MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter Two: Training

Chapter Two: Training

When the young man spoke the two words, the world that was dark became clear as the day, several bars of information loads began to appear.

When it was over, what appeared before him was a screen along with a soft, feminine voice saying "Liu Yang, Welcome to the Project" along with the following question "How would you like to be called?"

Liu Yang replied "chonps," which means the one that is everywhere, at the same time in a single, because each letter represented a chemical element essential to life in the world.

"Are you sure you"d like to choose this name?"

"Yes, I"m sure"

"Excuse me sir, but this name is already being used by a player"

What the female voice spoke stunned Liu Yang, after a brief moment he came back to reality.

"It was already expected, almost 100 years ago that this world exists, would be strange if it did not already have all kinds of existing names" Liu Yang understood that someone could already have used that name before.

Stopping his thought, the voice asks again.

"What name would you like to use?"

"I Choose: Ward"

Liu Yang recalled that Ward was an object that had the power to give sight of a certain place where he was placed, and he was like a Ward, for he saw only what he could see with his own eyes.

"Name accepted. Thank you very much for registering Mr. Ward, now I will teleport you to the city."

Ting ...

With one of someone clicking on something, a screen looks to the young man, containing a gigantic map.

"Please look at the map and choose which city of humans you wish to go to."

"I see…"

City of the Swords, the capital of the masters in the arts of weapons; Lands of Fire, the temple of forges; University City, the center of the magical world; Federation of Winds, the mercantile core of the lands.

These are the four great cities that rule the human kingdom here in "New Earth", while looking at the map of the cities of the human kingdom, the young man remembered the examiner"s words "do not be hasty."

(What does this mean? Do not be too hasty to start earning level? Or should I start acc.u.mulating wealth first before leaving town?) Looking at the map these are the only options that have popped into the mind of Liu Yang.

"Excuse me, Miss owner the soft and elegant voice, is it possible to make a coin appear in front of me?

I asked with some expectation.

"For what need?"

The voice responds in a surprised tone.

"It"s to play two rounds of face or crown."

Hears no sound for a brief moment before the sound of a "Ting ..."

A coin materializes in front of the young man.

"Thank you."

"If I fall head I choose to start earning a level, if I give the tails I start trying to acc.u.mulate wealth. Playing..."

Throwing the coin to the top, it spins four times and begins to fall spinning two more times.

Ping ... Ping ...

Looking at the coin that fell to the ground.

"Oops ... it was head, so I"ll start to earn a level, but first I"ll play another round to see which city I"m going to."

Throwing the coin up again, spinning five times this time and falling and spinning three more times.

Ping ... Ping ...

"It"s head again, so I think I"ll go to the Lands of Fire to make money, I wanted to go to the City of Sword, but like my mother wanted me to be successful in the game, the best way to do that is to try to earn money through business."


While he was lost in his monologue, the female voice asked a sudden question that woke him up.

"Yes, I will go to the Lands of Fire.

"Is it your final choice?"


"All right, I"ll send you to the Lands of Fire."

Ting ...

Wosh ...

With a sound of something clicking, moments later one with a wind blowing, Liu Yang"s body was covered by white light and disappeared from the spot.

Wosh ...

Opening his eyes, Liu Yang sees a whole new world, full of life, around him there were straw huts, castles, gigantic walls that bordered the city limits.

When he started seeing the features of the game, so he saw the window where the status of his character was clicking on it, the following was shown in front of you.

Name: Ward

Race: Human

Level: 1

Cla.s.s: No Cla.s.s

HP: 100

MP: 50

Hunger: 100

Attack: 5 + 5

Magic Attack: 5

Defense: 5 + 5

Magic Defense: 5

Critical: 1

Resistance to adverse effects: 1


Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 5

Concentration: 5

Lucky: 5


Cloth s.h.i.+rt

Cloth Pants

Cloth Boot

Short Wooden Sword

As the young man was making several gestures that only the beginners would make, some people looked at him as if he were a newbie. For he was so much moving his body at random. Some people started giving their comments quietly or in a group.

