MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 282

Hearing the sound of someone knocking on the door.

Sick Woman was awakened from her dream. She pushed Liu Yang aside and stood up.

Her clothes were already untidy, an hair was messy, and a face was completely red from shame. She was not believing what she just did.

(What did I do? I let him touch me while we rolled from side to side in bed… I am a very shameless girl…) Sick Woman started to think about the things that happened a moment ago.

Toc… Toc… Toc… Toc…

The sound of someone knocking on the door continued. Since Liu Yang or Sick Woman did not open the door.

"Can I open the door?" Liu Yang pretended that nothing happened and got up from the bed. He took advantage of the benefits he took from Sick Woman.

"Yes." Sick Woman straightened her clothes and fixed her hair. She tried to calm down to avoid the embarra.s.sment she had before.

Opening the door, Liu Yang saw that the people on the other side were the three girls. This was expected, since only they were allowed to enter without needing the key.

"Can we get in?" Rose asked smilingly. She imagined that something must have happened inside the room.

"Yes, you can come in"

"We will go in, you will go out. Perverted boy, you must have some business to take care of, right? "

"Yes, I have. I will come back later "Liu Yang understood the meaning hidden in Rose"s words. He left the wooden hut and used the Return Scroll for the capital of the human kingdom.

Liu Yang"s next goal was the Federation of Independent States.

The four girls stayed inside the room to have a conversation between women.

Liu Yang was not interested in the girls" conversation, he understood that the four had important things to say. He just needed to focus on his stuff at the moment.

(Next stop. Federation !!) Liu Yang was excited to meet the federation and see what challenges await him.

After arriving in the capital of the human kingdom, Liu Yang walked to the city hall of the capital. There was the quest to get the pa.s.s to go to the federation.

Liu Yang was not wearing the black cloak this time, he was wearing only a mask that completely covers his face. His clothes were casual because he wasn"t fighting.

On the way to the city hall, many players were wearing s.h.i.+ny and decorated armor, while there were also players like Liu Yang, who wore simple clothes.

In general, the vast majority of them were going to the city hall to do the quest to go to the Federation of Independent States. Or the so-called, Land of Challenges.

The city hall was a large, majestic and ancient building. The entrance door had several types of entrance for players to choose from, each location represented a different queue. No matter what time of day, the city always had a large number of players waiting to enter.

To talk with the NPCs at the service desk, the player needed to get a pa.s.sword. To get the pa.s.sword it was necessary to enter the city hall first. Luckily, there were several different types of pa.s.swords for each type of service.

The queue where Liu Yang was was to get the pa.s.sword to get the federation pa.s.s quest. In front of him, there were at least thousands of players. The line was moving slowly.

As in the real world, people who were waiting in line hated those who wanted to jump the line.

Liu Yang had been in the queue for four hours and hasn"t even reached halfway through the queue. He understood that it would be necessary to wait for at least another six hours or more.

To distract himself, Liu Yang started looking at the tutorials on the federation pa.s.s question. He saw that to go to the federation, the player needed a reason to pa.s.s.

The reasons may vary depending on the player. The player may be wanting to go there to do a mission at the behest of an influential NPC in the human kingdom. Or make deliveries as a delivery man, in the case of Liu Yang.

Each player had their reasons to enter the federation. The quest to receive the step was just to find out why. If the reason cannot be confirmed, the player will need to find another reason to receive the pa.s.s.

The quest can be tried over and over again. But once it is completed, the player will not need to do the quest again.

Some hours later…

Liu Yang was already in agony from standing in line. The system has already played a few times and he received some points in the statistics for standing for so long in a queue.

The wait was worth it. After ten hours of waiting, Liu Yang"s turn was already coming. He could already see the entrance and the service desk.

But something unexpected happened. The thing he hated the most happened.

"All of you, getaway, the young master will pa.s.s" An arrogant voice called out to the players.

Everyone looked towards the voice and saw a group of players wearing s.h.i.+ny and decorated armor. Each of them had arrogant looks on their faces.

"Who are those people?" Someone who was far away asked. He only heard the scream, but he didn"t know who those people were.

"It looks like they"re from the Black Stars Guild. An infamous guild of thieves and idiots "

"But they are very strong. That"s why even the big shots don"t dare fight them unless it"s necessary "

"That"s true, but they are just a bunch of idiots who only know how to steal and cheat newbies. I doubt they will do that with the big shots "

"Speak quietly, they can hear you"

"Why should I speak any lower? They are a bunch of idiots !!! If they want me to get away, they can come up to me and say it in front of me !!! " Someone in front of Liu Yang shouted arrogantly. He didn"t like the way the members of the Black Star Guild spoke before.

That player also belongs to one of the big shots. He would not back down before an infamous guild like the Black Star Guild.

"Who said that ??? !!! If you dare, show up !!!! " Someone in the group of black stars screamed in anger at the young man"s scream.

"I was the one who said that !!!! I say again. If you dare, come here and get me out of here "The young man shouted again.

"Do you know who we are?"

"You are just a bunch of idiots from the black stars. Do you want me to comment further? "

"You ..." Before he could scream again. The young man beside him raised his arm and signaled him to stop.

"If you know who we are and still spoke those words. You must be from some famous guild, right? " The young master of the Black Star Guild asked. He understood a few things after hearing the words of the young man on the other side.