MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 42

Looking at the person dressed in black, Liu Yang was a bit surprised because he did not know if he had been discovered or was being mistaken for someone else.

At first, Liu Yang thought someone was confusing him with someone else, but after hearing the words of the person dressed in black, he understood that he was wrong.

"Ward, correct?" A soft, melodious voice was heard, Liu Yang realized that the voice was from a young woman.

"I think you found the wrong person, I do not call myself Ward, my name is Chomps" Liu Yang tried to fool the person dressed in black, but it was a pity that it would not work.

"I never imagined that a little boy would try to fool me ... Ward, do you want me to kill you until you reach Level 1? Or will you come with me? "The young woman"s voice was suddenly cold. Liu Yang felt a cold spine when he heard the voice, although the voice was soft and beautiful to hear, still contained a great coldness like the Arctic.

"Okay, I"ll go with you, but before that, I"d like to know why you came looking for me." Liu Yang knew she could track him down somehow, otherwise, she would not have come to him. He imagined she had some purpose in doing that.

"I do not need to answer your question, you just need to come with me and you will have your answer." The young woman in a black cloak continued to speak in a cold tone.

"Alright, show the way" Liu Yang knew he could not run away, because if he was recognized, the young woman dressed in black had methods to track him. He was curious about this fact and wanted to know how it happened.

"Follow me." The young woman began to walk slowly through the city and Liu Yang followed behind.
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After some time walking, the two picked up a transport stone and made their way to the northern part of Steel City before heading to a luxurious and expensive hotel. The young woman in black guided Liu Yang to one of the more expensive rooms, he understood that the person who sent the young woman was rich and influential.

"Young mistress, I brought him." The young woman spoke with a respectful tone.

"You can come in." A female voice was heard from inside the room. When Liu Yang heard that voice, he thought it was quite familiar, but he did not know where it was from.

When the door was opened, and the two of them entered, Liu Yang was shocked when he saw a beautiful young woman sitting in the chair while drinking tea, the girl was wearing a fine white silk dress, her face was delicate and her body was curvilinear. He immediately recognized the young woman, she was the little sister of Little Flower, Rose.

Liu Yang never imagined that the person who sent someone to track him was someone he saw only once in the game and never again. His curiosity was aroused when she thought about it.

"Young mistress." The young woman knelt before Rose as a servant.

"Stand up." Rose"s voice was casual.

"Yes, young mistress." The young woman was quite submissive to Rose. She got up and stood behind Rose.

"Ward, correct? Looks like we meet again.

"Little Flower"s big sister, may I ask why you were looking for me?" As Liu Yang did not know Rose"s name, he called her older sister.

"It"s a bit rude of me not to invite you to sit down, sit down first," Rose said in a casual tone, but there was a playful tone in her voice. She pointed to the chair beside her.

Although he has learned some things with adults in relation to day to day and other things. As someone who was still young, Liu Yang still did not know the dark side of the world, so he could not perceive anything wrong with Rose"s tone.

When Liu Yang approached Rose, he could feel a faint sweet and feminine scent emanating from her body, the two were only a palm away. They could smell each other.

"Before we start the conversation, why do not you remove this horrible cloak, that"s disrespectful to that lady"

Liu Yang knew that Rose and the young woman in black had already seen his face, and it was okay to take off the black cloak. To remove the mantle was easy just remove it in the equipment window.

The black cloak was removed and a person wearing a set of equipment for beginners was shown, he had a Mr. Smile mask covering his face. Liu Yang also removed the mask and the common face was shown.

"It"s better." Rose said cheerfully, no one knew what she was thinking.

"Big sister, what do you want?" Liu Yang looked at Rose and asked, but he could not help but look at her round, fat b.r.e.a.s.t.s, because of the silk dress life, it seemed almost totally exposed.

Rose noticed this momentary look of Liu Yang and an evil smile appeared on her face.

"Ward, I"d like to talk to you a bit about the lie you told me before." Rose turned her body around, she was face to face with Liu Yang, however, she crossed her long, thin legs before Liu Yang, the dress came to her knees only. Rose also leaned back in her chair as she crossed her arms, she lifted her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she did this.

When the leg was lifted, Liu Yang saw a small black cloth at the bottom of the dress, he understood what it was, and could not help blus.h.i.+ng because of it. As a sixteen-year-old, his hormones were at the peak, and someone who had never experienced love and never dated a girl before. Liu Yang could not help but look at this scene.

The young woman behind Rose was surprised by these ambiguous actions, she never imagined that her young mistress would do something indecent in front of a boy of sixteen years.

The mood in the place was a little strange because of that, Liu Yang just swallowed some saliva while trying not to look at the beautiful young woman who was seductively acting in front of him, but it was impossible to look away. And he would look a few times quickly.

"Ward, did you like it?" Rose spoke with a seductive tone, she still winks before looking at Liu Yang with an innocent look, but her face was showing a perverted expression. Liu Yang almost exploded at that moment.

"Big sister, could you tell me why?" Liu Yang controlled himself in the end, he knew this was some kind of test or something. Because no one would do something like that without a goal, that"s what he thought.

"Am I not good enough?" Rose did not answer Liu Yang"s question and asked a question back.

"As well? I did not understand. "Liu Yang was in doubt about her sudden question.

"Little Thorns, sit next to him and take off the black robe" Rose ordered.

"Yes, young mistress." The young woman sat down and took off her black robe. Liu Yang was shocked by the appearance of Little Thorns.