Monster no Goshujin-sama

Chapter 25

Publishedat 26th of April 2019 02:07:01 PMChapter 25
Chapter 25 – Proof of Friendship

“『Aerial Knight』……? Is that your inherent ability as a cheat user, Mikihiko?” (Majima)

“Yep, that’s right . ” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko nodded, and shrugged his shoulders .

“Though I say that, unfortunately, as an ability it’s a pretty dull cla.s.s . Since you can’t move it well unless it’s an item you’re used to, and it can only be moved like I’m handling it . Honestly, what an inconvenient ability . ” (Mikihiko)

Since the daggers were floating in the air, it was probably some kind of psychokinesis, but the requirements seemed to be really strict .

Rather, its true nature might be『to create a clone of yourself in the air』 .

This was Shumoku Mikihiko’s cheat ability, as a transported person of another world .

……It was what Mikihiko had hidden .

“Sorry, I was silent about it . ” (Mikihiko)

While looking over his shoulder, Mikihiko floated a smile that hung down from the end of his eyebrow .

“Mikihiko……” (Majima)

The transported people here in Fort Tilia were all survivors of the ‘Stay Behind’ group, spare the three ‘Scouting Corps’ members .

They, having not awakened the ability retained within them, were trying to prompt that awakening by receiving combat training .

I thoughtlessly hadn’t realized that there were exceptions to that .

——I was one . I myself had hidden my ability because of my distrust of the surroundings .

Then, it wouldn’t be weird if there was someone who was doing the same thing as me .

All the more so if they had circ.u.mstances similar to mine .

Thus, there was a huge significance in someone the same as me revealing their own secret in this current situation .  Because I was me, I knew that .

“I won’t say anything like『Please believe in me』, but I’ll show you by pulling through this situation somehow . ” (Mikihiko)

As Mikihiko himself had said, unfortunately,『Aerial Knight』wasn’t that strong of an ability .

Mikihiko knew what would happen to himself if he tried to earn us enough time to escape . And yet, he drew his swords “Leave this place to me”, and my dear friend manifested his own superpower . ¹

“There’s no way I can let them die” .

It was a declaration of his resolution, and also a proof of friendship .

……Aah . In other words, it seemed I’d fallen behind my friend .

Our decisions were probably almost simultaneous . However, the difference of ‘whether or not the other person’s important person was in this place’ subtlety changed the time until I moved to act .

But, that was it .

I couldn’t fall behind anymore than this .

“Of course, I also don’t plan to die in a place like this, so I’ll follow you as soon as I earn a suitable amount of time . So Takahiro, r-……” (Mikihiko)

“Sorry, Mikihiko . That proposal is rejected . ” (Majima)

Mikihiko showed his friendship . If he did, then I’d also respond to it .

I put my hand on the white cloth wrapped around my left hand like a bandage .

I thought “this is the only way to respond to my friend’s spirit”, so I had no hesitation .

The white cloth turned over . Mikihiko’s eyes were wide open underneath his .

“You don’t need to earn time . Let’s live with everyone, and escape this place . ” (Majima)

I declared, accompanied by the parasitic vine Asarina stretching long from my left hand .

“Ma.s.s, te, err! err!” (Asarina)

While listening to Asarina’s cry of joy, I undid the sheath of the『Pseudo-Damascus Steel Sword』Rose had made after I asked her and rolled it on the floor . I didn’t have to conceal this anymore either .

“Lily, I’ll leave the tetra sickle to you . It’ll be troublesome if it becomes a free-for-all fight . And Ayame, come here . ” (Majima)

“Got it, Masterr . ” (Lily)

When I gave my instructions, Lily answered with a lively voice .

When Ayame, who poked out her head from the neckline of her clothes, jumped out with a *pyon* and got on my left shoulder, she also cooed *kuuu* happily .

“KyA, KyAA! A m-, monster!?” (Kei)

When she saw Ayame’s figure, Kei screamed and stepped back .

Seeing a look of fear floating on her innocent looks was unavoidable, but it made me feel a little lonesome .

“T, Takahiro-san, yo-, you’re in dangerr . A monster’s on your shoulder! H-, huh? But, that one is growing from you……?” (Kei)

“I’m not in danger . These guys are special . ” (Majima)

I spoke, aiming for a voice as quiet as possible .

“The power given to me…was the power to tame monsters . ” (Majima)

“Tame……monsters?” (Kei)

“I see . Something like that, huh? You, too……” (Mikihiko)

On the other hand, Mikihiko understood quickly, as expected . Floating a smile on his mouth, his face had a slightly awkward look on it .

