MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 190

"Big sister, what kind of subjects would you like to talk about?" Liu Yang asked curiously when he heard the words of Tears on Sky.

"I"d like to know about the things you did all this time after that day we met at the auction house. You can refuse to talk if you want. "Tears on Sky looked into Liu Yang"s eyes and spoke casually.

"Big sister, could you tell me why you"re asking me this?" Liu Yang wanted to know why Tears on Sky wanted to know about the things he did before.

"I"m curious about that, the big sister told me a few things. Also, I have some suspicions about the auction I partic.i.p.ated in the Lands of Fire, the auction after the stones seeking event. You must have understood what I mean, right? "Tears on Sky looked deeply at Liu Yang, she had suspicions that Liu Yang was the one who bought her weird item and got some rare treasure afterward.

"I see… Looks like the older sister suspects me of being the one who bought your item at auction… The older sister is right, I bought your item, and due to that item, I managed to have the achievements that I have until today. I thank the big sister for selling the item. "Liu Yang didn"t hide that fact, but he didn"t say what the item was.

"I see… Looks like my suspicions were correct…"

"Big sister, why did you suspect me? Some so many people were auctioning, I"m curious to know your motives. "Liu Yang was curious about that because at the auction there were so many people.

"I didn"t suspect you before, but after hearing the big sister"s stories and finding out you didn"t sell your wolf. I started to suspect that you were the person who bought my item. If I had known that item was something so rare and precious, I wouldn"t have sold it. "Tears on Sky sighed as she spoke these words, she sold treasure as if it were something ordinary.

"Big sister, this item would have been useless to you because you didn"t have the other part of the item. What"s more, the price I paid was quite satisfactory, "Liu Yang replied.

"So that silver stone was part of something bigger, but how would I know the true usefulness of that silver stone? If I had known, I would never have sold and would try my best to find out its use. But it"s pointless to think about it now. "

"Big sister, that may be true, but you should think more optimistically, because of your sale, big sister Rose and Little Thorns have managed to escape their fate of being forced to marry someone they don"t like." 

"That may be true, at least one good thing happened after I sold the stone…" Tears on Sky were happy with what happened to Rose, but for her, it was impossible to escape this fate of being forced to marry someone she doesn"t like.

"Big sister, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you have someone you like?" Liu Yang looked into Tears on Sky"s eyes and asked.

Tears on Sky was silent for a moment before answering.

"I don"t have anyone right now, but my dad is trying to arrange a marriage for me with someone" Tears on Sky said discouragingly, she knew the person on the other side.

"I see ... So you mean the big sister is single and free for now?" Liu Yang asked hopefully.

"Perverted boy, are you having any bad thoughts about this big sister?" Tears on Sky said angrily, but internally, she was happy for some reason. For she knew that Liu Yang was not the kind of person who would pursue her because of status, wealth or the like, like the other young people who tried to win her heart.

"Can"t I?" Liu Yang said shyly, he already had many thoughts about Tears on Sky in his mind, he even did activities with her during his illusions. Why should he put this matter aside? Besides, Rose had told him that she was trying to create a powerful group that had only women, and these women would be part of his harem.

When Liu Yang heard this, he was shocked and surprised at first, but soon calmed down after hearing Rose"s explanation. Liu Yang understood some things and was happy to help.

Rose asked Liu Yang if he had any bad thoughts about Tears on Sky, he didn"t deny that fact. So, Liu Yang received permission from Rose to take Tears on Sky, she was already part of her group, just missing being part of Liu Yang"s harem.

"Perverted boy, the big sister said something to you, right?" Tears on Sky realized that something must have happened for Liu Yang to say such things.

"Rose said some things about your group" Liu Yang said vaguely.

"I see… Little brother, did you decide to take me to your harem?" Tears on Sky spoke casually, but she was embarra.s.sed to talk about it. Despite her explosive temper, she was still a virgin maiden, and talking about getting into a harem was a shame to her.

"Well ... If the big sister doesn"t mind ..." Liu Yang was a little embarra.s.sed to talk about this.

"Little brother, did the older sister tell you about our bet?"

"Bet? What bet? "

"If she didn"t tell you, let"s put that aside then. The younger brother, you must know that the lives of young people like me are harder than they seem, even if we try our hardest, we won"t get what we want. The older sister was an exception because of your achievements, but this may not always happen as in some cases…"Tears on Sky talked about the case of many young women who were forced to marry young men they didn"t like. She was also referring to herself when she spoke those words.

"Big sister, you…"

"Little brother, our conversation will stop here. I need to go, it was great to wear this ring. "Tears on Sky returned the ring to Liu Yang and used a return scroll then she gave Liu Yang no time to say anything else.

"It looks like Rose was right, Tears on Sky is also in the same situation as her. But that can be changed if someone more impressive shows up…"Liu Yang muttered.

Rose told Liu Yang about Tears on Sky"s situation, her situation was worse than Rose"s. The governor loved his daughter, he did not want her to suffer the same fate as her mother, his late wife.

When Tears on Sky"s mother gave birth to her, she died sometime later. So the governor has always treated Tears on Sky as his most precious gem.

Because of some circ.u.mstances, the governor was forced to remarry a woman from another influential group, and the stepmother disliked Tears on Sky, she was trying to force a marriage between Tears on Sky and Arcane Master, the young man Liu Yang met at the auction house a long time ago, he was with Tears on Sky at that time.

The governor did not want to accept this marriage, as it went against his daughter"s wishes, but as his current wife belonged to a more influential group than his, he had to endure it and hope that something happens and this marriage attempt ends.

The governor"s youngest son was just a playboy who enjoyed using his status to play with women, he was considered useless by the governor and his wife.

The couple had a child together who was Tears on Sky"s younger brother, although he was one or two years younger than her, he was in favor of marriage between her and Arcane Master as this could benefit the family.

Tears on Sky"s younger brother was someone who was raised to be a young master, so he always prioritized the benefits over sacrifices. And sacrificing his older sister was worth the benefits.

The two sides have not reached an agreement yet, but it would not take long to happen.

Rose wanted Liu Yang to hurry up and do something about it, he understood the situation of Tears on Sky and thought of some ways to solve things. Rose did it because she blindly believed in Liu Yang, especially after the things he did for her, she trusted her man wholeheartedly.

Because of this, Rose told Liu Yang about the situation of Tears on Sky.