MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 99

Liu Yang left the Adventurers Guild sometime after he finished talking to Linda, the maid. His next step was to read the information he had bought before returning to the Doom City.

The hotels in University City were much more decorated than in other cities, the place was brightly lit with strange designs and inscriptions.

The hotel rooms were reasonably priced, Liu Yang rented without hesitation. After entering the room and locking the door, Liu Yang opened the envelope to see the information he received.

Reading the information, Liu Yang saw that all the people that souls were looking for had long since pa.s.sed and could only sigh about it, fortunately, some of them had descendants who were living well while others were in difficult situations.

Finis.h.i.+ng his thoughts, Liu Yang left the hotel, he would go back to the Doom City before heading to the imperial capital for information about Chip Smith. But before that, Liu Yang went to the City of Swords, he would buy a property.

After a good conversation with Linda, Liu Yang understood a little about the benefits of having a property in New Earth. The biggest benefit was having own workshops to create things, another benefit was having a home to stay while in the game. In New Earth, there was also real estate speculation, so the most influential groups always tried to gain something from it.

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The City of Swords, as its name implied, was considered the capital of arms. All houses and buildings had a pointed type like a spear.

Most of the city"s population used some kind of weapon, whether sword, spear, dagger or any other weapon type.

The town hall was in the center of the city, the building was majestic and old, a sharp and powerful feeling could be felt by the people looking at the town hall building. At the entrance of the building, you could see a large golden plaque with dark letters: Town Hall.

The town hall entrance was already crowded and a large line of people was waiting to enter, this is because property purchases could only be made at the town hall, and some special city-related quests.

Liu Yang was still wearing the black cloak to avoid being recognized by other players. He was waiting for his turn.

In the queue, people began to comment on the great news that was spreading through the kingdom of white elves.

"Did you hear the news?"

"Which one? Is it about the NPC? The princess of the kingdom of white elves? "

"Yes, this news indeed"

"I also read about it, the white elf community is chaotic because of it."

"This is true, according to the news, Princess Nynna Oddmind was ambushed by a group of NPCs and players during her trip, her guards, formed by NPCs and Players, were killed by a mysterious group wearing black cloaks.

The princess managed to escape, but is still missing, a territorial quest has been activated, this quest is for all players of the white elf race. The quest was basically to find the princess and take her back to the imperial capital of the white elf kingdom. "

"Yes, that"s right, according to the rumors, the group that did this belonged to some other race that managed to invade the kingdom of white elves. But it"s just rumored. "

Many discussions were taking place on this subject, the other two kingdoms were also frantic on this subject. Because this was the first time this had happened, the influential groups knew that someone must have started some kind of rare and difficult quest to make it happen.

Liu Yang listened to the discussions carefully, he had seen this news before and did not care much about it. But now it was different, he had to go to the white elf kingdom to complete his quest, and this could be a great opportunity for Liu Yang to get a good pa.s.s to travel through the white elf kingdom or not.

The line moved slowly, it took some time until it was Liu Yang"s turn to enter. The inner of the city hall seemed like an ordinary office like any other in the real world.

Liu Yang had to wait a little longer until it was his turn to be answered by the attendant.

"h.e.l.lo sir, how can I help you?" The young attendant asked.

"h.e.l.lo, I would like to buy a property" Liu Yang replied, he decided to buy a small property after talking with Linda.

"Sir, to buy land in the City of Swords, you must have done something expressive in favor of the city. Otherwise, it is impossible to buy, these are the rules of the city governor. "

"I see… Miss, I have this, can this help me buy a property? Even if it is somewhere far from the city. "Liu Yang showed two gold brooches, one of them had a sword drawn and the word" sword "written, and the other brooch had the money cipher design and the word" money "written on it. These were the brooches Liu Yang got from the Lea brothers.

"Sir, wait a moment." The clerk picked up both pins and looked closely before excusing herself.

"No problem" Liu Yang didn"t worry about that. Linda had told him that the two brooches could increase his chances of buying a property in Sword City, but the location would be a little far away. This was better than nothing.

The players around saw what had happened and wondered if Liu Yang would be able to buy a property in the city. That was something all wanted, property in some of the major cities, as it was very profitable depending on location.

Sometime later…

"Sir, I apologize for the delay. Could you follow me? "The attendant spoke courteously, she was no longer speaking casually as before. After doing some brief research, the attendant found that the two brooches belonged to the Lea brothers. As a return of a favor, the two helped Liu Yang get a property in the city, but it was in the border the city"s influence.

"Yes, show the way" Liu Yang was extremely happy about it, he finally understood the true power of the relations.h.i.+p. His relations.h.i.+p with the two brothers was good, and that has helped a lot.

The attendant stepped out of the counter and guided Liu Yang down a corridor under the envious and jealous glances of the other players. They realized that Liu Yang would have a chance to buy a property.