Monster no Goshujin-sama

Chapter 7.

07. Encounter With A Wolf


Synopsis of the previous chapter:


She was on top then I was on top.

(This isn’t an error)



Chapter 7.


I had Lily make some water with magic for Kato-san to use to clean her body. Before she started cleaning herself, I left the cabin.


To a.s.sist her, I left Rose with Kato-san.

I figured Kato-san would be more relaxed while cleaning herself, since Rose’s body is dissimilar to a human’s.


Kato-san initially rejected my proposal, but finally relented after a few times.


I don’t know if pushing it was the right thing to do, since I’m a man.


Half the reason I wanted Rose to a.s.sist her was so Rose could also watch over her, though I didn’t mention that.

“Master. Are you really taking that girl?”

“That was out of the blue.”


Lily asked me in a small voice after we left the cabin. It made me smile wryly.


“Don’t laugh, geez.”

“My bad.”


Lily sulks, cherry lips pouting.

She looks really childish like that.


“Are you dissatisfied with my decision?”

“I will not oppose the decision of my master.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”


Lily will follow my decision, though it’s hard to say whether she is convinced it is the right decision or not.


She is asking me now when we are alone together most likely because she couldn’t bear it.


Of course if my decision isn’t agreeable then things will become unpleasant.


It may be that she is unhappy because I am placing myself at greater risk.


“I’m not saying you need to protect her separately. Think first of your well-being, then my safety, and third would be Kato-san. Like this, isn’t the prioritization simple? It’d be hard to make a mistake.”


“You made a mistake in the order of the first and second priorities.”

“Anyways, I don’t have the power to change her desire.”


I decided we’ve digressed enough and return to the previous talk.


“It’s unlikely she’s be a direct threat to us, more than likely just a small inconvenience. I think we can accommodate that much.”


“Putting it another way, won’t it be inconvenient since I’ll be seen by Kato-san? Since, you know, I’m currently hiding my ident.i.ty from her.”


“I don’t mind if she finds out. It isn’t that important. It’s merely a precaution.”

“The talk has gone off on a tangent, Master. I won’t let you deceive me.”


Rather than Lily being dissatisfied, she showed an anxious face.


“Is that child really that important?”

“That’s not it.”


I stroked her head, running my fingers through her silky blonde hair.


“I want to protect her, maybe because I want to keep that “something,” at least that’s what I think.”

“What is it?”


“I saved Kato-san yesterday. After saving her, I can’t just abandon her because it’s inconvenient.  It’s something like after picking up a cat and taking it home, then throwing it away. I need to take responsibility for my actions.”


…...I think.


It’s hard to believe, and who knows if it’s right.


My reasoning is, I do not want to further lose my sense of ethics and morals. After all, I have already murdered three people already.


Now, why is it like this.

Even after self-examination, I still don’t know my own heart.


So there was no other way other than to call it a “something.” It’s kind of like that.


“Master is―“


I am reflected in Lily’s eyes as she ponders what to say. She laughs a little as she can’t think of the words.

“Master is serious then.”

“It may be meaningless, what I just said.”

“It’s not”


This conversation brings up a sense of nostalgia.


“In regards to my master, it is not so.”


Lily leans her head against my shoulder.


“Then, yes. If it is for Master, then I will protect that girl as well.”

“I see.”


I pat her head with my other arm.


“Thank you”


How curious.


Even though we’re in a dangerous area, even though things are hectic, the feeling that arises right now is only happiness.


It’s probably: I think I just don’t want to lose that “something,” such a time as it might be lost…


These things, I think vaguely about them.


Suddenly, I realize something.


If I’m right, then what I really want to protect, what is really important, are these moments of irreplaceable happiness.




After waiting for Kato-san to finish washing her body, we left the cabin.


“Did you forget anything? Make sure you bring everything you can, since we won’t be returning here.”



Lily, who is still holding onto my arm, tilts her head up and asks a question.


“Huh? Master, are you giving up the cabin?”


Kato-san glances at lily.


But she doesn’t say anything.

Nor does she ask anything.


Lily looks to be the same as me, a student that was teleported to this world from j.a.pan, and thus her calling me “Master” should raise suspicions.


Yet, Kato-san doesn’t mention it, so I wonder what she’s thinking.


I don’t know what she’s thinking, so I’ll probably have to ask, though it’s probable she’ll ask me questions in return.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee she’ll answer honestly.


How do I say it, this is annoying.


I trust Lily, and I trust Rose, because somehow, we have connected through my ability. Above all else, I have faith in them.

Thinking along this line, Kato-san’s existence is stressful.


Thus, inviting a human to travel with us invites problems.


I guess there’s no choice but to endure it for now.



“Ah, well, it’s OK.”


Clearing up the useless thoughts, I turn to face Lily.


“Something similar to a barrier was in place to keep monsters away from the cabin. It’s gone now, though. There’s no need to stay in a place that stands out so much.”


