MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 251

"You have successfully changed the name of the property"

"New Name: Visitor"s Auction House"

(That"s a good name) Liu Yang thought. As he was a visitor from another kingdom, this was the best name Liu Yang could come up with for the name of the auction house.

After talking to Captain Link, she left and Liu Yang went to the"s office at the top of the building. There, he opened the command window and saw that there were hundreds of employees working in the building.

The only thing Liu Yang did was change the name of the auction house, NPCs who worked on the site kept their jobs while players will receive notification that a new owner will manage the site.

But after a.n.a.lyzing some information from the players and in the building"s services, Liu Yang fired everyone and asked to send a general message again, those who want to keep the job need to speak to the manager of the auction house.

As the manager was an NPC, he will follow all orders from Liu Yang.

The configuration has been changed so that only NPCs can pick up items from the location, players who had professions such as blacksmith, craftsman, alchemist, and others. They need the authorization of an NPC to pick up the items.

Liu Yang did this because he didn"t know anyone at the scene, he had to maintain a little security.

After settling matters at the auction house, Liu Yang went to a hotel in the city. As a guest of honor, he had some benefits in the city.

The hotel he rented was average, he stayed in the capital for just one reason: The quest is not over yet.

Lyna Oddmind"s quest is not yet finished, there are still five days left before she builds her new body.

In the real world ...

Liu Yang was enjoying his vacation playing and chatting with the three girls by video call. The four always talked when they were out of the game because it was better. Since they can see their real faces.

Calls were made by cell phone. On one of those calls ...

"h.e.l.lo ..." Liu Yang spoke with embarra.s.sment. It was rare for him to call girls, especially in the real world.

"Darling, you really dare to call the three of us at the same time," Rose said in a dissatisfied way, but her tone was playful. She looked like a wife angry with her husband for being with his lover.

"Little brother, I"m glad you called" Little Thorns was happy with Liu Yang"s call.

"Boy, you finally stopped being shameless and making a call. Are you in trouble again? " Tears on Sky asked. She imagined he was in trouble again.

"My dears, can"t I call you because I miss you?" Liu Yang smiled awkwardly. He understood that the girls were dissatisfied with him.

The three girls were lying on their beds, each one without makeup, but that did not diminish their facial beauty. They were still beautiful, even without makeup.

"You can, but you haven"t been doing that lately," Rose spoke in a dissatisfied tone.

"I"ve been a little busy doing a quest. This quest had a time limit to complete "

"I see ... Speaking of quest, perverted boy, do you remember about the items you had asked us for"

"Yes, I remember that it cost a great fortune"

"Yes, the items cost a great fortune. So, that"s what I wanted to talk about. The fourth member of our group, Sick Woman, she wanted to know about when that money would be returned. Perverted boy, you don"t have to worry about that, when we have enough, we will return the money on your behalf "

"Ohhh ... Did that kind of thing really happen?"


"I see… Okay, no problem. How much are we talking about? "

"Approximately one billion gold coins or ten million platinum coins" The three girls were still surprised by this absurd amount of money. They didn"t even believe that they used all that money to buy some items that will be delivered to NPCs.

"That"s fine no problem. When I finish my quest, I will send the money. " Liu Yang spoke casually. Ten million platinum coins were nothing to him, he had about twenty percent of all properties in the human kingdom.

The amount of money that Liu Yang earns a day was almost impossible to calculate. Besides, the two cities that Rose and her groups built, part of the profit was also his. City profits alone already pay that amount of ten million.

"Or you can stop paying my share of the profits until that amount runs out" Liu Yang spoke another proposal. Both were the same for him.

" Perverted boy, where are you at the moment? Your character "

"I am in the kingdom of white elves yet, my quest is not over yet" Liu Yang looked at the three girls who had strange looks on their faces.

"Did something happen?"

"Perverted boy, tell us the truth. You"re kidding, right? Why didn"t we get any information about it, other than that information from a few months ago "The girls were skeptical of Liu Yang"s words. For it was very surreal that he would stay in another kingdom so long and n.o.body would find out.

"That"s true. I hid my ident.i.ty. You will see when the time comes "Liu Yang spoke mysteriously.

The girls were curious to know what kind of random quest Liu Yang was doing this time. He just replied that everyone will know when the time comes, even if he doesn"t tell about it.

"Okay, we believe in you. Perverted boy, when can we go a date together? We also deserve a date, right? It is very annoying to just stay in the game, "Rose commented. They always had in-game dating, the girls wanted something more exciting like a real-world date.

"Wouldn"t that be a little problematic?" Liu Yang was surprised by Rose"s proposal. Little Thorns and Tears on Sky were also surprised, but they wanted that too.

"Perverted boy, are we going to meet just inside the game then? Do you think this is fair? " Rose spoke in a serious tone. She really wanted to date with Liu Yang in the real world, but she also understood the difficulties of this, as the status of the two was very distant as the sky and the earth.

"No, I also want to go on a date with you in the real world, but at the moment, this is a little bit complicated. At least for the next few months "Liu Yang also had the same thoughts and feelings.

"What do you plan on doing then?" The three girls were happy with Liu Yang"s thoughts. At least he"s showing interest in dating with them.

"Since I am seventeen years old, I am planning to buy or rent a house and live alone"