“Eh? Huh? W, wait a minute pleasee . What does that mean……?” (Kei)

“Sorry, but I don’t have the time to be explaining . ” (Majima)

Speaking to the confused Kei, I exchanged looks with Lily .

“Let’s only think about cutting our way through this place right now . ” (Majima)

Lily nodded and started running . She seemed to have also noticed that the signs of combat on the other side of the corner disappeared several seconds ago . And sure enough, I heard the flapping of wings behind me *buuun* .

The tetra sickle, having annihilated the soldiers, turned the corner and rushed here .

With the tetra sickle and fire fang attacking at the same time—of course it’d be impossible to protect us . Lily had no choice but to turn to intercept one of them . She wouldn’t lose, even if it was her first time seeing the enemy .

Therefore, the wounded fire fang was our task .

“I’ll be the vanguard . Mikihiko, please back me up . ” (Majima)

“That……Yeah . Got it . ” (Mikihiko)

It was Mikihiko who argued, but he withdrew with a nod immediately .

This was a simple division of roles . It’d be better for me who had a shield to be the vanguard, and Kei needed a guard . Shaking my head at Mikihiko, who had a slightly strained face, I broke off into a run .

“I’ll leave Kei to you!” (Majima)

Perhaps it realized that the threat decreased with Lily gone with its wild instinct . After throwing out the soldier’s corpse that was in its mouth, the fire fang started running .

If it got too close, there was a possibility that Kei and Mikihiko would be dragged into the battle .

First, let’s stop its feet . While running, I pushed out my left arm which had the shield .

“Do it, Ayame!” (Majima)

“GyoOOo!” (Ayame)

Ayame, clinging to my left shoulder, inflated her body like a balloon, and spit out a fireball .

The flame ran through the brick corridor . The fire fang dodged the approaching fireball by turning its body aside adroitly . So far everything went the way I a.s.sumed . Asarina, who had rushed out from my left hand at the same time as the fireball, attacked the wolf whose posture was slightly off .

“GuruuAAaah!” (Fire Fang)

The fire fang leaped and just barely managed to avoid this as well . It landed and attacked the long and defenseless stretched vines, as well as bit at them with its sharp fangs .

“Maaastt——” (Asarina)

With a *buchiri* sound, Asarina’s head was detached .

“——eerrr!” (Asarina)

Immediately after, a new head grew from the cut end .

Asarina’s head was only one part of her body at most . She could extend however many times she wanted to as long as the magical power she siphoned off and stored from my body in advance didn’t run out, and she wouldn’t die as long as she wasn’t pulled out by the roots .

Asarina wrapped her viney body around the wolf’s forelimb, and bit at its shoulder with her regrown head . As a result, the fire fang and I became connected through Asarina .

Without a moment’s delay I gave instructions to Asarina through the path, and made her body contract .

“……kku!” (Majima)

As soon as she did, my left arm was pulled with a tremendous force . Not fighting that force, I kicked the ground .

I surrounded my body with magical power, and raised my body’s strength as high as I could .

That wasn’t all—Asarina’s roots stretched around from the back up my left hand to halfway up my forearm to further reinforce my arm, so the clumsiness that injured my joints earlier wouldn’t be exposed . These were the fruits of the special training I had done during our journey to the north from the arachne’s nest until we came here .

I also now had the physical ability to control my posture . The distance shortened as though I was flying . The fire fang, which was getting bigger in my field of vision, stuck its limbs to the ground .

Its mouth opened . Red flames began to overflow from within its throat .

“GuruAaAAah!” (Fire Fang)

Along with a roar, the flames spread out before my eyes . ——I didn’t care . I put the shield in my left hand in front, and thrust it into the flames from the front .

“Guu!” (Majima)
As expected of a monster of the Deep Part of the sea of trees . Even though Rose’s humbly made circular shield defended against most of the flames, in just a moment, the clothes distributed to me after I came to this fortress burned up .

But, that was it .

Prepared underneath that were the specially made clothes, which Rose had further reinforced, woven with great efforts by Gerbera, a high monster—the white spider that appeared even in the heroic tales of the heroes . It wouldn’t be scorched by flames of this degree .

“Eat thiiiiiiiiis!” (Majima)

Pa.s.sing through the flames with my shield prepared, I collided with the fire fang with my body as I was . I was a literal human bullet . The fire fang, the shield slamming into its snout, raised a scream *GyAN* and toppled over .

However, my posture was also destroyed by the impact . I hurriedly fixed my poster . At the same time as that, I felt a chill . I jumped sideways . Its jaw bit down on the spot I had been at just a bit ago, making a *gachin* sound .

