Monster Integration

Chapter 3121 Last Door

Chapter 3121 Last Door

The radiant water is not just healing the injuries but also affects the body and soul. Looking at what it is doing, it is clearly preparing for body, soul, and energy for the breakthrough.

Its effects are good, so much I was shocked by it.

I had tried to collect the water, but I found out I could not. I tried for radiant energy, which is also very hard, but possible. I am doing it through the funnel created by the forbidden power.

It is very slow, but it is still better than nothing.

"With this, I will be ready to make a breakthrough into the Sovereign stage," said Ura. "Don"t be overconfident. The stable mind is more important than everything else for the Sovereign breakthrough,"

"Even the talented had failed. So, keep your heart in balance and emotions in control," said Reta, and he nodded.

He is not the only one who is ready for the breakthrough, others also seemed to be ready. More ready than him, but he is more excited.

Their family had sent them here for the breakthrough. I wish I could look at their meta-scan, but it is too risky, even without sovereigns.

The breakthrough is important, but there is a more important thing for which they have come here. They have not talked about it openly, but by their words, I have picked up. There is something even more important.

They need me for it. Breaking these doors was just the test.

I am quite curious about it, but I did not ask about it, and nor do I care. As my priority is escape and every moment, I am searching for it till now; I had not found even a single opportunity to escape.

Even now, when everyone is enjoying the radiant bath with closed eyes, I could not slip away.

All three sovereigns are alert, especially Reta, who always had her eyes on me. Even for a moment, she is not moving her focus toward me. It felt like she was focusing more on me than on a person of her race.

An hour pa.s.sed and all my injuries have been healed. There is not even a scratch has remained.

If I want to make a breakthrough now, I am 80% sure, I will succeed. A few more hours in this water and my chances will increase even further. I am sure staying more wouldn"t be a problem.

These people need this water more than I had.

So, after looking outside and checking my meta-scan, I resumed working on my inheritance.

There is no interference of water and me working in my core. So, I am doing that. For me, every minute is important. Especially since I have not finished with the small upgrade.

Though I am close, I will need to finish it quickly before reaching the breakthrough spot.

Time pa.s.sed, and soon four hours had pa.s.sed, and I have reached the limit of benefits I could take it from this pool, but I did not get out. I am still taking the energy from this pool.

Not to mention, we will be here for an hour or two more.

While Primary III is finished, no sovereigns. They always take more time, and even I can"t last them.

Two hours and three minutes pa.s.sed when Harnal opened his eyes. Eight minutes later, it was Sor. It was four-two minutes more before Reta had opened her eyes.

"Let"s go," she said, and stepped out of the pool while Sor and Harnal unabashedly ogled her. She is a beautiful woman without a doubt, but if I get a chance, I will not hesitate even for an instant to kill. If I had the power.

My freedom matters the most since they are keeping me captive. I will kill them.


One by one, everyone stepped out of the pool, and we wore our clothes before getting out of the hall.

"We have gone to all the doors we have wanted. So we will go to the breakthrough place before getting out of here." Reta said, and I felt myself moving.

We moved through the caves at a quick speed, searching for the door. Stopping after one hour and thirty-seven minutes, as found the door that we had wanted.

"Break it," she said and handed me the crystals as she scanned the formation with her artifact. I simply nodded and brought out the privacy formation before stepping inside.

Soon, the privacy formation covered me, and I begin to solve the formation.

Two hours and twelve minutes later, I solved the formation and immediately begin working on my inheritance. I need to make a breakthrough and I need my inheritance ready.

It is quite a challenge, but seeing most of the work had already been done. I might be able to do it.

I am having quite a hard time believing; I am creating an inheritance such fast. In my world, it would have taken me years, but here I am doing that in less than a month.

There are a couple of reasons for that. First is the change in perspective. In my world, I had been the most powerful powerhouse. At a level, very few across history had been able to reach.

The second is complexity, which had reduced a lot due to this extreme suppression of the Prime world.

While I need to make things far more sophisticated to work here. I only need to work on a few things.

The third is me and my clones" knowledge, which had increased further. So, despite a reduction in time dilution, we are able to create the inheritance much faster, at least with the small upgrade.

The Primary-III inheritance is going to take time. I am reaching for high, and I create such an inheritance, that will help me harness that power.

Seven hours later, I stopped as I had finally finished with the upgrade. It looked amazing and will let me harness much greater power than I could at my current level.

I stayed in my core for another hour before opening my eyes and getting up.

"Quickly opened the door," said Ura hurriedly. I looked at him before taking out the air pen. A moment later, the runes started to come out of it.

There is a lot of ink inside this air-pen, and I wanted to take some of it, but I could not. This artifact is bonded to Reta, and she only gave me access to drawing the runes and nothing more.

If I take it inside my core, I could erase her bond, but that would be a death sentence. She will know the moment; I took the pen inside my core.

A little over two minutes later, I finished drawing up the formation, and it went toward the door.


A few seconds later, the door buzzed, and Reta opened the last door, we will enter in this place.

She walked inside while I was pushed.

No matter how many times it happened. It still makes me extremely angry that I wish I could kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d in the most painful way.

I controlled my anger and looked ahead and immediately; I couldn"t help but get surprised at seeing the black rectangular plate at the center.

I recognized it. I had read about it in one of the books in the library.