ??) The player didn"t even want to think about it, because it was very scary to think about the full size of the skeleton dragon. She finally understood how difficult it was to get one of the jewelry, and figured that the first person to get the jewelry had to go through a similar situation.

(What can I do to get this gem without being discovered?) The player was deep in thought, but without realizing that time pa.s.sed slowly and her hiding ability was over, the black cloak was shown again.

The instant the player emerged from invisibility, the skeleton dragon rose, it realized that someone was nearby, and when it looked down, it saw a person dressed in a black cloak near the altar.

"Roar !!!!!!!!" A furious roar was heard when the dragon saw the player, without giving her time to react, it spat a white flame that completely covered the place.

"d.a.m.n it !!!!!!!!!!!" The player screamed before she died, she only saw a large red number over her head before everything went black and she disappeared from the spot, 1.000.000.

Because this location was special, the player would be sent back to the nearest town.

After the player was killed, the skeleton dragon returned to its previous position as if it were sleeping.

The closest city to the valley was called b.u.t.terfly City, the city was named after a large number of black b.u.t.terflies that lived around the city. In the realm of dark elves, black b.u.t.terflies represent death.

The weather in the city was heavy as if a grim reaper were waiting to take any life, in contrast to the moonlight in the cloudless sky. The city was quiet with few winds, the city"s population living peacefully and frightened over something.

A glow came from the city"s transport point and a player dressed in the black cloak appeared, she was the player who died from the skeleton dragon"s fire.

(s.h.i.+t… I have to think of some way to get this gem… Or I can sell the information to influential groups and get big wealth… What should I do?) The player was thoughtful, like someone who came from a common background, she knew the difficulties of getting wealth to support her family. After a brief thought, the player gritted her teeth and made a bold decision, she would sell the information about the World Jewel.

The player took out a scroll and tore, a light covering her body before disappearing. The place she returned to was the capital of the kingdom of dark elves.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The capital was underground in a large cave, the city was surrounded by walls made of black stones, the place where the capital was built is within a large Darkness Stone mine, a type of material that serves to forge items with the element of darkness.

This was the biggest and busiest city in the whole kingdom of dark elves, the streets were wide and the buildings were built by carving the stones itself, that is, the city was built by breaking the stones.

What illuminated the city was the light stones that stood at the top of the city, illuminating every part of the city, yet the capital was still a little dark because of the dark stones, as it had special effects and absorbed the light.

Players and NPCs strolled the streets with their carriages and mounts, merchants were shouting at the doors of their stores or in their makes.h.i.+ft stalls in the squares.

After the player returned appeared in the main square, she immediately went to the auction house that belonged to the NPCs, she did not want to go to those who were controlled by players. Because I did not trust these auctions and thought that the owners can track her.

The player rented one of the private rooms for more privacy. As she sat on the chair, a screen with various options appeared, she chose the auctioneer information option.

"I think I will put a picture or a video of the jewelry and its name, it may attract the audience the most" She opened the place where the photos and videos were stored, after choosing what she wanted, the item was uploaded to the auction.

"Sale -  Information about one of the World Jewel in exchange for rare items, properties or gold coins" This was the t.i.tle of the auctioned item.

Seconds after the order was posted at auction, the kingdom of dark elves frenzied over this. At first, everyone thought that the announcement was false as many others that appeared after the World Jewel was discovered.

However, after looking at the video and finding that there was nothing wrong with the video. All influential groups went crazy, as real news with clues about the jewel finally came out.

It wasn"t long before auction houses were full of players wanting to buy the information. But the only thing they could do was offer gold items or coins and none of them knew who would be the bidder, because of that, everyone was bidding madly.

All influential groups wanted to see what was on the scroll that was the auctioned item, according to the description of the auction, that was the map that led to the World Jewel.

To increase the confidence of the players, the person who auctioned the information, she showed the jewel image on the map, although there was only the drawn sphere, and a few lines. This further incited buyers. All auction houses in the kingdom of the dark elves became a great bidding war.

Information about what was happening in the dark elf kingdom spread to the areas of the Federation of Independent States, so the other three kingdoms found out about it quickly from informants in the dark elf kingdom.

The dark elves who came from common backgrounds but managed to reach the federation, many of them became information sellers and made a big profit by doing so.

One of the examples was the news about the jewel, many informants got rich from selling this information.

The most shocking thing was about the jewelry, the group that got the information spent a huge fortune, but the group was not alone, many made a big alliance to try to get the jewelry. And the most influential group would stay with it, that was to maintain power and win allies.

After the purchase, a large army was a.s.sembled to go to the place where the jewelry was because it was the map that said it was in a place that had creatures of level 700-900. And that was insane.

When the name of the Valley of Echoing screams was read on the map, the influential groups began to sweat cold, as this was one of the most dangerous places in the kingdom of dark elves.

Only one thought popped into their minds when they read these words: Danger