……I should have been advantageous after we collided with each other, but it put itself back together almost instantaneously? It appeared I couldn’t catch up with the physical ability of monsters after all .

However, I could deal with it well enough . Compared to the demonic speed of Gerbera, who had served as my training partner, this much was nothing .

After I dodged, the wolf’s flank was exposed in front of me .

“ooOOO!” (Majima)

A perfect chance . I swung my sword together with a yell .

But, it was too shallow . Maybe I was too hasty . The sword’s edge slipped on the beast’s fur .

“GuruaAAaAA!” (Fire Fang)

It counterattacked with its claws, but I stopped the blow with my shield .

……Heavy . It destroyed my posture .

Before I fixed it, its fangs drew near . Before its jaws closed, I instantly『forced the shield into its mouth』, and stopped it .

“Uu, gugugu……” (Majima)

Though I avoided being bitten, its long fangs were eating into my upper arm, and my face stiffened in pain .

A long breath blew against me . A b.l.o.o.d.y smell . Magical power flowed, and the signs of flames and a sense of impending danger made me shiver . I couldn’t escape .

In other words, the enemy couldn’t escape either——

“Don’t let itt, Ayamee!” (Majima)

“GyOOo!” (Ayame)

——The fireball released by Ayame, who *pyon* jumped high using my head as a stepping stool, exploded on the defenseless back of the fire fang .

“OOoO!” (Majima)

I thrusted down my sword towards the fire fang, whose body was thrown onto the brick ground .

Blood sprayed up . The swing that I intended to decapitate it with had lopped off one of the fire fang’s front legs, as it stood up immediately .

Even the hit I slashed back with right after it was avoided behind . I clicked my tongue . Even if it was a step further, my immature sword arm didn’t make any fatal wounds .

Jumping back, the fire fang stood with 3 legs . It only took a small time to correspond to its current situation with a missing leg, and when its posture crumbled a little——a dagger plunged towards its flank .

“Takahiroo!” (Mikihiko)

It was a dagger being manipulated by Mikihiko’s『Aerial Knight』 .

At that time, I definitely felt like I felt the existence of my friend in the empty air .

It cut straight down, followed by a left horizontal slash . The two swords ate into the wolf’s abdomen . Though far from fatal wounds, the swords of Mikihiko, who was piling up training, reliably gave injuries to the fire fang .

The fire fang was distracted by the sudden intruder . All the more so since it couldn’t see the opponent’s figure even when it tried to counterattack .

“Maa, st, errr!” (Asarina)

There was no way I could overlook this chance . I made Asarina wrap around the wolf’s neck .

It was an ideal opportunity .  This time I wouldn’t miss .

I didn’t have a sword arm like Mikihiko’s yet . Maybe I had no talent . So, I didn’t rely on things like that .

Preparing myself, I kicked the ground with all my might . I rushed with my sword prepared, letting my body be pulled by Asarina .

The fire fang bared its wolf-like sharp fangs, trying to intercept . I thrusted the『Pseudo-Damascus Steel Sword』Rose humbly made into its opened mouth .

“AAaaAAAH!” (Majima)

Asarina fulfilled her job, Rose’s masterpiece demonstrated its terrifying sharpness, and the damage of the fireball Ayame gave was weakening the fire fang’s movements .

Though, had I hesitated even a little, the fire fang’s fangs would have bitten my body, giving me deep wounds . My victory or defeat perception was something cultivated through training, something I was able to obtain only because of Gerbera, who served as my partner, and Lily, who supported me .

My sword destroyed its cranium, piercing its soft palate .

The fire fang’s body lost strength, shaking a lot in its final moments .

“I……did it?” (Majima)

I muttered dumbfounded, looking down at the collapsed fire fang .

If it was over, my injuries were just light burns . I was tired . There may have been places I tired out too much, nervous because it was my first time fighting by myself . I wonder, were those parts I “needed to reflect on”?

I put my hand on my chest while fixing my rough breaths . The sound of beating *thud thud* resounded . I could feel the aftertaste of battle in the palm of my hand .

“How strange”, I tilted my head .

I had felt that “if it was the current me, I’d have a decent enough chance of victory” . I had thought “I can probably compete with it on an equal footing” . ……But, the fact that I was actually able to defeat a monster seemed a bit confusing, like I was in a dream .

“Kyuuuu!” (Ayame)

“Woaah!?” (Majima)

Suddenly, Ayame jumped at me, so I caught her tiny body in a panic .

While shaking her fluffy tail, Ayame stretched her tongue as far as she could and licked my chin .

Asarina made sonorous sounds, enclosing my surroundings with her vines . That…was her victory song .

