Monster Integration

Chapter 3133 Clear Lake II

Chapter 3133 Clear Lake II

"You are early, and it seemed like you have even brought the guest," said the older yellow-strip tiger beastman as he walked out of the small, a minute after stopping near it.

He is bulky with darker yellow eyes and is a Peak Sovereign, but his aura felt a lot stronger than two Peak Sovereign tiger beastmen beside me.

"We have got what we wanted from the banzar valley. So, there was no reason for us to stay," she said. "Key?" he asked. To which the beastwomen sighed.

"Reta of Arma family, has it," she replied, to which he arched her brow. "Reggie and Ban fought with her, even if I had joined. She was powerful enough to escape with it," explained tiger beastwomen.

"And him?" he asked, turning to me. "The rune-master. He was able to help them get the key in less than three weeks." She said and for the first time, his expression changed.

"If he is good, as you say, then we will have a little easier time getting what we want," he said and turned back to the water, while beastwoman and others followed, including me.

The small lake is quite deep, and at the base of it is a dome house. Made of blue bricks.

At first, I thought it was a spatial abode like a woody house in the Reta, but it is not a spatial abode. At least not a portable and movable spatial abode. I could feel the runes deep into the ground.

It is of this ruin.

Soon, we reached the gate and pa.s.sed through the blue layer, and immediately appeared in what seemed like a hall.

In the hall, there are nine yellow strips tiger beastmen sitting. Five of them are peak sovereigns, while two are peak Primary-III.

"Human, solve this formation," said the bulky tiger beastman as threw the disk at me. "What will you give me if you do it?" I asked back, to their surprise.

"If you break it in less than a day, I will give you this," he said and took out a small bottle, inside which is a dense solution. I don"t know what it is, but it must be something for a peak sovereign like him to bring it out.

"Keep your promise," I said and bring and brought out the isolation formation and entered inside.

n.o.body said anything, just looked amused.

I would have really liked to sleep, but since he had given me the challenge. I will solve it first, before sleeping.

I went to my core and began solving the formation on the plate. This time, I did not even take help, from my clone.

"Finished," I said after two hours and four minutes. I brought the disk out and took out the boxed lunch and ate it, before closing my eyes again and this time to sleep.

I woke, but did immediately inform them and instead worked on my inheritance for a few hours and only opened my eyes at the eighteenth hour.

"It is done," I said as I got up and threw the disk at the bulky man. Who looked at the finished formation in surprise. "You have really solved it in less than a day," he said after a few seconds, before throwing a blue bottle at me.

"I want to rest," I said to them. A moment later. A blue star with a numeric twenty-two flew toward me before sticking to my palm.

"We will call you when it is time to leave," he said. I nodded and walked away.

This abode may seem small outside, but is big. There are over fifty rooms here, and that is on the first floor. I am sure the second floor above will have the second, similar rooms.


I reached the room and opened the door and immediately couldn"t help but became surprised. I had been expecting the room, but it had turned out to be a suit.

I looked around the rooms before reaching the control panel and tapped on a few b.u.t.tons a second later. The water elemental energy of the room disappeared, and neutral energy begins to take its place.

After, the energy changed. I removed all my clothes and walked into a large bath. The biggest one I have come across.

Usually, I am a shower man, but I love to take a bath where there is water like this. It is a special type of water, one that is good at healing injuries and removing tiredness.

After taking a quick shower, I laid into the copper tub and instantly felt amazing.

I did not add anything to the water, there is no need to add anything. It is amazing without it.

I enjoyed it for more than an hour, before taking myself out and changing into new clothes, before laying on the bed to sleep. Of course, I am not sleeping; I had already slept; I am going to work at my core.

I entered the library and began studying. Not books or runes. but the information about this ruin.

More importantly, the lake command.

These people are here for the inheritance. The Clear Lake inheritance, to be more specific.

The silverinth origination had many inheritances, but there are four prime inheritances. Even among the four prime, Clear Lake is considered being the most powerful one.

It was not created by the member of silverinth but was found a thousand years later. I said it, after a few hundred years of its finding. Every leader of the organization had this inheritance.

It was powerful enough to suppress all three prime inheritances.

I don"t know how much of it was true and how much of it was hype, but one thing is clear. They want it and they are willing to pay any price to get it.

Currently, I have seen two powerful families trying for it, but I know there are more.

It makes things extremely dangerous for me as all of these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are sovereigns, against whom I am helpless.