I need to be vigilant, for not only were many monsters, but many humans are also my enemies.


Thinking that way, the cabin stood out too much.


Considering also, that escorting Kato-san might require contact with other humans at least once to ensure her safety, this must be kept in mind.


Best case scenario, we can find a group of humans that would be safe and drop Kato-san off there without ever coming in contact with them.


Well, it’s not likely to go so well.


“Well, let’s head out.”




As we left the cabin, Lily is in good spirits, and in contrast, Kato-san seems depressed.


Rose takes the vanguard and Lily takes the rearguard. In this formation, Kato-san and I are escorted through the forest.


“Kato-san, walking in the forest can be tough on the body. Let me know if you are tired.”

“I know, I’m OK though… sorry.”

“Master, are you tired?”

“Oh, no, I’m alright.”


As expected of Lily, she released my arm now.


After she did, I felt reluctant to let her go, as the warmth faded from my arm.


To feel that it was too bad at the time… …means I am also being selfish.


After walking several hours, while taking some breaks along the way, and not encountering any monsters, we happened upon something abnormal.


“...Smells putrid?”


I murmured, unintentionally wrinkling my nose.


Something was giving off an intense smell of decay.


“What should we do, Master?”



I’m the party leader.


I need to make a decision, though I am a pathetic leader that’s not even capable of protecting himself. I can’t rely on Lily and Rose forever.


We should find what’s giving off that smell, but I must consider how we go about it.


Going towards it might be dangerous.

However, there isn’t a safe place in this forest.


This abnormality seems easy to understand, however we should proceed carefully; even small things are dangerous.


“Let’s go.”


I thought for a few seconds.


“Kato-san, is this alright?”



I headed towards the source of the terrible smell.

The smell of the forest was faint in comparison to the putrid odor.


Soon, we happened upon the scattered remains of probably five students.


The reason I use such an ambiguous word, “probably,” is because only scattered limbs were visible.


“This… looks terrible.”


Their body parts littered the area, like pieces of partially eaten meat.


From a short distance away, I tried to determine if the threat was still present. After judging that it is most likely gone, we set foot on the site.


“After seeing this, might a large beast be responsible?”


Lily guessed the cause, but I still don’t know.


“Or they got done in by a monster.”


“I see. Let’s thoroughly examine the scene, so we might get more details.”


To this end I started walking towards a corpse, and then stopped suddenly.


Unlike with Mizushima Miho, these corpses have been here for awhile.

They are rotting rapidly and flies are buzzing around the corpses.


I seem to be out of my element here, though I am a person that has committed murder.


But, this needs to be done.

People died here, so there’s a clear threat here we need to know about.


This slaughter was in all likelihood perpetrated by a monster, but there is a possibility a human with a cheat ability did this too.


I would regret it if we got killed because we didn’t investigate the hints before us now.


“Well then, time to investigate. …hmm, what is it Rose?”


As I was preparing to move forward carefully, Rose blocked me by raising her arm in front of me.


Instead, Rose stepped forward.


“Is it possible, you want to do it?”


She sent confirmation, through our link.


“H, hey…”


Rose started to move prior to receiving my consent, and started examining a corpse.


She remains silent… …of course, she is not incapable, and she begins examining the dead bodies of the students.


I received a feeling of obligation to do this from her.


“Hey. Shouldn’t Rose patrol a bit, and I will check these things out? I will report to Master later.”


Lily proposed this, but Rose held her hand up to deny this too.


Rose quickly moved from corpse to corpse, checking personal effects.


As for us, we decided to look around a bit nearby.

And in doing so, focused my entire attention on a corpse.


After some thought, it’s apparent, this one wound appears fatal.

Dangerous enough that it was probably the killing blow.




Lily called out a sharp warning.


Although her warning alerted me, because my attention was elsewhere, I’m slow to react.




Looking around, something pops out of the bushes nearby.




By the time I noticed, Lily was rushing towards it.


It is literally hurtling towards me.


There’s no time for Lily to cast magic.


I don’t use the spear, because I doubt that it was capable of stopping the rush.





Though weak, Lily’s rush successfully diverted the a.s.sailant’s rush, even as she got knocked flying.


Its “fang” is positioned towards me, aimed at me and bit not 50 centimeters away.


It recovers its balance and prepares to attack again.

I quickly straighten up and prepare my shield.


Something came jumping down. By the time I recognized the gray wolf, the beast was preparing to leap again.


I face my shield towards it and prepare my body to receive the shock.




“Gu, Gwoaar!?”


I am momentarily knocked off balance.


When I crash on the ground, I roll to keep the shield between me and the wolf.

During this time, the wolf’s growling fills the air.




Suddenly, the pressure from the wolf disappears, and I quickly rea.s.sert a defensive stance.


The wolf landed a bit away from me.

At the same time, Rose closes the distance to push the threat away from me.


“You saved me, Rose.”


