MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 191

After talking with Tears on Sky, Liu Yang was thoughtful, he was thinking about the subject he talked to Rose.

Liu Yang lay on the bed and called the other girls.

"Young Master" The four girls appeared in the room.

"Girls, I have something to talk to you about. I hope you will answer sincerely. "Liu Yang looked at the four girls in front of his.

"Yes, young master"

Liu Yang spoke vaguely about Tears on Sky"s situation and Rose"s call for help on the matter. Liu Yang talked about the most important points that girls needed to know.

After hearing Liu Yang"s words, the girls looked at each other and smiled before speaking at the same time.

"Young master, you should help this young woman as you helped us."

"Alright, I"ll try as hard as I can to help her." Rose and Little Thorns made the same request to him, and as the girls also asked him to help Tears on Sky, he would do his best to fulfill their request. 

"Young master, will we leave when?" Nina asked, the group had already completed the guardian"s challenge, and Liu Yang received two new companions, Alexali and Silali, one was a fellow NPC and the other was a fellow beast, even though Silali had a human body.

Alexali also gave the reward to Nina, she gained new powers and leveled a little, fifty levels to be exact, she was already above 350.

Another reward was the two horses that the two girls used, Alexali gave them the power to level. Before they were just ordinary horses, now, they were Demon Horses.

The horses were at level 10 for now, as they leveled, their powers increase and they will gain new skills. Their growth rate was 10, Alexali gave the horses a little help in transforming them, it was because of Liu Yang since he was her master.

"We will be staying a few more days before we leave, this was for the horses to get used to their transformation, we will enjoy this little time we have left and have some fun," Liu Yang said suggestively. The four girls heard these words and blushed at the same time, but soon jumped on the bed and removed Liu Yang"s clothes and began group activities.

A few days later…

In the middle of the golden sand desert, you could see a group traveling, in the group, there were five people dressed in black robes, they were mounted on a wolf, a bear, and two horses. They were Liu Yang, Nina, Sophie, Alexali and Silali, the two sisters were mounted on Little Blue.

The group rested at Alexali"s house for a few days before setting off on a new journey, they would visit the kingdom of white elves to level.

The territory that belonged to Alexali and Silali, now, belongs to Liu Yang, he became the owner of the Red Sands Desert. But he didn"t have time to build cities or anything, as he had to take care of other things at the moment, when he completed Ninrelated quests, he would start planning the future of the desert, or he could hand this task over to Rose and the girls, because they had experience with that kind of thing.

Liu Yang decided to give Rose and the two girls the task of building a city in the desert, he opened the message chat and sent some messages to Rose.

The desert of golden sands showed that they were near the territory of the white elves. If they were killed in another territory, the level loss was greater than normal.

If a player is not allowed to travel between kingdoms and dies in another kingdom, he would lose five levels, five times the penalty if he is not allowed. Permission was obtained from the Federation of Independent States by completing special quests.

While Liu Yang and his group traveled through the golden desert…

Returning to Rose"s hotel room at the Heavenly Winds Hotel, the three girls were talking about what happened before in Liu Yang"s room.

"Big sister, did you two do "that" to the perverted boy?" The person who asked was Tears on Sky, she was shocked and surprised when she thought about this possibility Rose and Little Thorns had done bed activities with Liu Yang, even if it"s inside the game. Since they felt like they had done it in the real world.

The two girls embarra.s.sed to hear Tears on Sky"s question and bowed their heads so she wouldn"t see their flushed faces. They did not know if Liu Yang had commented on this with Tears on Sky when they talked alone inside the room.

Tears on Sky had this thought because the two girls spent twelve hours in the room with Liu Yang, each of them. At first, she just wondered and thought that thought was crazy, but when Tears on Sky saw the flushed and embarra.s.sed faces of the two girls, she realized that her crazy thinking was true.

"Big sister, you two…" Tears on Sky couldn"t finish speaking because of the shame in saying that the two girls did activities with Liu Yang in bed.

"Little sister, did that perverted boy say that to you?" Rose calmed down a little and tried to speak.

"No, I had this thought after seeing that you two spent twelve hours in that room, it would be strange if nothing had happened. What"s more, your parents have already approved your relations.h.i.+p. "

"I see… Looks like the little sister thought of perverted things about that perverted boy."

"Big sister, did you tell that boy about my situation?" Tears on Sky changed the subject.

"Why the question?

"He asked me if I had a boyfriend or not, I said no. Then he asked me if he still had a chance to have me as a girlfriend. "

"I see ... What do you answer?"

"I didn"t answer that question, I left before that…"

Before Rose could speak again, she received a message from Liu Yang. She was surprised to see the sender and was glad that he finally sent her a message.

Rose was curious to know what Liu Yang wanted after reading the message.

The message had only a few words and was a very straightforward question: Do any of you know how to manage a village or city?

"Little sisters, look at this. What do you think? "Rose showed the message to Little Thorns and Tears on Sky. They were also thoughtful when they read the message.

"Looks like that perverted boy got some territory in the human kingdom for him to ask us something like that," Tears on Sky said.

"Yes, but what kind of territory? I"m curious to know about that. "

"This is easy to find out, we just need to ask for information about it at the city hall where the territory is subordinate. But the problem is, we don"t know where this territory is. "

"The easiest way is to ask that perverted boy. Little sister, you know how to manage a town or village, right? Since you are the governor"s daughter "

"Yeah, I know a little bit about that kind of thing, but it"s much easier to do it in-game than in the real world."

"Fine, I"ll talk to that perverted boy, but before that, we"ll get a new member of our group," Rose said cheerfully, she was happy with the arrival of the new member.

"Who"s the new member?" Little Thorns and Tears on Sky were curious to know who was the fourth member of the group, both knew Rose would not pick any player.

"It"s a surprise, she"ll be coming soon"