“……I see . I really can fight, huh?” (Majima)

At last, I felt the feeling gradually forming .

I firmly clenched my fist, a smile unintentionally floating on my face .

I didn’t particularly mean that I liked fighting, nor did I have the nature where I felt pleasure in injuring something .

Nevertheless, from the fact that I leaked a smile right now, it seemed that I, too, was a man .

Anyway, I had to survive in this different world . The only thing that the powerless me had been able to do was try to not be a burden anyway . I hadn’t realized it until now, but maybe I was feeling ashamed somewhere in my heart at the current situation where I was being protected by women who felt I was important from the very bottom of their hearts .

I was moving forward, even if it was little by little . I was genuinely happy that I could feel that .

“Takahiro-sann!” (Kei)

“Hm?” (Majima)

When I raised my eyes after being called out to, there was a short little girl running this way .

“Oh?” While I was wondering, the distance rapidly shrunk .

“You aren’t hurt, are youu?” (Kei)

“Woaah!?” (Majima)

Kei grabbed the shirttail of my clothes, that being the first thing out of her mouth . Her strong gaze was looking up at me, so close that I could feel her angry breath .

She was so close I could feel her rough breath, and

“How could you jump into a fire like that! I thought my heart might stopp!” (Kei)

“Y-, yeah . Sorry . I’m fine . I’m not that injured, but……” (Majima)

A confused voice left me .

“……aren’t you scared?” (Majima)

Ayame was squinting with uneasy eyes at her between Kei, who drew closer, and Asarina, who’d surrounded me, was tilting her head a number of centimeters next to her . For a resident of this different world, the current me wouldn’t be anything but a target of fear .

However, Kei shook her head, swinging her golden hair .

“Takahiro-san, you have saved me twice . ” (Kei)

“……” (Majima)

Kei’s response was childish and simple . So much so that I, whose chest was poked, couldn’t return words .

“Rather than that, please show me where you’re injured even if it’s small . Since I can use simple recovery magic……AAAhh!” (Kei)

Kei, who was *pat pat* touching my chest, screamed .

It was really hectic . Usually, children were probably not this calm .

“Miho-san! Miho-san!?” (Kei)

“I’m fine, it’s over now . ” (Lily)

Lily, who came this way walking with Mikihiko, called out to Kei .

Quick, as expected of her . Even monsters in the same Deep Part of the sea of trees weren’t a match for the current Lily, who had eaten many monsters .

“And, it’s not Miho, it’s Lily, okay? From now on, I’d be happy if you referred to me as such . ” (Lily)

“Li-, Lily……-san?” (Kei)

After she smiled at Kei, who was confused, Lily shifted her attention to me .

“Nicely done . I intended to come running as soon as I finished . I was a little surprised that you defeated it by yourself, Master . ” (Lily)

“It wasn’t just me . It was thanks to Ayame and Asarina . There were also parts where I relied on my armor, and besides, the opponent was wounded . ” (Majima)

I didn’t plan to deny my own progress, but having said that, I didn’t plan to be conceited either .

“There’s also parts I need to reflect on . I need to make the best use of this . ” (Majima)

“Fufu . That’s just like you, Master . ” (Lily)

Lily looked glad, probably because she knew that I wasn’t saying that abjectly . I could still become strong . After thinking so, I returned a smile .

“We don’t have much time to be talking . The way’s been opened . Aft-……” (Majima)

Suddenly noticing a gaze, I stopped speaking .

Mikihiko was looking this way .

“Ah……” (Majima)

Until a little bit ago I was shelving it since it was an emergency situation, but we both had been hiding secret from each other . Of course it’d be awkward .

“Takahiro . ” (Mikihiko)

Having collected his daggers, Mikihiko walked this way .

The corners of his mouth…lifted up .

“Nice guts, Takahiro . ” (Mikihiko)

“……Same as ever, I see . Nice a.s.sist, Mikihiko . ” (Majima)

I knocked my fist into his fist pointing towards me .

It was a short exchange, but that alone was enough to confirm what we had between us .

“Maybe it’ll be awkward”……that was a needless worry . Because what we had between us wasn’t something that would go bad from just that .

“Perhaps……”, I thought .

Of the things I’d lost after I came to this world, this might’ve been the first『important thing』that I was able to recover .

“Alright . Well then, shall we go?” (Majima)

“——!! Wait a minute, Master . ” (Lily)

It was when we tried to leave again .

Lily, who’d been looking at us happily, shouted with a stiffened expression .

“Be careful, someone’s coming……!” (Lily)

Soon, my ears heard the footsteps as well .

——And a number of seconds later, we were pointing our swords at a large number of knights .

