MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 47

In the middle of a dark forest with black and petrified trees, we can see three people dressed in a black cloak, each one mounted on an animal the size of an adult bear, a white wolf, a white bear, and a blue horse.

Sometime later, the three of them stopped and one of the people dressed in a black cloak opened the map window, he began to see where they were.

"Looks like we are almost there ... Let"s go." The one dressed in a black cloak murmured. This person was Liu Yang, after picking up the item, he began his journey to deliver to the recipient. The other two were helpers he called.


Coming back a few days ago ...

After Liu Yang picked up the item, he went to a hotel room to look at the envelope information he received along with the item as he needed to know about the place of delivery of the item.

Sitting in bed, Liu Yang began to read about where he had to go.

Recipient"s Name: Berit Clark
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Place of Delivery: Dark Forest of Petrified Trees

Time for Delivery: No limits

Looking at the information, Liu Yang was surprised as it was much harder than he imagined.

When he read the five envelopes, Liu Yang saw that there were three deliveries to easy locations, these deliveries were considered E-rank and had a two-day deadline to deliver. The other two deliveries were rank D and C, delivery of D rank was not too difficult as the place was for those who were at level 50, the problem was that it was too far away and would need to rent a faster mount to travel because the delivery time was one week.

But the C rank delivery that seemed to be like the others, but it was not. In the envelopes, it was only written the place, and since Liu Yang did not know any of those places, he took the most difficult delivery. Because he could receive some better rewards at the end of the test and one of those rewards was to have some higher ranks immediately.

For example, if a player takes the test and picks up the E rank delivery, he would become an E rank deliverer and could only pick up deliveries from that level and below. If a player made the D-rank delivery, he would become a D-rank delivery man and could make D-rank and Rank-E deliveries. So, Liu Yang wanted to become a C-rank delivery man, that was his goal.

After reading finished reading the information of delivery, Liu Yang was thoughtful, because the two words, no limit, left him with some doubts. He opened the community window to see some information about deliveries that had no timeout.

The more Liu Yang read, the more frightened he became, as each of these deliveries was extremely difficult since the places were treacherous and dangerous. Because of this, Liu Yang decided to look at the map information to see what kind of place was the Black Forest of Petrified Trees.

According to community information, the forest was a place where a great battle took place during the Great War of the Four Race, but a fifth group interference, the members of the four races were killed on the spot by a terrifying power. As a result, the place that was green and alive because of the trees became dark and dead because of the magic.

The creatures that lived in the forest were at levels 200-250, and there was still a level 250 boss on the scene. The creatures were skeletons of the ancient warriors who fought in the battle, so there were warriors, archers, mages, and healers. What most attracted the attention of Liu Yang were the remaining souls that still could be in the place.

Finis.h.i.+ng reading the information on the forest, Liu Yang was thoughtful, he had to complete this quest anyway since he could not return the delivery, the only way to change the quest was to cancel the delivery and return the item. However there were penalties, the heaviest penalty was to have the reputation within the federation diminished, that would mean that he could not pick up some quests or have benefits within the federation. The other penalty was to have to wait a few months before doing the quest again.

After some time thinking, Liu Yang gritted his teeth and opened the window of friends and saw two bright names, Rose and Little Thorns. Looking at these two names for some time, Liu Yang finally decided to click on the two and sent a small message to them.

Liu Yang wrote the following message to the two young girls, the message was the same: Big sister, do you want to go on a little adventure? "

Sometime after the message was sent, the response had arrived.

"Little brother, what kind of help do you need? Do not try to fool the big sister." That was Rose"s message.

"Do you need any help?" That was Little Thorns message.

Liu Yang answered both with the following words: Black Forest of Petrified Trees.

Seconds later, the messages arrived.

"Little brother, where are you now? This big sister will help you !! "Rose said, Liu Yang imagined she was very happy because of where they would go.

"This place is a bit dangerous, why did you choose this place? Where are you? "That was Little Thorns" response, she was a little worried about Liu Yang because the place he chose was too dangerous for someone on his level.

"I"m in a hotel room for now, but I"ll be going to the forest in a few minutes because I need to buy some items before" Liu Yang replied after that, he left the hotel and went to town to buy some protection items. For it was the recommendations of the other players who had already gone in the forest.


While Liu Yang was buying things ...

Inside a level 400 dungeon, you could see a group of fifty people battling a group of macabre werewolves covered in blood. Each member of the group was using bright, high-quality equipment.

In the middle of the group it was possible to see a beautiful young woman with a curvaceous body, she was wearing a set of white clothes while holding a large wooden staff. She was Rose and her cla.s.s was a Sacred Priest.

If we look at the group, in a location further ahead we can see a person dressed in a black cloak, she ran from side to side, while some werewolves were chasing after her. She was attracting the creatures to those who belonged to the warrior cla.s.s who were in the front.

But suddenly the person in black stopped for a few moments.

"Careful!" One shouted.

The person in black woke up from the momentary trance and dodged the attack of one of the werewolves. She lay down and rolled on the floor to the side before getting up and running again, the person dressed in black ran up to Rose and stood by her side.

"Little sister, what happened?" Rose asked she was in doubt about what just happened. Rose whispered.

"I got the message from the younger brother," Little Thorns said shyly. They were whispering to each other so no one could hear the conversation.

"Really ?? !!" Rose was not believing what she just heard, she opened the message window and saw dozens of unread messages. Rose did not care about these messages, the only thing that mattered was Liu Yang"s message.

After reading, she responded cheerfully before returning to heal her companions. Little Thorn did the same.