Monster Integration

Chapter 3582 Killed

Chapter 3582 Killed


My spear clashed as it appeared in front of its thunderous ax.

The deafening sound rang out and at the same time, the crater around us became bigger. The sparks of lightning in the shockwave vaporized everything in its path for a mile, including the river.

The Single attack was far from enough to deal with me, even if it had shaken me and attacked me again and this time, the attack came from my left. 

It was faster and stronger than the last attack, and I had harnessed more power from a full burst to deal with it.


Our weapons clashed again, and it disappeared, attacking me above, before attacking me from the back.

It had attacked me from all sides and all types of attacks. From metal and lightning to sheer metal and sheer lightning attack. Except for the pure physical attacks, it begins to attack me with everything else.

It should have tried those; they would have affected me more than these attacks.

However, it isn"t like these attacks aren"t affecting me. They are, each one of them felt like, a thunder mountain, that had the power to cut me cleanly, if I had made the slightest mistake.

It had also rumbled my internals, injuring me a little with every attack, but I am keeping those injuries in control. 

Seconds pa.s.sed, and I defended against its every attack and it had started to frustrate it greatly. Giving a way to anger that is seeping into the attacks; they are getting stronger, but the skill it is delivering them isn"t as sharp as before.

After fighting with the abomination, even the smallest part of it; I understand this anger of Grimm much better.

However, this anger Grimm is showing is nothing compared to what I had seen in the eye of abomination.

It had the power to affect the world and if not for most of its effects being suppressed, and us being protected by the bronze energies; we even forget every defeating the enemy like that.

Even the strongest of us wouldn"t even be able to scratch it, much less defeat it.

Still, I am glad I had got to fight the enemy like that.



Another attack came, and it was truly powerful. It had finally forced me to take a step back and injured me enough that I had vomited the blood.


"So, you can be injured," said the Grimms.

The attack seemed to have pleased it to no end, seeing how its eyes lit up with joy.

"It is a simple injury, but you are so happy," I said, wiping the blood off my lips with my sleeve.

Immediately, the smile on its face froze, and it glared at me hard. 

"This is just but starting in a few seconds. I will give you injuries thousands of times worse than it," it said and laughed at another attack, filled with the might of lighting and metal.


Its attacks got stronger, but forgot, causing me a thousand times greater injuries. It wasn"t even able to force me to take a step back again.

Still, it kept trying and trying with all types of attacks, all of which I defended with my little spear.

"So much, for the thousands of times greater injuries," I mocked, and it glared at me like it wanted to eat me alive, which it probably did.

"I will kill you!" it said through the greeted teeth and attacked me again, with a lightning-fast attack, but I countered it.

Defending isn"t a problem for me, but offense is against the enemy like this one. It could see how I am slower than it and the power behind my attacks isn"t much, and it is the reason why it is pus.h.i.+ng itself hard.

If I had the power, it is showing me right now. It would have become another addition to my collection of the essence roses long ago.

It is nothing surprising. I improved fighting against the enemies like these. If I fight with enemies that I could kill within seconds, I could never improve, at speed, I do.

It is why, when I had sensed it waiting by the river. I lessened the power of my stealth method to let it discover me. Despite the risk, that it might attract the Sky Sovereigns or others.

I wanted to fight a powerful enemy like this one.

A few more seconds pa.s.sed, and it launched another attack. It was the attack where I had formed a suppressive mini-domain around me; it was only less than a second, but it could exert real power on the enemy.

It was not the first time it had used the attack like this and this time; I had decided to use the opportunity. 

I want to give it, one injury, tiny as it may be, before I finish it off.

I moved, and for a fraction of a second, it didn"t discover me at all. To it, I am still on my spot, moving my spear toward its ax to defend.

Domains are powerful; they give one dominion over an area. They could see and feel every small change that happened there. 

There is nothing that they couldn"t see in their domains. Everything is visible to them and that could be taken advantage of; it is hard, but it could be done for a fraction of a second.

That is what I did and when the Grimms realized it. Its eyes become wide in shock; it wouldn"t have been so shocked if it had done things in any other move, but I did it, while it had a domain active.


I slashed through its chest, giving it a b.l.o.o.d.y wound.

If it had been a native of similar size, I would have been able to cut them into two, but it is a Grimm, with a ma.s.sive body. 

It looked at the wound on its chest with shock, before looking at me and now, instead of the shock, there was a raging anger in its eyes.

"I will kill you!" It screamed and swung its ax with all its might. It was the strongest that it had ever performed in this battle, so powerful that, I became quite impressed, but there is also a regret in my heart.

"It should have used it earlier." I thought and shook my head.

I could take it, but I have already fought it longer than I wished and now it is time to end the battle. If I didn"t, the two powerful Grimms, I sensed might sense the battle and I am not a match for them.

I let the ax come close to me before it started to slow down to the shock of the Sheepman, before stopping an inch away from the chest.

"I wish you had used this attack earlier," I said to it, and the runes of my strings activated, sucking up all the power in its attack, which nearly made it faint.

"Unfortunately, you didn"t," 

With those words, I touched its sword and core, applied all its force, and a second later. The Grimm was in my core, while I threw a few crystals out and left.

If those two got close, they would sense the residual of battle and I don"t want to be near when they came.