Translator’s Notes

¹ – I’m not sure what the expression in the 2nd half of the sentence is saying, so that’s what I went with . ‘それでもこの場は自分に任せろと剣を抜き、虎の子の己の異能を発現させたのだった。’ 

Chapter 25 – Proof of Friendship

“『Aerial Knight』……? Is that your inherent ability as a cheat user, Mikihiko?” (Majima).

“Yep, that’s right . ” (Mikihiko).

Mikihiko nodded, and shrugged his shoulders

“Though I say that, unfortunately, as an ability it’s a pretty dull cla.s.s . Since you can’t move it well unless it’s an item you’re used to, and it can only be moved like I’m handling it . Honestly, what an inconvenient ability . ” (Mikihiko).

Since the daggers were floating in the air, it was probably some kind of psychokinesis, but the requirements seemed to be really strict

Rather, its true nature might be『to create a clone of yourself in the air』

This was Shumoku Mikihiko’s cheat ability, as a transported person of another world

……It was what Mikihiko had hidden

“Sorry, I was silent about it . ” (Mikihiko).

While looking over his shoulder, Mikihiko floated a smile that hung down from the end of his eyebrow

“Mikihiko……” (Majima).

The transported people here in Fort Tilia were all survivors of the ‘Stay Behind’ group, spare the three ‘Scouting Corps’ members

They, having not awakened the ability retained within them, were trying to prompt that awakening by receiving combat training

I thoughtlessly hadn’t realized that there were exceptions to that . ——I was one . I myself had hidden my ability because of my distrust of the surroundings

Then, it wouldn’t be weird if there was someone who was doing the same thing as me

All the more so if they had circ.u.mstances similar to mine

Thus, there was a huge significance in someone the same as me revealing their own secret in this current situation .  Because I was me, I knew that

“I won’t say anything like『Please believe in me』, but I’ll show you by pulling through this situation somehow . ” (Mikihiko).

As Mikihiko himself had said, unfortunately,『Aerial Knight』wasn’t that strong of an ability

Mikihiko knew what would happen to himself if he tried to earn us enough time to escape . And yet, he drew his swords “Leave this place to me”, and my dear friend manifested his own superpower . ¹.

“There’s no way I can let them die”

It was a declaration of his resolution, and also a proof of friendship

……Aah . In other words, it seemed I’d fallen behind my friend

Our decisions were probably almost simultaneous . However, the difference of ‘whether or not the other person’s important person was in this place’ subtlety changed the time until I moved to act

But, that was it

I couldn’t fall behind anymore than this

“Of course, I also don’t plan to die in a place like this, so I’ll follow you as soon as I earn a suitable amount of time . So Takahiro, r-……” (Mikihiko).

“Sorry, Mikihiko . That proposal is rejected . ” (Majima).

Mikihiko showed his friendship . If he did, then I’d also respond to it

I put my hand on the white cloth wrapped around my left hand like a bandage

I thought “this is the only way to respond to my friend’s spirit”, so I had no hesitation

The white cloth turned over . Mikihiko’s eyes were wide open underneath his

“You don’t need to earn time . Let’s live with everyone, and escape this place . ” (Majima).

I declared, accompanied by the parasitic vine Asarina stretching long from my left hand

“Ma.s.s, te, err! err!” (Asarina).

While listening to Asarina’s cry of joy, I undid the sheath of the『Pseudo-Damascus Steel Sword』Rose had made after I asked her and rolled it on the floor . I didn’t have to conceal this anymore either

“Lily, I’ll leave the tetra sickle to you . It’ll be troublesome if it becomes a free-for-all fight . And Ayame, come here . ” (Majima).

“Got it, Masterr . ” (Lily).

When I gave my instructions, Lily answered with a lively voice

When Ayame, who poked out her head from the neckline of her clothes, jumped out with a *pyon* and got on my left shoulder, she also cooed *kuuu* happily

“KyA, KyAA! A m-, monster!?” (Kei).

When she saw Ayame’s figure, Kei screamed and stepped back

Seeing a look of fear floating on her innocent looks was unavoidable, but it made me feel a little lonesome

“T, Takahiro-san, yo-, you’re in dangerr . A monster’s on your shoulder! H-, huh? But, that one is growing from you……?” (Kei).

“I’m not in danger . These guys are special . ” (Majima).

I spoke, aiming for a voice as quiet as possible

“The power given to me…was the power to tame monsters . ” (Majima).

“Tame……monsters?” (Kei).

“I see . Something like that, huh? You, too……” (Mikihiko).

On the other hand, Mikihiko understood quickly, as expected . Floating a smile on his mouth, his face had a slightly awkward look on it

“Eh? Huh? W, wait a minute pleasee . What does that mean……?” (Kei).

