MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 214

Opening their eyes slowly. Liu Yang and the princess saw that the cemetery disappeared. The only thing left was a giant tombstone, but the feeling that the tombstone emanated was different from the others, a majestic and ancient aura could be felt.

"Princess, do you know whose tombstone this is?" Liu Yang understood that this was their final destination.

"Human ..." A distorted voice echoed through the cemetery. The voice spoke in the language of souls.

"Who are you?" Liu Yang asked in the same way.

"Ward, what language are you talking about? Why can you speak the same language as that voice? " The princess was surprised to hear Liu Yang speak with the distorted voice. She realized the language was unknown to her.

"This is something I learned from reading in the library. I never imagined it would be useful at that moment "Liu Yang made up an excuse that was half true and half a lie. He did get the ability to speak to souls in the library, but he didn"t read any books.

"I see ..." The princess did not know if this was a lie or not because in the library there were several types of books with lost languages, she thought that the language used by Liu Yang was one of those languages. But she didn"t know if it was possible to learn in the library or not.

"Human ... Why are you in this place?" The voice became less distorted and Liu Yang was able to hear clearly.

"I helped this elf here. She needed to get to this place and the compa.s.s brought her here. "Liu Yang pointed to the princess and the compa.s.s in her hand.


"Did something happen to the kingdom?" The voice asked. The tone was indifferent, but Liu Yang heard the concern in her voice.

"Princess, did anything happen to the kingdom? The voice is asking "Liu Yang became the intermediary, or rather, the translator.

"Does the voice want to know about this?" The princess did not completely trust Liu Yang, although he helped her reach to the place.


"..." The princess was silent, she was thinking about what to do.

"The kingdom was betrayed, some traitors joined an unknown group. They want to usurp the royal throne. After much investigation, we were able to discover that a group led by someone called The True is behind this "

(The True?) Liu Yang has never heard of that name before, but it must be someone very important to the story within the game.

"Ward, translate my words" Liu Yang repeated the princess"s words in the language of souls.

"The True ..." The voice became distorted again. But the pair managed to feel the hatred and resentment of the voice towards such a person.

A strong light shone and completely covered the place. Liu Yang and the princess were forced to cover their eyes because of this.

Opening their eyes again, they were shocked by the scene before them.

A soul. A complete and visible soul for anyone.

The soul had the appearance of a white elf, but she wore tight, short, revealing leather clothes, while a giant bow was on her back. Her face was exquisite and beautiful, her body was hot and sensual, because of the tight leather clothes, this increased her seductive beauty. But what didn"t match was the emotionless look on the soul"s face.

"Who are you?" The princess asked. She could not see the names of NPCs like Liu Yang.

(Princess Lyna Oddmind !!!!) Liu Yang was shocked when he saw the name of the NPC who appeared. The soul was the person Liu Yang was looking for.

"Human, are you the heir to Herman, the Master of Souls? The true heir? " The soul asked, she started to emanate a powerful pressure towards Liu Yang. She wanted to know if he was telling the truth or not.

Ding… Ding…

Quest: Proving ident.i.ty: The soul of former Princess Lyna Oddmind wants you to show something that proves your ident.i.ty as the heir to Herman, the Master of Souls. If you refuse, you will be killed. Rank: E.

Reward: Access to the secret area of ​​Swamp of Perdition.

Failure: Death"

"Accept or Decline"

(Do I have to show her the Herman box?) Liu Yang was pondering whether he should show the box or not, as the current princess was on the spot and he didn"t want to show her.

The soul waved its hand and the princess pa.s.sed out. She noticed Liu Yang"s gaze.


"Princess Lyna, is that proof enough?" Liu Yang took the box out of his inventory and showed it to the princess.

The moment the soul saw the box, a shock of surprise appeared in her eyes without emotion.

"This is enough"

Ding ...

"Quest complete"

"Princess Lyna, can you help your kingdom with this matter?"

"No. In my current state, it is useless, I am just a remnant soul with no power at all. Human, this place should have been a white elf that had to arrive, but because of the extraordinary situation, I will allow you to receive the rewards from this place. "

"What kind of reward?"

"Enter this place and you will see" The soul waved a hand and a door opened in front of Liu Yang.

"This will be of great use to you"

"I thank Princess Lyna for the gift" Liu Yang entered the door without thinking twice. That was part of the quest, he couldn"t go back now.

On the other side of the door was a small corridor, at the end of the corridor was a screen with a very large number.

"What is it?" Liu Yang walked to the front of the screen. There was no trap at all.

The moment Liu Yang touched the screen. A sound echoed.

Ding ...

"Congratulations on being the first to complete the Swamp of Perdition, one of the four puzzles of the four kingdoms. The reward for completing the swamp is the experience lost by all players who have died in the swamp until today. The experience shown on the screen is the total."

"Total sum???!!!! That is the total amount of experience for all players who died at that location ??? !!!! " Liu Yang shouted after reading the message that appeared. He couldn"t believe the amount of experience he gained. The amount was insane.

"With that amount of experience, I can easily reach level 700 or 800, and my equipment can level up to the maximum level while pets can also reach level 600 or 700. This is insane. It seems that many people have tried to explore this swamp in the past, but all have failed miserably. " Liu Yang animatedly touched the screen.

The instant he touched the screen, several sounds echoed to him.

Ding… Ding… Ding… Ding…

"Do you want to put your name on the global announcement?"

"Yes - No"

"No" Liu Yang didn"t want to show up yet.

"Global Announcement: The player named x.x.xx.x.xX has managed to complete one of the four puzzles of the four kingdoms, the Swamp of Perdition. His achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame."

"You leveled ..."

"You leveled ..."

"You leveled ..."

"You leveled ..."

Hundreds of leveling messages echoed on Liu Yang"s screen. His level, the level of his equipment and the beasts, all exploded in one go.

But something happened after the level reached 500.

Ding… Ding…

"Impossible to level"

"Impossible to level"

"Impossible to level"

"Impossible to level"

"Level limit reached"

(Level limit ??? !!! How is that possible ?? !!! The limit was not level 1000? How come I reached the limit ??? !!!) Liu Yang was surprised when he saw these messages.

But the answer to that question soon came.