MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 179

The location of the palace was somewhere in the east of the Red Sands Desert, Liu Yang and his group only had to follow Nina"s instructions to get there, but it took several days of travel.

Because the desert was so hot and difficult to travel, Liu Yang and the girls only used the mounts during the cooler hours, one hour before nightfall. This was the coolest desert weather, before that the trip was on foot.

The running speed of the three animals was quite high, so they managed to travel almost the distance traveled during the day by Liu Yang and the two girls. But that was inevitable, they needed to get to the palace as soon as possible, but they couldn"t push the three beasts to the limit.

Fortunately, after a few days of travel, the group finally found the Snake G.o.d Palace.

The palace was not a palace but a small wooden hut with various snake symbols drawn around the house, around the house were several wooden and stone statues. On the wooden door was a large golden snake drawn.

The wooden house was quite old, a majestic and ancient aura could be felt when looking at the house. It looked like a deity was living in that house.

When the group saw that house and the decorations, they were skeptical that it was the Snake G.o.d Palace, but the information was not false. On the door of the house was a sign that read: Snake G.o.d Palace.

Liu Yang had a strange look on his face when he saw this scene, he found it a bit funny that the place where one of the guardians lives was a small wooden house.

But then he realized that his thoughts were wrong.

By the time the group was five meters away from the wooden house, the world was transformed. It seemed like they entered another world.

The desert turned into a sea of ​​flowers, the clear and sunny skies were covered with white clouds, the weather became cooler, cold winds blew from time to time around the place. The scenery changed completely, the only thing that remained the same was the wooden house, the house still looked old and abandoned.

The group realized that they were entering another dimension or some kind of barrier.

"My dear guests, welcome to my humble dwelling" A female voice is heard, the voice was soft and sweet. The owner of the voice seemed to be an adult woman.

"Young master, what are we going to do?" Nina asked she knew that the being inside the house was one of the guardians she must meet.

"As the guardian invited us, we should come in and show our respect. Besides, she"s a person we should meet, "Liu Yang said. His quest didn"t say to find the guardians, it just asked to increase Nina"s powers.

"Yes, Young Master" The group walked towards the house, Liu Yang was in the front, while Nina and Sophie followed behind.

As the group approached the door, it opened automatically.

The inner of the house was different from the outside, from the outside the house looked old and small, but when the groups entered the house, they realized that the inner looked like a small mansion.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The decorations inside the house were the same, snake statues of all kinds and sizes.

"Nice to meet you guys, my name is Alexali, the Snake G.o.d" The female voice was heard again. The group looked towards the voice and saw that a young woman was looking towards her, she looked young enough to be one of the guardians, she looked to be at most twenty-five years old.

She looked beautiful, with long, straight green hair, a thin, elegant face, large round eyes, her pupils were pale green like two precious gems, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were medium and round, her waist was thin and delicate, her skin it was snow-white, a white silk dress covered her body to the waist, she didn"t look like someone living in this kind of hot desert. But instead of two legs, the young woman had a long snake tail, which attached the waist down, which gave the young woman another kind of charm and beauty.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ward, and they are Nina and Sophie. Could we know where we are? "Liu Yang spoke courteously, he introduced his group to Alexali, he looked at the name above her head and understood that she was the guardian they were looking for.

Alexali - The Snake G.o.d (Level ???????) (Tier G.o.d)

What scared Liu Yang was the fact that the NPC was G.o.d tier, not Legendary like the previous guardians Liu Yang encountered. He did not understand why, but he did understand that Alexali was a guardian of different statuses.

"This is my humble house, the house of one of the servants of the guardian of the human kingdom. That should be enough to answer your question, right? "Alexali answered casually.

"Yes," Liu Yang just answered directly.

"I know why you"re here, how that old skeleton finally away, and that bear couple sent you here. I will also have to do my part of the job as one of the chosen ones. But before that, I would like to know who is the heir to the throne. "

"Guardian, I"m the current heiress," Nina said respectfully.

"I see ..." Alexali began to move her waist seductively as she crawled across the floor using her snake body, she slid down the stairs to Liu Yang"s group.

"Little girl, you look the same as your ancestor when she was your age. You look exactly like her beautiful and wonderful, but the difference is that she was already married and had a child at that time. "Alexali remembered some things from the past when she saw Nina.

"I apologize if my question can be a little rude, but how is a guardian chosen?" Liu Yang asked he was always curious to know the answer to that question.

"The guardians are chosen by the heir when I was chosen at that time, I was just a little snake that the mistress found and cared for. She gave me great powers, after growing up, I gained that form, but I couldn"t complete my transformation and become a complete human form. "Alixali spoke with a tone of loss, the complete transformation was her greatest wish. She wanted a complete human body like the princess.

"So you mean each of the guardians were chosen by the princess?" Liu Yang was surprised to hear that, he had thought that who chose the servants was the guardian of the kingdom.

"Yes, but not all of us can reach the final form and become human. I only got this half of the transformation because the princess helped me a little more than the others because I was her pet when she lived with her husband and child. "Many emotions appeared in Alexali"s eyes when she spoke these words, She remembered many things from her past with the princess.

"I see… Great Guardian, what"s your challenge?" Liu Yang went straight to the point, he knew each guardian had a challenge for Nina, she would have to pa.s.s them all to get stronger.

"The challenge can wait a while, aren"t you hungry and tired after this long trip? You can stay here for one night and tomorrow we can talk about the challenge. "Alexali said, she realized that the three of them had traveled a long distance to reach her house.

"Yes, the three of us are extremely tired, but it would be very uncomfortable to stay here, after all, this is the guardian"s palace" Liu Yang tried to politely decline, he understood that this was part of some kind of quest.

"Don"t worry about it, everything I have was given by my mistress, and since her descendant is in a difficult time, I must help her." Alexali insisted on the matter, she wanted the group to stay in her home and rest.

"What do you guys think?" Liu Yang asked the two girls.

"Young master, I think we"d better accept the guardian"s hospitality, and better stay inside than outside," Nina said, she would rather stay in a cozy place than the infernal heat outside.

"Yes young master, let"s stay here for one night at least, tomorrow we can see what kind of challenge we have to complete" Sophie also wanted a good place to sleep.

"Okay, if you two agree with that, I have no problem. Great guardian, we accept your hospitality. "Liu Yang bowed and thanked Alexali.

"I"m glad to be able to help mistress"s descendant. Follow me, I"ll show you the rooms. "Alexali walked ahead, the three of them followed from behind, none of them noticing the strange s.h.i.+ne she had in her eyes.