“Sorry, but I don’t have the time to be explaining . ” (Majima).

Speaking to the confused Kei, I exchanged looks with Lily

“Let’s only think about cutting our way through this place right now . ” (Majima).

Lily nodded and started running . She seemed to have also noticed that the signs of combat on the other side of the corner disappeared several seconds ago . And sure enough, I heard the flapping of wings behind me *buuun*

The tetra sickle, having annihilated the soldiers, turned the corner and rushed here

With the tetra sickle and fire fang attacking at the same time—of course it’d be impossible to protect us . Lily had no choice but to turn to intercept one of them . She wouldn’t lose, even if it was her first time seeing the enemy

Therefore, the wounded fire fang was our task

“I’ll be the vanguard . Mikihiko, please back me up . ” (Majima).

“That……Yeah . Got it . ” (Mikihiko).

It was Mikihiko who argued, but he withdrew with a nod immediately

This was a simple division of roles . It’d be better for me who had a shield to be the vanguard, and Kei needed a guard . Shaking my head at Mikihiko, who had a slightly strained face, I broke off into a run

“I’ll leave Kei to you!” (Majima).

Perhaps it realized that the threat decreased with Lily gone with its wild instinct . After throwing out the soldier’s corpse that was in its mouth, the fire fang started running

If it got too close, there was a possibility that Kei and Mikihiko would be dragged into the battle

First, let’s stop its feet . While running, I pushed out my left arm which had the shield

“Do it, Ayame!” (Majima).

“GyoOOo!” (Ayame).

Ayame, clinging to my left shoulder, inflated her body like a balloon, and spit out a fireball

The flame ran through the brick corridor . The fire fang dodged the approaching fireball by turning its body aside adroitly . So far everything went the way I a.s.sumed . Asarina, who had rushed out from my left hand at the same time as the fireball, attacked the wolf whose posture was slightly off

“GuruuAAaah!” (Fire Fang).

The fire fang leaped and just barely managed to avoid this as well . It landed and attacked the long and defenseless stretched vines, as well as bit at them with its sharp fangs

“Maaastt——” (Asarina).

With a *buchiri* sound, Asarina’s head was detached

“——eerrr!” (Asarina).

Immediately after, a new head grew from the cut end

Asarina’s head was only one part of her body at most . She could extend however many times she wanted to as long as the magical power she siphoned off and stored from my body in advance didn’t run out, and she wouldn’t die as long as she wasn’t pulled out by the roots

Asarina wrapped her viney body around the wolf’s forelimb, and bit at its shoulder with her regrown head . As a result, the fire fang and I became connected through Asarina

Without a moment’s delay I gave instructions to Asarina through the path, and made her body contract

“……kku!” (Majima).

As soon as she did, my left arm was pulled with a tremendous force . Not fighting that force, I kicked the ground

I surrounded my body with magical power, and raised my body’s strength as high as I could

That wasn’t all—Asarina’s roots stretched around from the back up my left hand to halfway up my forearm to further reinforce my arm, so the clumsiness that injured my joints earlier wouldn’t be exposed . These were the fruits of the special training I had done during our journey to the north from the arachne’s nest until we came here

I also now had the physical ability to control my posture . The distance shortened as though I was flying . The fire fang, which was getting bigger in my field of vision, stuck its limbs to the ground

Its mouth opened . Red flames began to overflow from within its throat

“GuruAaAAah!” (Fire Fang).

Along with a roar, the flames spread out before my eyes . ——I didn’t care . I put the shield in my left hand in front, and thrust it into the flames from the front

“Guu!” (Majima). As expected of a monster of the Deep Part of the sea of trees . Even though Rose’s humbly made circular shield defended against most of the flames, in just a moment, the clothes distributed to me after I came to this fortress burned up

But, that was it

Prepared underneath that were the specially made clothes, which Rose had further reinforced, woven with great efforts by Gerbera, a high monster—the white spider that appeared even in the heroic tales of the heroes . It wouldn’t be scorched by flames of this degree

“Eat thiiiiiiiiis!” (Majima).

Pa.s.sing through the flames with my shield prepared, I collided with the fire fang with my body as I was . I was a literal human bullet . The fire fang, the shield slamming into its snout, raised a scream *GyAN* and toppled over

However, my posture was also destroyed by the impact . I hurriedly fixed my poster . At the same time as that, I felt a chill . I jumped sideways . Its jaw bit down on the spot I had been at just a bit ago, making a *gachin* sound

……I should have been advantageous after we collided with each other, but it put itself back together almost instantaneously? It appeared I couldn’t catch up with the physical ability of monsters after all

However, I could deal with it well enough . Compared to the demonic speed of Gerbera, who had served as my training partner, this much was nothing

After I dodged, the wolf’s flank was exposed in front of me

“ooOOO!” (Majima).

