MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 201

Liu Yang was traveling through the forest in search of the princess.

According to the quest map, it was in a location within the forest, but very far from where Liu Yang was. Liu Yang made the calculations and estimated that it would take about two months to get to the approximate location, the amazing thing was that guardian made sure that there was no creature in Liu Yang"s way, this made the journey much faster and soft.

Little White just had to run at full speed toward the place.

While Liu Yang was looking for the princess of the white elf kingdom.

Rose and her group had already started building the city in the middle of the desert, the fourth member of their group had also joined for the construction of the city.

Going back some time ago…

By the time the girls met in Edge City, they had already prepared everything for the construction of the city. The workers were hired and the materials were bought.

At first Rose hired only five construction workers, as they would build a village, in the beginning, to be able to create the transport stone, and then the other workers would be transported by the stone. That would make things a lot easier for Rose and her group.

In the center of the Red Sands Desert, you could see a small village with a large gray stone with thousands of strange letters drawn, this was the transport stone, the village hundreds of small tents, this was the workers" dwelling.

On the side of the small village, a large building was being built, thousands of workers were rus.h.i.+ng around carrying things while thousands more were hammering, clenching and many other heavy construction works.

Outside the city was a tent the size of a small house, inside there were four beautiful young women, each wearing casual clothes. They were Rose, Little Thorns, Tears on Sky, and the last girl was someone Liu Yang met at random, even though he hasn"t seen her face yet, Sick Woman, the sick young girl he met in the desert before. She was the fourth member of Rose"s group.

"Jian, what did you think of the group?" Tears on Sky asked Sick Woman, her real-world name was Song Jian, she was one of the Tears on Sky"s friends. After Tears on Sky commented on Sick Woman for Rose, she decided to recruit Sick Woman for her group.

Rose didn"t choose Sick Woman just because of her situation and being a girl like her, but also because of another motive, motivation. When Sick Woman found something interesting, she would focus and devote herself totally to it, that was her way of spending time. Besides, Sick Woman was someone Tears on Sky knew and trusted.

So, because of these three reasons, Rose saw great potential in Sick Woman as a member of her group, even though she may not be a member of Liu Yang"s harem, as she was a very sick young woman and was always in the hospital or locked inside her room in real life.

"I found it a little interesting, but… I"m the only one here who doesn"t have a man, each of you already has a boyfriend, it makes me a little bit out of the ordinary. Besides, this group shouldn"t just be women, why should you accept help from a man? "Sick Woman didn"t know why she understood that the group would be just girls, she figured the group would do things on their own without depending on anyone.

"Let"s say the little sister situation is a bit complicated, she already likes someone, but her family wants her to marry someone she doesn"t like. These political game stuff among rich families. So her boyfriend decided to help our group a little. "Rose answered the question, she spoke vaguely of the situation.

"I see… a little help? Big sister, what I"m seeing is not just a little help. This is something many would not do for their lovers. "Sick Woman was referring to the fact that Liu Yang had lent the territory to Rose and her group.

"Let"s say the little sister"s man is very generous," Rose said vaguely.

"I would say he is an idiot or he is very faithful to sister Mei, or both. If it were anyone else, he would never do something like that, such territory and belong to just one person. If I owned this territory, I would have already announced the place to make a lot of money. "Sick Woman spoke casually, yet she was still shocked by Liu Yang"s kindness in left such a place for girls to do whatever they wanted.

"I can only say that it fits into these two categories, besides, he"s a casual guy who doesn"t like to draw attention, so he handed the management over to us." This time it was Tears on Sky who responded, she couldn"t always let Rose answer things, that might raise some suspicion.

"Seems like sister Mei could find a good man for her too, such a thing is hard to happen," Sick Woman said indifferently, she was someone who could not have such happiness because her illness could not be cured at the moment, just treated. So she always lived her life in the hospital or at home.

The mood got a little depressing and heavy after Sick Woman said these words, the three girls knew her health condition and were trying to avoid commenting on it. But it seems that it was impossible not to make Sick Woman remember that.

"Little sister Jian, would you like to meet an interesting man in your life too?" Rose asked. She wanted to see if there was any possibility of Sick Woman joining the harem if not, she would try to do something about it. that. That is, Rose would force Liu Yang to do something.

"I haven"t had time to think about it yet, and neither have I at the moment." Sick Woman said indifferently, she had no hope that she could cure her illness, so she began to think of things to do inside the game because it was the only place where Sick Woman can be a normal free girl.

"Little sister Jian, if you want I can introduce you to a person, I can say he"s a good person, and you can have fun traveling with him." Rose started playing the matchmaker and trying to introduce Liu Yang to Sick Woman, she was trying to introduce her man to another woman.

"Big sister, I already said that I have no interest in it, not worth my time. I"d rather do more interesting things than spend time with a man. "

"Little sister Jian, you"ll never know what things are like if you never try. If I were you, I would make the most of it to try new things. Little sister Jian, believe me, the feeling of being with someone you care about is very good. "Rose was referring to the moments she spent with Liu Yang in bed and a little of what she spent with him.

"Big sister, you may be right, but I"d rather continue the way I am. At least for the moment, I hope to contribute to the group as I decided to join. "Sick Woman had no interest in romance, she preferred her lonely, monotonous life as usual.

"Okay, if little sister Jian doesn"t want to do that, I won"t insist. For now, we will stay here and pack things up, we can not let the information that we are building a city in the middle of the desert leak, this can cause problems.

"Yes," The three girls agreed.

"Jian, do your bodyguards know where you are?" Tears on Sky asked. She knew that Sick Woman"s parents would be quite worried if they found out that their precious daughter had disappeared.

"My parents already know that I"m doing something for myself this time, they won"t intervene. Because they think I"m interested in doing something different. "Sick Woman understood her parents very well, they were happy to see their precious daughter dedicate herself to doing something.

"All right. Now we have to plan some more things like separating the city districts and where to put the transport stones to generate more traffic in the city. "


The four girls began to discuss how to divide the city and which locations would be the biggest hotbeds for the economy. But they did not know this group secret would not last long.