Monster Paradise-Webnovel

Chapter 1612: Buried Heaven"s Return

Chapter 1612: Buried Heaven"s Return

After sorting out his loot, Lin Huang dropped by Death Sickle"s headquarters and entrusted them with the handling and disposal of all the items he did not need.

After all, there were certain unique items among his battle spoils. If he gave them to Sword12 to handle, Sword12 might be targeted by people with ill intentions.

By comparison, it was much simpler to have Death Sickle dispose of all these items. After all, they were a top grade-6 organization, and they also had their own channels within the black market.

At the same time that he entrusted Death Sickle with the disposal of his loot, Lin Huang also requested their help in purchasing half-step Lord G.o.d Territories.

For the next few days, he was able to relax completely.

He was waiting for the outcome of Death Sickle"s disposal of his loot, as well as the end result of the purchase of half-step Lord G.o.d Territories. He was also waiting for news from Virtuoso.

Three days went by just like that. Early in the morning of the fourth day, Lin Huang suddenly received a call request on his communicator.

When he raised his wrist for a look, he discovered it was Buried Heaven"s number.

Once he clicked the answer b.u.t.ton, the figure of a young man with white hair was immediately projected into the room.

“Have all of you returned from the Abyss?” Lin Huang asked as soon as he saw Buried Heaven.

“Yes, we"ve come back one by one over the last two days.” Buried Heaven nodded. He was not surprised that Lin Huang knew about this. After all, Lin Huang"s Xiu Mu ident.i.ty had Gold Sickle-level authorization and could check on information about this expedition into the Abyss.

“How was it?” Lin Huang asked once more.

Naturally, he was not about to tell Buried Heaven that he and Virtuoso had gone into the Abyss as well and come out with significant gains.

“Overall, it wasn"t bad at all.” Buried Heaven already regarded Lin Huang as a peer when conversing with him. “This time when we went, the timing was a little more ideal. The Abyss is in its dormant season, so the powerhouses in the deep reaches were all in hibernation. The journey went very smoothly, and we were able to withdraw in a timely fas.h.i.+on as well…”

After a brief account of their journey, Buried Heaven realized he had gone slightly off-topic, so he immediately brought the conversation back on track.

“I contacted you this time because I"m going into closed-door cultivation, and it might take longer this time.”

“Are you going to try breaking through to lord-level?” Lin Huang"s eyes lit up. This was the level that he had targeted as well.

“Yes. I managed to obtain some good things from the Abyss this time, so I think this may be my chance for a breakthrough,” Buried Heaven admitted generously; he did not hide anything.

From this, it was clear that he treated Lin Huang as someone he could trust. If it were anyone else, he definitely would not have admitted anything.

“Then let me convey my wishes in advance for a smooth breakthrough and a successful elevation to lord-level! You"ll lead Death Sickle to new heights!” Lin Huang said with a mischievous smile.

“There"s one more thing…” Buried Heaven paused, then continued, “The siblings Shen Yu and Shen Jue, as well as the twenty-four others on the missions board—they were all killed by you, am I right?”

“Yes.” Lin Huang had submitted the missions anonymously.

However, the several Blood Sickle members, including Buried Heaven, would have the necessary authorization to check. If Buried Heaven wanted to, he would be able to look up the information, so there was no need for Lin Huang to conceal this fact.

“So what exactly are your abilities now?” Buried Heaven was aware of Shen Jue and Shen Yu"s abilities. They were definitely the cream of the crop among the Heavenly G.o.ds in the G.o.d Territory. However, Lin Huang had killed them both instantly; this puzzled Buried Heaven a little.

“Currently, I ought to be slightly weaker than you and King Kong,” Lin Huang readily admitted, “I was able to kill the twins because I had the advantage of a sneak attack.”

The latter half of what he said was true as well.

Buried Heaven fell silent for a moment and did not inquire further about Lin Huang"s combat strength.

He had always thought highly of Lin Huang, but he had never expected that the young man would be able to reach this level in such a short time.

