Monster Integration

Chapter 1898 - [Bonus chapter] Ardent Grove

Chapter 1898 - [Bonus chapter] Ardent Grove

"How about we stop this aura blasting and choose the door we want to," I said, getting tired of this charade. Everybody wants to enter the door before they start a fight; fighting here would be detrimental to both sides.

"I am going to enter the "Ardent Grove." If any of you are interested, do follow me," I said while looking at the Grimm Monsters and walked toward the wooden door.

I was quite surprised when I found Danielle coming with me. I had thought she would choose the other door. 

Though I am surprised by her actions, I am very happy about her; with her, I would be safer, even if large numbers of Grimm Monsters came behind us.


Soon, I approached the door and opened it without hesitation before walking inside with Danielle. I close the door behind me, but I know that Grimm Monsters will come, and they have only three seconds. From what I observed earlier, the runes on the leader"s door opened three seconds after it had closed.

"Wow, it is something else!" Danielle gasped as she flew into the air, and when I appeared beside her, I couldn"t help but gasp too.

The place I had appeared seemed close to the herb hall, but it is way bigger than the herb hall and has much fewer herbs than it.

The huge hall only had twelve herbs, but all of the twelve herbs were packed in the protected sphere. From what I could tell, each sphere emulated different types of environment to condition these plants.

These plants are extremely precious, to begin with; if they hadn"t, they would not be in the personal garden of the tower master, and top of that, these plants are being grown into a special environment, and that makes them even rarer.

There used to be at least double plants here, but all formations were able to survive the test of time, and except for empty places, nothing had remained of them.


I was observing those plants when the door clicked opened, and Grimm Monsters walked in. A total of four of them, and seeing them, my eyes could help but pop open. 

I had expected the powerful Grimm Monsters to follow us here but did not expect the Grimm Monsters would be this powerful. There are four Grimm Monsters here, and of the four, two are peak Elites while the other two are considered mid elites.

"I hope that trip to the training room had really helped you; otherwise, it would be quite a hard battle." I said to Danielle telepathically. "Yes, it helped enough that we will not die in the hands of these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds," Danielle replied, hearing that I had finally heaved a sigh of relief, and a twinkle appeared in my eyes.

If it had been only one peak Elites and two regular elites, I would have handled them myself, but two peak elites changes everything; against them, I would be in a purely defensive state, not getting even a single chance to attack.

We were staring that each other when the door closed on its own with a click, approximately three seconds after the Grimm Monster came in.

"Humans hand over your storages and help us break all the formations, and we will give you a clean, painless death." Said Lolite Frogman, which had a skin made of lolite gem. Threateningly flicking its jagged tongue toward us. It did not have to support its speed by action; we could tell it was threatening us.

There are four Grimm Monsters here, two peak Elites while the other two mid elites. The Peak elites are Scarlet Horn Apeman and Lolite Frogman, while the mid Elites are Snow Werewolf and Bullman, they made quite a powerful force.

"Did you guys never get bored with this bulls.h.i.+t? To be honest, I am quite tired of hearing the same words over and over that it felt jarring to me," Danielle said before I could utter the word. Though she is kind of right, hearing those same words from them over and over again makes me quite angry.

"Kill this b.i.t.c.h but keep that human alive; we will going to need him to open all these domes," Scarlet Horn Apeman said as it pointed its staff at us, and the next moment, they all came at us with a wolfish smile on their faces, thinking, we would be an easy catch.

I could tell how we looked at them; Danielle"s aura is that of the early Elite, and I also made my aura that of the early elites not to draw too much attention. Compared to both of us, these four seemed extremely powerful, who could finish us off in a few seconds.

All of them came at us, but as they reached halfway, thousands of multicolored bubbles appeared in front of them and exploded.

Bang Bang Bang…

Loud exploding sounds rang out the next second Frogman and Apeman burst out of bubbles while Snow Werewolf and Bullman were still struggling against the bubble that surrounded them and spreading all over their bodies.

Danielle"s strength is not dependent on her Inheritance and attributional strength but on the comprehension of her art. She may seem like a regular elite, but she could have a strength of a leader or above cla.s.s powerhouses; these people with the Grand Art are really scary.

Just her single attack told me she had the strength of the peak Elite; normal attacks could not stop the mid elites with a single attack.

The two peak Elites seemed to understand that as expressions on their faces became serious and powerful aura blasted off their bodies.

"Scarlet Strike!" "Hailstorm of Blades!"

Both of them launched the powerful attack and seeing the attack, I knew they were peak elites. The energy of their attacks filled the large hall. If there had been any regular Emperor present in any part of this hall, they shredded to pieces and vaporized under the stray energies released by the attack.

I did not dare to underestimated and immediately activated the first boost; as I did, great power filled my body, giving me the feeling that I could do anything.