Rose currently doesn’t have her axe. Apparently, she threw it at the wolf to save me. She definitely saved me, but now, she only has a shield equipped.




The grey wolf continues to growl.


This must be the wolf called “Fire Fang” that I heard about in the colony before, it has the same characteristics that some guy was talking about…


”Be careful. Rose, watch out for fire!”


As I yelled that out, the wolf opened its mouth like it was preparing to bite.




It spit out flames in my direction.

Rose stepped in front of me without hesitation to shield me from the flames.


―The flames continue to come and threatens to overwhelm Rose’s defense, then it takes a break for a moment.


Flames start to come again―


“Wha… AAAAA―!?”


―as I’m about to swallowed by flames, I’m grabbed to the side.


“Master! Are you OK!?”



For the sake of helping me, she modified her body as necessary.


Earlier, after the initial surprise attack, she re-gathered her body and immediately afterwards, saved me from the flame attack.


“Sorry, Lily. You saved me.”

“I’m just glad you’re OK.”


Lily starts to run, and grabs my hand while holding Kato-san’s hand behind her.


“Rose, hold your ground a bit longer!”


Lily instructs Rose sharply.


Rose stops where she is and to blocks the fire that Fire Fang is spitting out. Her stance is heavy, and she resolutely will not allow Fire Fang to pursue us.


Even though Rose is made of wood, she isn’t catching on fire, most likely due to innate magic that is protecting her from most of the flame.


After we retreated away, Rose started evasive maneuvers.


The flames of the Fire Fang follow her movements, but she is skillful at avoidance. Her defensive capabilities are higher than I thought it would be on a magical puppet. The flames should have roasted Rose, but after seeing her movements, it’s apparent she is taking little damage.


I breathe a sigh of relief.


“Master, that guy, is it alright to beat him?”


Lily is on the ground with me, drawing a magic circle on her palm.


“Permission granted! That guy can’t be part of the family!”



The magic circle on Lily’s palm shines bright blue.


―As far as I know, the magic circle is necessary to create magic.


The color of the circle determines the element, and the figure determines the shape and the size determines the power.


It’s hard to put it in human terms, but after one month of seeing magical combat, there has been some cla.s.sification. For combat magic, a circle roughly thirty centimeters in diameter would have the power of a small handgun… and so on.


Lily’s magic was created in a few seconds.

It is of the water magic type, with the power of a large handgun, and has taken the form of a sword.


When released, it appears as a sword of water about 3 feet long, and flies like a diving falcon.




Although the sword traveled at was looked like the speed of lightning, the Fire Fang stopped spitting fire and dodged it.


However, that action was what Lily wanted the wolf to do.




Rose threw her shield at the wolf and smashed its muzzle hard.


…Not that it matters, but Rose has good aim.


While this carefree idea flitted through my mind, Rose rushed at the wolf that was unbalanced and in the air.


It’s impossible for the wolf to regain balance while in the air, so Rose bursts with speed ahead.


The lightning fast Rose tackles the wolf to the ground, holding it down.

It made a ruckus as it got pinned.


In the colony, it was known that Fire Fang is stronger than magical puppets. Rose seems OK though, tackling it out of the air with no weapons.


I breathe another sigh of relief.


Originally, the real danger of Fire Fangs is that they travel in a pack. Circ.u.mstances as they are though, it seems like Rose will win.


Lily uses wind magic to suffocate the Fire Fang.


“…It’s over.”


Until the end, I was anxious and worried, my heart heavy with concern.


“That was a bit scary, ‘eh. …Kato-san, are you alright?”



Kato-san nodded and then bowed.

Her facial expression is a bit tight, though mine is likely similar.


“I was useless… I’m very sorry for being so.”

“No, I am much the same.”


I answer her with a bitter look.


The magical puppet from before that we fought with, we fought it here, of course, there’s a possibility to naturally get attacked here. This must be taken into consideration to avoid danger in the future.


We’ve been surviving thanks to luck.

Also, because of Rose and Lily’s diligence.


Also, we were lucky to have been able to hunt the Fire Fang. Lily was able to gain the Fire Fang’s sense of smell through her mimicry ability.


Unfortunately, there was no information to be gleaned from the corpses of the students. But, that doesn’t matter as much, since I wasn’t expecting much to begin with. Maybe it’s because they were too damaged by the Fire Fang just now.


After that, we didn’t meet any other monsters as we advanced through the forest to the cave.



~ Author’s notes ~


◆ Thank you for reading this far.


◆ The number of hits had jumped the past few days―I was surprised. Or rather, I had the shivers. Apologies, I accidentally mixed my words up.


It is thanks to those who have ‘favorited’ and rated this work highly. It might be better not to look at the activity report, I would like to take this time to show my grat.i.tude.

Thank you very much.


◆ Since it was longer, I cut it off at a half-baked midpoint.

When I was in the midst of correcting it, the fact that it was longer than the usual... was noticed only after I finished writing.