"Look at that newbie, so typical."

"He"s just like you when you started playing."

"Watching this, it reminds me of the time I started"


Realizing that he was being the center of attention, Liu Yang stopped what he was doing and started to walk around the city as he tried to adapt to the new world, he began to see the differences between the players and the NPCs while collecting information by the place, he discovers a training center for the beginners. When he got there, there is a sign and it says "Training Field".

As he prepared to enter, a tall man, full of muscles and scars, stopped him.

"Welcome to the training center, this is where those who have just arrived test their skills and try to adapt. Would you like to try it? "

The muscular man looked half-frightening from the outside, but by the way, he spoke, it"s just the scary look.

"Yes, please."

"Follow me."

Following him, Liu Yang came to a kind of stadium with hundreds of wooden dolls, all lined up in squares two meters apart. He took Liu Yang up to a certain doll at one end of the place.

"This will be your training location, you can stay here as long as it takes to try to adapt. Which weapon would you like to use? Swords, daggers, bows, clubs, spears, axes?"

"Thank you, sir, I"d like a sword, please."

"Here is the sword, young man."

The muscular man presents me with a wooden sword, one meter long, five centimeters wide and ten centimeters long.

"Thank you, sir." Liu Yang took the sword and then thanked him.

"I do not need thanks, it"s always good to help the young people. See you later."

After they say goodbye, Liu Yang begins to remember some of the things he learned in high school about the game.

"When you, young people, start to play, one of the most important things is the foundation of your character, so pay close attention to what this teacher will say now: at the beginning you will have to go to the training center, there is a non-explicit Quest, that means that it is not on show, but can be done if you meet the requirements, and you are finished training in training center; depending on the way you perform in the training center, the quest then changes the way you complete it, so do not ask me to speak as I completed it at the time I started".

After remembering that, Liu Yang starts practicing the cut of the sword, vertical cut, horizontal, lunge and so on.

After two hours practicing the blows of swords, Liu Yang hears a noise coming from the stomach "Hoong...", he sees his energy bar and it seems that he has only another ten percent remaining, Liu Yang looks at his inventory and find a bottle of water and ten French pieces of bread.

Eating one Liu Yang saw that he regained ten percent, so he ate five in a row and drank all the water from his bottle. Recovering fifty percent of his energy, he started his stroke-of-swords training again, another hour pa.s.sed now he"s only five percent, suddenly a window appears with the face of a thirteen-year-old boy talking.

"Brother, are you there? Mom"s calling for dinner, hurry up." When he finishes speaking, the boy hangs up.

Seeing that was getting late, Liu Yang leaves the game and goes to the room, his younger brother was already seated, next to him was a man of medium height with an aged face and a little white hair, appears to be almost forty years old.

"Good night son"

"Good night dad"

Apparently, this almost middle age man with gray hair is the father of the boy and Liu Yang.

Liu Yang sits down on one of the chairs, in front of him is the dining table, which has four bowls with rice and a few more dishes scattered with meat, vegetables, soup, and fruit.

"Son, what was the initiation like today?"

The father asks with a curious look.

"It was quite normal, as they say in the reports."


In the middle of their conversation, Liu Yang" mother arrived and also sits at the table and asks him.

"Son, how did it feel to enter the new world?"

"It was much more normal than expected, although there are still some strange things, over time I can adapt."

"Alright, this is normal. Son, you do not have to force yourself in the beginning, take it easy in training and slowly get used to the best weapon you can"

"Big brother like what is this other world inside the game? Is it cool?"The younger brother asked the older brother about the game.

"It"s kinda weird, to have an avatar of yours inside someplace else and you controlling it, but it"s fun somehow, in relation to the world, your big brother has not left the city at the beginning so it"s not possible to say now."

"I see, I hope I can grow up soon and also be able to play."

"Just wait, in three years you can play too."

