MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 246



"Kill them !!!!!!!!!"

"Kill those stupid traitors !!!!!"

"Kill these imbecile allies !!!!!!"





"Thunder Wrath!!!"

"Storm Fury !!!!!!"


"Sinister Court !!!!"


"Cross Cut!!!!"

"Flying Daggers !!!"




"Super Heal!!!!"

"Sacred Sanctuary !!!"



"Multiple Shooting !!!!"

"Storm of Arrows !!!"

"Double Shot !!!"

"Fast shot!!!!"


"Explosive Trap !!!"

"Poison Trap !!!!"

"Freezing Trap !!!!!"

"Land Mine !!!!"

Millions of skills were being shouted at the same time. n.o.body knew who the users were.

The only thing they knew was that someone was using some kind of character"s ability and was screaming.

Millions of lights shone across the battlefield and tens of thousands of fallen bodies. The place was being cleaned up at a very high speed.

The allies and traitors were losing their members very quickly. In just five minutes, twenty percent of the players have disappeared from the plains. This equates to several hundreds of thousands of players.

Both sides were in a b.l.o.o.d.y killing spree. Some didn"t even care about the princess anymore, they just want to kill the other side.

(You kept your part of the deal) Liu Yang sent a private message to the person who helped them start the fight.

The princess was already on Liu Yang"s side, follow him closely. The Invisibility Dust had already lost its effect.

Since there were millions of crazy players at the place, none of them cared about either player appearing at the place.

(Of course, I will keep my part of the agreement. I am a person who keeps my word. Can I start the second phase of the plan?) The other side asked.

(Yes. You can start the second one) Liu Yang replied anxiously. The place will become much more chaotic than before.

(Okay. You need to be prepared to run)

(We are already prepared for this)

While the millions of players were attacking each other. No one noticed a player wearing a black cloak holding a giant crossbow, instead of arrows, the player was wearing a type of brown sphere.

Aiming right behind, where were the big shots of the traitors. She pulled the trigger.

Shuoooo !!!! Shuoooo !!!! Shuoooo !!!! Shuoooo !!!!

Several dozen wooden spheres were launched into the sky at high speed, it flew very high before falling quickly towards various locations on the ground. The place where they were falling was where the big shots were, which chose the side of the traitors.

"What are those things ??"

"Is it a ball??"

"Is it a stone??"

"Not!!! It is stone b.a.l.l.s!!!! Run !!!!!!!! "

Many screamed when they saw those brown b.a.l.l.s, they knew what it was. The traps placed on the mountain to send players to the other side.

Because of the large number of players, the crowd panicked and started b.u.mping into each other. A great deal of confusion was generated on the spot.

"Get out of my way!!!!"

"You are blocking my path !!!!!"

"Get Lost !!!!!!!"

"f.u.c.k you !!!!!!"

Screams and curses were heard because of the irritation. The precious time was lost and the brown b.a.l.l.s fell to the ground.

Pang… Pang… Pang…

When the spheres fell, nothing happened at the scene. This made players apprehensive at first, but after verifying that the spheres were just ordinary stones. They started to laugh.

"Who is the idiot who is trying to scare us ??? !!!!"

"Those d.a.m.n allies !!!!!!! They are trying to confuse our side "

But before the screams could continue, something surprising happened.

Boooom !!!!! Boooom !!!!! Boooom !!!!! Boooom !!!!!

The spheres exploded suddenly. But no cause damage, something else happened.

Flying, thousands of players were sent to the air because of the explosions. And everyone was going in the same direction, in the area where the allies are.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone shouted at the same time when they saw it happen.

"Somebody protect me !!!!!!!!!!"

"Subordinates, attack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Rescue operation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thousands of cries for help echoed in the sky. The allies wasted no time and attacked. Sky players belong to the big shots. Who wouldn"t want to kill one of them? Especially the other big shots.

The big shots, which chose the side of the allies, have already activated the spells and prepared to attack. Even in the air, they managed to kill dozens of traitors.

An amazing thing happened when some of these traitors died. Bright light fell to the floor.


"Some equipment fell to the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Level 500 equipment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I am rich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Screams echoed across the battlefield when they saw that players above 500 could drop equipment.

Before, only low-level players were killed, as they were the only ones who were fighting. Now, the big shots also joined the battle and precious equipment dropped after they were killed.

Greed was awakened. When that happens, nothing can stop players.

"Kill them !!!!!!" The crowd surrounded and attacked the traitors who fell in the Allied"s area. They died quickly and some lost equipment in their inventory.

"Kill them !!!!!!!!! Revenge the young master !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The traitors got b.l.o.o.d.y eyes when they saw their leaders die and lose a piece of equipment. They will make the allies pay for it.

The big shots couldn"t take it anymore, they were the first to be attacked. Now, they will be the first to slaughter the allies.

"Charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The big shots that were affected by Liu Yang"s plan were the first to load.

As a large group carried, the other groups were also forced to carry and fight. For if the first group loses, they will be at a disadvantage later. It is better to fight on an equal footing at the moment than to fight at a disadvantage afterward.

This was the second part of Liu Yang"s plan to bring everyone together in a big chaotic fight.

(It looks like your plan worked. But I never imagined what equipment from players above 500 would drop when they were killed. This is unbelievable.)

(This is a way to reduce the force of the big shots. It happened in the orc kingdom too, and it must also happen in the other two kingdoms)

(Is that really true? I heard rumors about the orc kingdom being in a major civil war to try to decide the next leader of the kingdom. I thought it was just rumored.)

(This is true. The person who did this in the orc kingdom is also doing this in the kingdom.)

(Really ???? This player must be the most hated player in New Earth for doing such a thing)

(This is all part of a quest. We players just follow this. We can"t do anything about it.)

(I see… Are you and the princess ready to run yet?)

(Yes. And you? Are you ready?)

(Yes. I already made the preparations. My flying boat is already prepared to fly at full speed)

(Okay. I"ll do my part of the plan now. I"ll see you later)

(See you later)