MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 75

Players began to make preparations again; those who were healer cla.s.s began to purify the ground and create barriers against magic damage. Thousands of lights came on the battlefield and brightened thousands of places where the groups were. The scene was magnificent.

"Roar !!!!"

Seconds after preparations were over, the giant corpse stopped expanding and compressing. And then, its chest and back exploded.

Boom !!!! Boom !!!!

Two gigantic explosions were heard, and a poisonous rain began to fall again, but this time the rain was much heavier than before and the damage dealt was much greater.

"Healers, hold on as much as possible !!!! This rain will last for fifteen minutes !!! "

"Hold on !!!"

The leaders tried to calm and encourage the healers as much as possible, as they were the only ones who could save the groups at this critical time.

The healers were doing their best to heal and create barriers, all were within their mental limits. Whenever a spell came out of cooldown, it was cast again.

The effort was being such that some even fainted from the pressure and were disconnected from the game. This was a protective mechanism for players to prevent serious accidents while they were playing.

As many players have been disconnected due to fatigue and pressure, the pressure on other healers has become even greater because of this. And that led to the domino effect, many healer cla.s.s players began to disconnect.

Although there were still thousands of healers, they could not supply the healing demand because of the large number of players.

Looking at this chaotic scene, the group leaders gritted their teeth and made a bold decision.

"Healers, pay attention !!! Heal only those who are in this group !!! "The leaders expelled all members of their groups and created a new group with only the players they wanted to stay alive until the end, while the rest would be eliminated and return to the city.

"My teammates, I know this is a difficult situation, but you need to understand what sacrifices are needed to achieve our goals. So, I hope you don"t mind that. But do not think that you will suffer losses when the event is over, I will ask my guild to reward you for your efforts. "A young man who was wearing a cloth armor set spoke with a fair tone to the members of his group.

"Do not listen to what this person is saying, he cannot promise these words, for he is only a second-rate young master compared to me !!" A young woman dressed in cloth clothes spoke in response to the other young man"s words.

"Ice Snow, what are you doing?" The young man was annoyed by her words.

"Mind Control, you can"t keep these promises you are making to group members, because you don"t have enough authority for that. While I, Ice Snow, is a princess of my family and guild, my high-level subordinates will lead those who join me to level after the event. "Ice Snow spoke with an arrogant tone.

"You… !!!!" Mind Control could not deny these words, as his status within the family was not very high, although he was a grandson of one of the influential people within the family.

Although the vast majority on the place were from influential groups, each came from different groups that had different influences. That is, some had more influence than others, and many were trying to grab a chance to have contact with other players far more influential than themselves so that they could have more chances of success in the game.
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One such example was from Ice Snow and Mind Control, both came from influential groups, but their influence was different. While the first was the daughter of the current guild leader, the second was just one of the grandchildren of someone with great influence within the family.

In the end, everyone in the same group chose to go to the Ice Snow group, as it could bring more benefits than Mind Control. The group of the two were made up of members of their schools and other guildmates, as they were all already rich and influential, neither of whom needed government a.s.sistance like those from common funds.

"It"s over for you," Ice Snow said coldly. Some skills were cast, Mind Control and his companions were thrown off the barrier and the ground cleared, they fell under the poison rain and died quickly if given a chance to scream. Their characters were turned into lights after they were thrown out.

"Come on, follow the plan" Ice Snow ordered the healers, they began to heal only the main members of their new group, that had the best and most powerful members.

This scene was common across the battlefield, many leaders who were far more influential than others began to rebel and create their core groups to complete the event.

Because of these conflicts, many thousands of players were killed and had to return to the city, and it was a pity that none of them could return to the event after they died.

While internal conflicts were taking place, thousands of players were killed over the poison. They were the sacrifices for completing the event.

On the battlefield there were still those who were playing solo, some managed to survive while others were killed. Some solo players joined these new groups that were formed, while others were still alone and hiding in the crowd doing nothing.

In one of the newly formed groups, amid the healers who were healing and creating madly mad barriers, we can see a player dressed in a black cloak like many others in the group.

This black-clad person was Liu Yang after the giant corpse exploded for the first time, he stopped running across the battlefield and hid in the crowd waiting for time to pa.s.s.

Liu Yang could only do that for one reason: Rose.

Before the last phase starts, Liu Yang sent a message to Rose asking if Little Flower was on the battlefield. She said yes, and that Little Flower was in one of the largest groups on the site.

Rose had a vague idea why Liu Yang had asked her, she just said she was going to ask Little Flower to give her some protection from this case.

What surprised Rose most was the fact that Liu Yang had made it to the finals of the event with the strategy she had recommended to him. That was something she had done on a whim, Rose never believed Liu Yang could reach the end, she figured he could have made it to the second phase at the most.

But Liu Yang"s achievements left her speechless, Rose asked him to describe the things that happened when the event ended. Liu Yang agreed to do so, because, without the help of Rose and Little Thorns, he would never have come this far. He owed these two women a lot.