Dinner went smoothly, after dinner, Liu Yang rested a little and when it was nine o"clock at night. He went back to his room and connected again, seeing that it was still day, he saw the clock in the game and said it was nine in the morning yet.

Thinking back a little he remembered that inside the game time rotates four times faster than real life, continuing his sword training for almost an hour, his screen began to darken showing the following phrase "you died", "death penalty, you will loss of one level".

Shortly afterward, he returned to the point of rebirth in the city, coming back he realized that his character is with energy fifty percent.

"I forgot that, if I remembered that dying would restore energy, then I would have saved my five loaves, at least I did not lose a level, since I am at level 1, as I am on vacation and there is still another month left, I think I will try to complete this initial training before beginning to explore the world."
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Returning to the training center, Liu Yang continued this cycle of life and death for several days.

On the seventh day...

Plop ...

Two windows appeared out of nowhere in front of Liu Yang with the following words.

"Congratulations you completed the sword training, as a bonus for completing it, you will win +5 in all Status"

"You learned: One Hand Sword Skill"

Opening his status window, Liu Yang saw the following.

Name: Ward

Race: Human

Level: 1

Cla.s.s: No Cla.s.s

HP: 150

MP: 65

Hunger: 100

Attack: 11 + 5

Magic Attack: 11

Defense: 10 + 5

Magic Defense: 10

Critical: 1

Resistance to adverse effects: 1


Strength: 5 + 5

Agility: 5 + 5

Vitality: 5 + 5

Intelligence: 5 + 5

Concentration: 5 + 5

Lucky: 5 + 5


Cloth s.h.i.+rt

Cloth Pants

Cloth Boot

Short wooden sword


One Hand Sword Skill - Level 1

"If I get five status points for completing with a weapon, what would happen if I completed all the starting weapons."

This was his thinking after completing the first training. Deciding to test his theory, Liu Yang went to the muscular man to ask if he could lend him a knife.

"Young man, what happened? Could not you get used to the sword? Haha ... It"s always good to make changes when things are not working out, here is a wooden knife, as for the wooden sword, you can keep it."

Receiving the twenty-five-inch wooden knife from the end to the handle and three centimeters thick. Liu Yang had happiness stamped on his face that was hard to hide.

The other players saw that the young man was able to get another weapon from the muscular man, they also tried their luck, but it was useless because the muscular man in no way gave them another weapon. So they decided to stop asking the muscular man and went to ask the young man.

One of the closest players asked.

"Young man, like you got another weapon from the instructor, we here tried to talk to him, but we could not get anything, how did you get it?" The man had a serious face, not just him, those around were also, hoping to get another weapon.

"Just hit the doll until you get tired, then just go ask the muscular man for another weapon." Liu Yang replied with a serious and honest face.

"What?!?! It is not possible that it is just that. If that"s the way it is, I should have already won another weapon from him." One of the players replied that they could not believe what they were hearing.

"It"s true if you do not believe it, look in the forums, since this is part of free information anyway." Liu Yang did not know whether it could have the information or not, because if his teacher said it was important to complete basic training, then someone in history must have tried to do the same thing as him.

Some believed, others were doubtful or did not believe, but in the end, everyone dispersed leaving Liu Yang alone again to train. So were his next days of training with the dagger.


At the end of four weeks, he trained with the following weapons: one-handed sword, dagger, club, and bow. His current status was as follows.

Name: Ward

Race: Human

Level: 1

Cla.s.s: No Cla.s.s

HP: 300

MP: 110

Hunger: 100

Attack: 27 + 5

Magic Attack: 27

Defense: 25 + 5

Magic Defense: 25

Critical: 2

Resistance to adverse effects: 2


Strength: 5 + 20

Agility: 5 + 20

Vitality: 5 + 20

Intelligence: 5 + 20

Concentration: 5 + 20

Lucky: 5 + 20


Cloth s.h.i.+rt

Cloth Pants

Cloth Boot

Short Wooden Sword


One-Handed Sword Skill - Level 1

Dagger Skill - Level 1

Club Skill - Level 1

Bow Skill - Level 1