Monster Integration

Chapter 3565 The Construct?

Chapter 3565 The Construct?

I looked at the Rhino-humanoid from top to bottom. From its sharp horn to intricate armor to a huge sword that is bigger than itself.

I didn"t have to think too hard to know what this challenge was, but I was barely able to focus on it when I noticed the door, with "Exit" written on top of it.

"There is an exit," I thought.

I have no plan to exit, but I hope, that there is something in there to keep me here. Crystal box looks good, I wonder, what kind of reward it has.

I thought for a second before shaking my head and focusing on the opponent in front of me. I have read the rules and I have to defeat them, but if previous challenges were any proof, it wouldn"t be easy.

Still, I am willing to give my all and I could.

Aside from the ability to bring things out of my core and the storage, I could use everything I have. Including the clones, but I wouldn"t be using them.

I looked at the clock and prepared myself; I had less than a minute before the battle began, and I had to ready use everything I had against this construct.

Defeating wouldn"t be easy.

When there were only ten seconds, I put a good two hundred and fifty meters between us. I wanted to stay very next to it and attack the moment the battle began, but I didn"t feel doing it would be wise.

Seconds pa.s.sed, and finally, the needle reached twenty-four.


A voice said and the rhino-construct moved toward me, with a speed that created the boom in the air.

I also noticed the bar appearing at the top of it like a game and knew I would need to empty it within an hour, but I don"t think the battle would last an hour.

In fifteen minutes, I would either defeat it or get defeated by it. Which is death.

Burst 100%.

I activated it, and my great sword appeared in my hand. I also leaped from my place, creating a boom in the air toward the opponent, who would kill me, if I didn"t defeat it.

One thing, I had learned in this place. It is merciless.


It is either to conquer the challenge or die; there is no other way. This challenge is like that too. I looked at the boundary of the rung and it was enveloped in a powerful invisible dome; that I couldn"t even think of breaching.

There is only one way to get out of here, and that is defeating this opponent.

In a moment, we reached next to each other, and it had swung its sword, which was as big as it.

It is a long sword made of bronze energy. It has a handle, as long as my hand and a blade, that is sharp on only one end; the other end is blunt.

It swung its sword with great power, and I did the same.


As I did, I was immediately surprised, seeing it trying to maneuver its sword around mine, but of course, I was not going to let that happen.

Getting hit by that sword is a death sentence, which I will absolutely avoid.


Finally, our swords reached each other and clashed. The clash was hard. That created a powerful bronze shockwave and shook me from up to down and even injured me slightly, internally.

At the same time, it had sent a burst of powerful bronze energy at me.

I know it is dangerous, but I opened my armor and sucked the energy. It didn"t fail to surprise me with its resilience, which is on par with the strong bloodline energies, and my armor dealt with bloodline energies.

They have started to deal with this one too; the only thing they didn"t do was send these energies to my runes.

They accepted nothing other than bloodline energy. Not even this bronze energy, which is a kind of special. There was no response when I sent a small sample through the funnel.

It didn"t even wait for a second, before swinging its sword again, this time much faster, with more power.

I didn"t dare to be careless, and formations lit across my armor. I have got the feeling of its attack and got the sample of its energy.

Now, my armor is making changes in itself to deal with the enemy better. It will continue to do that, till it has armor, that is perfect to deal with the enemy.

It is because of this adaptability of the armor. That I could fight with enemies that are far stronger than me.


The weapons clashed again, but like before, it didn"t wait and attack again and again; it didn"t plan to give me even a single moment to relax.

I responded to each of its attacks cautiously; not taking any risk, just focusing on defense and reading the enemy.

The more data I have about it. The bigger the frown on my face would become.

"A lot of people are going to lose their lives. Especially Grimms," I thought.

Every move from it is different, as if another person is fighting. It makes it extremely hard to read. It will frustrate the natives, who read opponents and it will kill the Grimms.

I had said that because it isn"t letting the other read it, but it is reading others immensely well; each of the attacks is targeting my weakness and this targeting would become better and better after each of the attacks.

If this is the challenge that all are facing. Bodies would fall right now; I shudder when I think about the deaths, this challenge would deal with.

Everyone has been told that it would be dangerous, but nearly everything is dangerous and to be honest, people have become numb to the word.

That it would just bounce by their heads.

Now, all would be thinking, about why they hadn"t listened carefully and cursing the Sky Sovereigns for explaining the danger in much clear detail.

However, I don"t think, the Sky Sovereigns are in a much better stage either. They would be facing this challenge or the one similarly dangerous, worried about surviving more than anything else.


It continued with the barrage, and I defended, but it was harder every second, seeing it was reading every breath I took, every muscle I moved, and fluctuation, that occurred in my energy.

It had made the strikes more precise, making me work harder and harder for the defense.

Defending is my forte, and it comes to me much more easily than offense, but here, I am fighting myself strained. Working my mind, which I haven"t done in quite a while in defending.

Even fighting against the enemies with a far bigger power gap that it hadn"t stressed me out, it is doing right now.

Unlike them, who were beating me with sheer power difference, this is using it by reading me. Which is worse, but also amazing.

It might be hard to believe, but I am grinning.

My heart is beating wildly, beating it would be fun and I would beat it. I have found the way to do that, in less than ten seconds of starting the fight, but it won"t be easy.

I might really get killed, and that is what makes it so exciting.