“This kind of ability is enough for you to protect yourself in the great world,” he exclaimed softly.

“The caveat being, as long as I don"t tempt death,” Lin Huang added.

Buried Heaven was bereft of speech when he heard Lin Huang"s addendum.

As far as he was concerned, Lin Huang Shen Yu and Shen Jue was absolutely tempting death.

“Just treat the entire matter as if it never happened. Death Sickle will take care of the aftermath, don"t worry,” Buried Heaven rea.s.sured Lin Huang, then resumed.

“I also looked at the consignment list you submitted; the gains were certainly substantial. However, I"m a little confused about the purchasing list. What do you want with so many half-step Lord G.o.d Territories?”

“I want to strengthen my G.o.d Territory.” Of course, Lin Huang could not disclose that his elevation method was different from everyone else.

“Alright, then…” Buried Heaven did not pursue the matter any further. He knew that Lin Huang"s answer was not the truth. “I have one that I"m unable to refine. I"ll just give it to you. Later I"ll have someone send it over to you along with the G.o.d Territories that have already been traded in.”

“Thank you very much.” Lin Huang gladly accepted the other"s kindness.

Even though Buried Heaven had said nothing about it, Lin Huang knew that in the future, he would have to return the favor.

After ending the call with Buried Heaven, Lin Huang began to feel some antic.i.p.ation about his impending breakthrough.

He was not exactly worried about Buried Heaven"s elevation.

One must know that Buried Heaven could almost be considered No. 1 among all the Heavenly G.o.ds in the entire G.o.d Territory.

If a powerhouse like that failed to elevate to lord-level, then hardly anyone in the entire great world would be able to become a Lord.

“If Buried Heaven elevates to lord-level, theoretically, Death Sickle would also be elevated to a grade-7 organization…” Lin Huang"s thoughts drifted slightly, and he soon thought of even more things. “Will the existing veteran grade-7 organizations allow him to elevate?”

Although he was not sure what kind of protocols and balances the major organizations in the G.o.d Territory had, Death Sickle"s rise would definitely affect the G.o.d Territory"s original setup.

No one had any idea what att.i.tude the several grade-7 organizations and some grade-6 organizations would take regarding this matter.

At this point, Lin Huang suddenly felt that Buried Heaven"s elevation might not be as smooth as he had predicted earlier.

Naturally, Buried Heaven"s individual ability was sufficient to elevate him. However, if there were external factors affecting him, then it would be hard to say.

One must know that back in the day, Great Heaven was even more powerful than Buried Heaven was currently. However, Great Heaven was also ambushed by Raiders when he was elevating to lord-level. In the end, he was unable to escape and died as a result.

After a moment of consideration, Lin Huang sent Buried Heaven a message advising him not to reveal his plans to go into closed-door cultivation to achieve a breakthrough before he had done so.

In the afternoon, the delivery person that Buried Heaven sent showed up.

Once Lin Huang had received the storage ring, he immediately checked through it.

There were six half-step Lord G.o.d Territories inside the ring.

One was a gift from Buried Heaven, while the remaining five were the ones Death Sickle had acquired for him through trading.

Of course, it was not that his resources were only sufficient to be exchanged for five half-step Lord G.o.d Territories. Rather, it was because he had requested that the half-step Lord G.o.d Territories be sent to him first. As for the rest of the resources, he could wait until all the items had been sold and then have everything delivered to him together.

“Virtuoso is so slow!” Lin Huang could not help sighing secretly as he looked at the storage ring he had just received.

A few days had pa.s.sed, but there had been no news from Virtuoso. Lin Huang did not bother to hurry them either. He took the six half-step Lord G.o.d Territories currently in his possession and entered the Great Heaven Territory.

After all, it would take only a few days to refine all of them as the time flow within the Great Heaven Territory was a thousand times faster.

He would just go into closed-door cultivation for a few days when the G.o.d Territories from Virtuoso arrived.

After entering the Great Heaven Territory, Lin Huang greeted Sword1 and went straight into the Great Heaven Palace…