Monster Integration

Chapter 3131 Twist

Chapter 3131 Twist

As everyone walked out of the gate, begin to climb up from the tunnel, which was much slower than climbing inside.

After we had reached the gate earlier, Reta had erased all signs of it. Keeping only a small s.p.a.ce open, while filling the whole tunnel expertly. Only after one looks carefully, does one will be able to see signs of it.

She is nothing, if not careful.

It took half an hour before we finally saw the sun, and a few seconds more to bathe in its lights.

"Out finally," said Ura and took a step forward when suddenly, Reta"s expression changed and stopped Ura from moving forward.

"I know you two are hiding. Come out," said Reta suddenly. For a few seconds, there were no movements. Before finally, I saw two people coming out from different directions.

The moment I saw them. My eyes couldn"t help but widen in surprise.

The two people are from the beastmen race. Yellow strip tiger beastmen and they both are Peak Sovereign.

"Reta, your soul sense is powerful as always," said the taller one. "Your stealth method is so bad that I didn"t have to put much effort to sense you," she replied as she took a step forward.

She must have said something to Sor and the other Sovereigns as the quiet girl appeared beside me and the three Sovereigns surrounded us protectively.

"Hand over the Key, Reta and we will let you go," said the shorter Tiger Beastman. "Weaklings do not make demands. Orarg," she mocked and anger appeared in the eyes of the short tiger beastman.

"Hun. It seemed like you still have s.p.u.n.k, despite being a level lower than us," said the short tiger beastman angrily.

"Level is not everything. You should understand it, well, after what happened last time." She mocked, making it enough angry.

"Enough chit-chat. Hand over the key and we will let you leave. Resist and we will take it from your dead body," said the taller tiger beastman.

"I like to see how you do it," challenge Reta, and the bigger tiger beastman laughed as the red ax appeared in his hand.

"I will show it to you then," he said and shot toward Reta, with a powerful aura blasting off his body.

She also did not remain in her place and moved toward the tall tiger beastman. With the speed, I could not catch.

As they reached close, a red saber appeared in her hand and an aura was released from her body. While she is a level lower, her aura is not weak. It is as powerful as that of her opponents.


Their weapons clashed, and the powerful shockwave had released from it. Powerful enough that Sor had needed to use the defensive ability to block it.

"We should move back," said Sor, and I felt myself moving back, while at the same time. I saw a brown bow in the short tiger batsman"s hand, in which he had released the violet aura, targeting Reta"s head.

I am quite surprised seeing the tigerman as the archer.

It is hard to be an archer, as the long-range attack is easier to defend against than the close range.

Most who start with the bow leave it for another weapon. Some continued and reached this stage, are always powerful.

The short tighter beastman released the arrow at the same time Reta moved her saber to clash again.

The arrow was so fast that it appeared by Reta"s head in an instant and what is more surprising is that Reta, move her head a little, dodging it by less than an inch.


The arrow clashed against the tree, exploding into pieces, while Reta clashed with the taller tiger beastman.

The battle started with a bang, and I wish I could see it clearly. These people are powerful, and even after activating all my ocular abilities, all I could see is a blur.

Still, even the blur is exciting.

It is my first time seeing the powerful sovereigns fighting. They are very powerful, and I wish I had this kind of power. If I had, I wouldn"t be in this predicament.

I shook my head at those thoughts and focused on the battle.

From what I could observe, Reta is powerful enough to faintly suppress taller tiger beastman, but with short Beastman and his really powerful arrows. She is getting suppressed.

Though not enough for them to injure her, much less kill her.

Still, nothing could be sure; they haven"t released their full power yet and until they do, I shouldn"t make any predictions. Especially when I couldn"t even see the battle properly.

While I am excited, I am also scared.

With the strength they have, they would only need a single attack to finish us off. One attack of an ax or one arrow and we would be finished. All three sovereigns would be powerless against their attacks.

This is why we are constantly moving back, creating as much distance from the battle and its powerful shockwave.

I could feel how scared these people around me were and also ashamed about it, which is why they were talking telepathically.

I could tell they were talking telepathically, seeing how their expressions would twitch now and them.

It is not the result of the battle ahead. The expression changes in different ways when one is watching the battle and talking telepathically.

I am also scared, but not as much as them. I know I would survive. If they want the key, means they will have to use me to get that thing. Even if they have a runemaster, an extra wouldn"t hurt.

A few minutes pa.s.sed, and they used more and more power, but the result is the same.

No one is gaining more than a faint edge, but they are still fighting. I don"t know how long, but I hope it will end soon. As I will not get a chance to escape in an open forest. I want to be at a place where I will get a chance to escape.

Over ten minutes pa.s.sed, and the battle was turning raging by the second. They are using everything they have, but failing to kill each other.


I was watching it when I sensed the presence. Everyone had sensed it and looked behind, only to see there is another red strip tiger beastwoman standing behind.

"h.e.l.lo," she said and moved.

Bang Bang Bang

She acted fast, that I only saw bodies flying till she was the only one standing by me.


I thought, she is going to hit me too and was about to tell her what I am when I felt her claw gripping my hand tightly, but not painful.

As she did, I felt myself moving at a blurring speed.

It was so fast that I could see which direction she is taking me. Nor I could resist, in front of her ma.s.sive power.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!"

I heard the loud angry scream of Reta behind me, while my new captor just smiled. "She is angry," said the tiger beastwomen, and laughed.

There is not even the slightest worry in her voice. The only thing she is focused on is taking me away.