Monster Integration

Chapter 2403 Show II

Chapter 2403 Show II

"So you are planning to create potential in them to make their breakthrough into Grandmaster?" Jim asked.

"Something like that," I replied. There is a lot more technicality involved in it than saying I am creating a potential, which is a lot harder than one could imagine, but I don"t want to go into the detail with Jim.

"It is not easy as you are saying it to be Micheal," Jim said after a moment of silence. He is a Grandmaster cla.s.s alchemist; his knowledge of meta-human physiology is nearly good as any Master cla.s.s healer.

"I never said it is easy; I only said I could do it with little help from you and others," I said and tapped on the air again,

The meta scans changed again, this time becoming active. They are showing the live changes in the seventeen humans, and these changes have surprised Jim even more.

"The solutions I had created should not be behaving like this; not only their power has increased multifold, they are doing things that are not what the solution is capable of," He whispered, seeing the live scans before turning to me.

"What were to two solutions you have taken out? They have brought such drastic change in the alchemical solution, you have to give them to me for examination," Jim asked; to that, I just smiled.

I trust Jim, but I am not going to give that to him; they contain rule-bending power, my core secret. They could only be handled by the teacher and Neel, whom I could spy on at any time as she has the seed inside her.

Jim did not force seeing me not reply; instead turned his focus meta scans again, where the solutions are performing small miracles.

"Grandmistress Charline, you will personally be focused on this group; I will need them to be ready by the end of the month," I said to the old woman, who only nodded with a serious face, but there was also excitement in her eyes.

This is a dream for a healer; she could learn so much watching these people progress. As the injuries she dealt with are not simple, they are complicated and require special solutions for each of them.

"Were you able to find only seventeen of them with complete four-point saturation and synchronization?" Jim asked, and I nodded with a sad sigh.

"Aside few A+ and A-Grade; these seventeen are only ones among more than a thousand peak Masters," I replied. It would have been great if I had found at fifty of them; with it, there would have been much less pressure on me.

"Though there are some who are very close to achieving the four-point synchronization, my target is to bring them to the perfect state in the coming months," I added.

"With these seventies, those who are close to reaching this stage and A+ Grade and A Grade; the project does not seem impossible for a moment," Jim said, "Right?" I asked back with a bright smile, seeing that Jim couldn"t but shake his head with a mirthless smile.

"Grandmaster Charline, you and your team will coordinate with Jim and his team; everything you have to do is mentioned in the orders; if you find any problem, contact me," I said to them and handed the storage Jim gave me to her.

This project is huge, so huge I need more than two hundred people to manage it, with healers and alchemists playing the most important part.

I could be everywhere at once, and these people either be going through some procedure or training; only then will I have hope of achieving my target within nine months.

Grandmaster Charline had left her a.s.sistance in window one while we moved to another. This one also had old people with a much higher number; these are the ones who are close to achieving the perfect four-point saturation.

I will be working on a perfect four-point saturation and creating the potential in them simultaneously. As they become ready, I will make their breakthrough.

After we started dipping them in the solution and placing some of them in formation, we moved into another hall.

The next seven halls contain people with A+ and A potential; all of them are younger than forty and contain the most potential. They will focus on the most intense regimen, which runs long term.

I will not make their breakthrough into the Grandmaster cla.s.s unless they have progressed to their potential.

Of all nearly a thousand people here, the people in these seven halls possess the greatest potential. Their progress would stop or even slow down even after they reached the Tyrant cla.s.s; they would continue improving; if they followed all the steps rightly.

After the seven halls, we walked to the other halls, which contain Tyrants of all levels, and all of them possess suitable for my method.

I do not have any grand vision for these people; I only want to make them Grandmaster and hand them to Pyramid just like the people of the first two windows. Only 10% of them have the potential to continue improving, even after reaching the Grandmaster.

I have made plans for everything, but I know quick they could crumble if I did not produce a result. I have a month and maybe two at most before I have to show the result; that is, produce the Grandmasters.

While my calculations are showing I could, and with the help of rule-bending power, I was most of the time able to materialize them but sometimes, I fear I might not be able to and became a laughingstock in the whole world.

I am even having nightmares about it.

"Don"t overthink it, Micheal; I am confident that you will succeed," teacher said in her soothing voice. It is not the first time she said it, but it still helps me calm my nerves every time, knowing the most important person in my life believes in me.