A perfect chance . I swung my sword together with a yell

But, it was too shallow . Maybe I was too hasty . The sword’s edge slipped on the beast’s fur

“GuruaAAaAA!” (Fire Fang).

It counterattacked with its claws, but I stopped the blow with my shield

……Heavy . It destroyed my posture

Before I fixed it, its fangs drew near . Before its jaws closed, I instantly『forced the shield into its mouth』, and stopped it

“Uu, gugugu……” (Majima).

Though I avoided being bitten, its long fangs were eating into my upper arm, and my face stiffened in pain

A long breath blew against me . A b.l.o.o.d.y smell . Magical power flowed, and the signs of flames and a sense of impending danger made me shiver . I couldn’t escape

In other words, the enemy couldn’t escape either——.

“Don’t let itt, Ayamee!” (Majima).

“GyOOo!” (Ayame).

——The fireball released by Ayame, who *pyon* jumped high using my head as a stepping stool, exploded on the defenseless back of the fire fang

“OOoO!” (Majima).

I thrusted down my sword towards the fire fang, whose body was thrown onto the brick ground

Blood sprayed up . The swing that I intended to decapitate it with had lopped off one of the fire fang’s front legs, as it stood up immediately

Even the hit I slashed back with right after it was avoided behind . I clicked my tongue . Even if it was a step further, my immature sword arm didn’t make any fatal wounds

Jumping back, the fire fang stood with 3 legs . It only took a small time to correspond to its current situation with a missing leg, and when its posture crumbled a little——a dagger plunged towards its flank

“Takahiroo!” (Mikihiko).

It was a dagger being manipulated by Mikihiko’s『Aerial Knight』

At that time, I definitely felt like I felt the existence of my friend in the empty air

It cut straight down, followed by a left horizontal slash . The two swords ate into the wolf’s abdomen . Though far from fatal wounds, the swords of Mikihiko, who was piling up training, reliably gave injuries to the fire fang

The fire fang was distracted by the sudden intruder . All the more so since it couldn’t see the opponent’s figure even when it tried to counterattack

“Maa, st, errr!” (Asarina).

There was no way I could overlook this chance . I made Asarina wrap around the wolf’s neck

It was an ideal opportunity .  This time I wouldn’t miss

I didn’t have a sword arm like Mikihiko’s yet . Maybe I had no talent . So, I didn’t rely on things like that

Preparing myself, I kicked the ground with all my might . I rushed with my sword prepared, letting my body be pulled by Asarina

The fire fang bared its wolf-like sharp fangs, trying to intercept . I thrusted the『Pseudo-Damascus Steel Sword』Rose humbly made into its opened mouth

“AAaaAAAH!” (Majima).

Asarina fulfilled her job, Rose’s masterpiece demonstrated its terrifying sharpness, and the damage of the fireball Ayame gave was weakening the fire fang’s movements

Though, had I hesitated even a little, the fire fang’s fangs would have bitten my body, giving me deep wounds . My victory or defeat perception was something cultivated through training, something I was able to obtain only because of Gerbera, who served as my partner, and Lily, who supported me

My sword destroyed its cranium, piercing its soft palate

The fire fang’s body lost strength, shaking a lot in its final moments

“I……did it?” (Majima).

I muttered dumbfounded, looking down at the collapsed fire fang

If it was over, my injuries were just light burns . I was tired . There may have been places I tired out too much, nervous because it was my first time fighting by myself . I wonder, were those parts I “needed to reflect on”?.

I put my hand on my chest while fixing my rough breaths . The sound of beating *thud thud* resounded . I could feel the aftertaste of battle in the palm of my hand

“How strange”, I tilted my head

I had felt that “if it was the current me, I’d have a decent enough chance of victory” . I had thought “I can probably compete with it on an equal footing” . ……But, the fact that I was actually able to defeat a monster seemed a bit confusing, like I was in a dream

“Kyuuuu!” (Ayame).

“Woaah!?” (Majima).

Suddenly, Ayame jumped at me, so I caught her tiny body in a panic

While shaking her fluffy tail, Ayame stretched her tongue as far as she could and licked my chin

Asarina made sonorous sounds, enclosing my surroundings with her vines . That…was her victory song

“……I see . I really can fight, huh?” (Majima).

At last, I felt the feeling gradually forming

I firmly clenched my fist, a smile unintentionally floating on my face

I didn’t particularly mean that I liked fighting, nor did I have the nature where I felt pleasure in injuring something

Nevertheless, from the fact that I leaked a smile right now, it seemed that I, too, was a man

Anyway, I had to survive in this different world . The only thing that the powerless me had been able to do was try to not be a burden anyway . I hadn’t realized it until now, but maybe I was feeling ashamed somewhere in my heart at the current situation where I was being protected by women who felt I was important from the very bottom of their hearts

I was moving forward, even if it was little by little . I was genuinely happy that I could feel that

“Takahiro-sann!” (Kei).

“Hm?” (Majima).

When I raised my eyes after being called out to, there was a short little girl running this way

“Oh?” While I was wondering, the distance rapidly shrunk

“You aren’t hurt, are youu?” (Kei).

“Woaah!?” (Majima).

Kei grabbed the shirttail of my clothes, that being the first thing out of her mouth . Her strong gaze was looking up at me, so close that I could feel her angry breath

She was so close I could feel her rough breath, and.

“How could you jump into a fire like that! I thought my heart might stopp!” (Kei).

“Y-, yeah . Sorry . I’m fine . I’m not that injured, but……” (Majima).

A confused voice left me

“……aren’t you scared?” (Majima).

Ayame was squinting with uneasy eyes at her between Kei, who drew closer, and Asarina, who’d surrounded me, was tilting her head a number of centimeters next to her . For a resident of this different world, the current me wouldn’t be anything but a target of fear

However, Kei shook her head, swinging her golden hair

“Takahiro-san, you have saved me twice . ” (Kei).

“……” (Majima).

Kei’s response was childish and simple . So much so that I, whose chest was poked, couldn’t return words

“Rather than that, please show me where you’re injured even if it’s small . Since I can use simple recovery magic……AAAhh!” (Kei).

Kei, who was *pat pat* touching my chest, screamed

It was really hectic . Usually, children were probably not this calm

“Miho-san! Miho-san!?” (Kei).

“I’m fine, it’s over now . ” (Lily).

Lily, who came this way walking with Mikihiko, called out to Kei

Quick, as expected of her . Even monsters in the same Deep Part of the sea of trees weren’t a match for the current Lily, who had eaten many monsters

“And, it’s not Miho, it’s Lily, okay? From now on, I’d be happy if you referred to me as such . ” (Lily).

“Li-, Lily……-san?” (Kei).

After she smiled at Kei, who was confused, Lily shifted her attention to me

“Nicely done . I intended to come running as soon as I finished . I was a little surprised that you defeated it by yourself, Master . ” (Lily).

“It wasn’t just me . It was thanks to Ayame and Asarina . There were also parts where I relied on my armor, and besides, the opponent was wounded . ” (Majima).

I didn’t plan to deny my own progress, but having said that, I didn’t plan to be conceited either

“There’s also parts I need to reflect on . I need to make the best use of this . ” (Majima).

“Fufu . That’s just like you, Master . ” (Lily).

Lily looked glad, probably because she knew that I wasn’t saying that abjectly . I could still become strong . After thinking so, I returned a smile

“We don’t have much time to be talking . The way’s been opened . Aft-……” (Majima).

Suddenly noticing a gaze, I stopped speaking

Mikihiko was looking this way

“Ah……” (Majima).

Until a little bit ago I was shelving it since it was an emergency situation, but we both had been hiding secret from each other . Of course it’d be awkward

“Takahiro . ” (Mikihiko).

Having collected his daggers, Mikihiko walked this way

The corners of his mouth…lifted up

“Nice guts, Takahiro . ” (Mikihiko).

“……Same as ever, I see . Nice a.s.sist, Mikihiko . ” (Majima).

I knocked my fist into his fist pointing towards me

It was a short exchange, but that alone was enough to confirm what we had between us

“Maybe it’ll be awkward”……that was a needless worry . Because what we had between us wasn’t something that would go bad from just that

“Perhaps……”, I thought

Of the things I’d lost after I came to this world, this might’ve been the first『important thing』that I was able to recover

“Alright . Well then, shall we go?” (Majima).

“——!! Wait a minute, Master . ” (Lily).

It was when we tried to leave again

Lily, who’d been looking at us happily, shouted with a stiffened expression

“Be careful, someone’s coming……!” (Lily).

Soon, my ears heard the footsteps as well

——And a number of seconds later, we were pointing our swords at a large number of knights

Translator’s Notes.

¹ – I’m not sure what the expression in the 2nd half of the sentence is saying, so that’s what I went with . ‘それでもこの場は自分に任せろと剣を抜き、虎の子の己の異能を発現させたのだった。’ .