Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 311

Chapter 311

Chapter 311

“There was a bas.e.m.e.nt here?”

Russell returned to the tower after being contacted by Sungyoon . He placed a hand on his forehead as he spoke .

“After building a ma.s.sive tower, the builder kept everything important underground . Moreover, the entrance to the bas.e.m.e.nt was well-hidden . The architect of this tower was a bit perverse in his thinking . ”

“We don"t know if anything important is down there, right?”

“Just be quiet for once! You"re tempting fate!”

Russell berated Bruce .

“Something has to be here . Otherwise, we would"ve come here for nothing . ”

“We found the Mage city . That’s something . ”

“Since we have the Mage Gem, we would"ve eventually found this place . It"s no significant achievement . ”

Russell hadn’t shown it, but he had been very restless about their current situation . Therefore, his words were rougher than usual .

“Anyway, you"re a big help to me through it all . ”

Russell patted Sungyoon’s shoulder .

Plu-El stood off to the side, and she spoke up in a proud manner .

“He was chosen by the Royal Gem . Of course, an accomplishment of that magnitude is a given . ”

“Mmm . That’s how it is supposed to be for the owner of the Royal Gem . ”

Plu-El’s reaction was a given since Sungyoon was her son-in-law . However, surprisingly, Aruwen had also taken Sungyoon’s side .

Of course, he was praising the amazing ‘owner of the Royal Gem’ more than the Connector Sungyoon . Aruwen had completely given up on the Royal Gem, but his pride in the Gem manifested in odd ways .

Sungyoon felt embarra.s.sed as he nodded at Russell .

“Still, I have to point out that there really might be nothing down there . ”

Bruce gave a reasonable take, but Russell glared at him . His glare was so fierce that Bruce shut his mouth . Russell immediately went down the bas.e.m.e.nt, with the others following him .

“Were they in a hurry when making this place?”

Grace took careful steps . If she weren’t careful, she could roll down the staircase .

“I… Hnggh! I think so . ”

Due to the large gap between the stairs, Tim had to jump down a fair distance . The staircase going to the top of the tower was neat and well-made, but the one heading underground was very rough .

The steps were uneven and improperly carved . Moreover, the distance between adjacent steps drastically differed .

“I’m not even sure if we can call these stairs . ”

When they arrived at a step that had a one-meter drop, Bruce grumbled as he jumped down .

“s.h.i.+t! This step has a one-meter fall, and the next steps are only fifteen centimeters wide!”

Bruce felt like he were walking on a ledge that was barely standing on a cliff, and he stuck close to the wall .

The stairs were a mess, and of course, the walls and ceiling weren"t any different .

“Watch your head!”

Sungyoon warned them .

The ceiling was low, and a part of it was jutting out . Even a short person might bang their head on it .


The sound of steel hitting something rang out . A rock was sticking out of the wall, and one of the Connectors had b.u.mped into it with his armor .

The Connector looked annoyed, so he struck the rock .

Like the tower, the staircase leading downward was also shaped like a helix . The only difference was an opening straight down the middle of the staircase .

“We are finally here!”

Bruce, who was in the front, yelled . He couldn"t hide the happiness in his voice, but that happiness only lasted for a moment .

“… What the h.e.l.l is this?”

Bruce’s voice lost strength when he saw the tunnels stretching out in all directions . When everyone else reached the bottom, they were also struck dumb by the sight of numerous tunnels .

“We reached this far, yet another labyrinth greets us . ”

Russell let out a sigh .

At that moment, Sungyoon walked up next to Bruce .

“Hmm? What is it? Do you feel something?”

Bruce"s eyes shone in antic.i.p.ation .

“Something is over there . ”

“Really? We should go that way?”

Of course, Bruce and the others looked toward the tunnel Sungyoon pointed at .

“What"s there to hesitate? Let’s go . ”

They didn"t have to do that useless c.r.a.p of searching everything, so Bruce felt joy at this fact . He quickly moved toward the tunnel Sungyoon pointed out .

After walking for a while, the group arrived at several forks in the tunnel, but Sungyoon always pointed out a direction .

His Royal Gem and his heart gave him clear signals on where to go .

“This way . ”

Sungyoon once again chose a tunnel at a fork .

“What does it feel like? Is it a feeling of urgency or some weighty feeling?”

Bruce kept his guard up as he asked the question .

The others were also curious about this topic, so they were all ears .

“I’m not sure . It"s hard to describe with words . All I can say is that… something is calling me?”

“Calling you?”

“Yes . It feels as if something is calling me to go in a certain direction . ”

“We’ll answer that call . We’ll go wherever you point out if we can find something useful . ”

All the Connectors had different thoughts and feelings about the subject as they walked through the tunnel . The only mutual feeling was that they wanted this to be the end of the Great Labyrinth mission .

After they walked for a while, the narrow tunnel widened once again .

“… We are here . This is out of the ordinary . ”

Standing at the end of the tunnel, Bruce spoke .

The room ahead of him was shaped like a sphere, with the bottom and top being curved . Unlike the hasty work of the stairs and tunnels, the surface of the wall was smooth . If one took a wrong step, one would slip downward .

“Look, stairs . ”

Fortunately, they didn’t need to slide down to the bottom as the curved walls had stairs on them . The group used the stairs to descend to the bottom .

The overall shape was a sphere, but the bottom part had a flat circular surface . When the group reached the bottom, everyone bent their heads back to look up .

“Was Sung Hyunwoo telling the truth? Is this what he was referring to?”

Bruce tapped at the large pillar in front of him . It was a large, thick pillar that extended all the way to the ceiling . Four people could join hands and could barely encircle it . Moreover, indecipherable symbols had been etched into the pillar .

The most eye-catching part about the pillar was the large crystal at its center . It looked as if the pillar existed to encircle this crystal .

“Can you read those words?”

Sungyoon asked Plu-El . The descendants of Planote had been staring at the letters engraved into the pillar as soon as they had arrived here .

“Yes . I can read it . These are the letters that we use even now . ”

“What does it say?”

“It"s the history of what happened here after our ancestors chased Grenoid to the Moon . The people of the Mage city wrote the reason they made this device and the instructions on how to activate it . ”

“Does . . . does it spell out how we can defeat Grenoid?”

Russell’s voice contained both hope and uncertainty .

“I believe so . ”

The Connectors in the group cheered . They had finally acquired what they had desired the most, and all the worries in their eyes melted away . Tim raised his hands as he cheered, while Grace and Emily hugged each other .

Sungyoon let out a sigh of relief . It was a sight that pushed out all the worries in his heart .

“Please give us an explanation . ”

Russell urged Plu-El to speak .

“Wait a moment . The story and the explanation are all mixed up . It’ll take me some time to organize it . Can this be…”

Plu-El moved up so close that she was almost touching the pillar . She stared at the symbols .

“Look at this, Aruwen!”

“Yes . It"s what you think it is . ”

Unlike Plu-El, Aruwen retreated a couple of steps to see more letters .

“This is amazing . ”

His voice was full of admiration .

It wasn’t just him and Plu-El, who had such expressions . All the descendants of Planote just stared at the pillar .

“Why are they acting that way?”

Bruce poked Sungyoon . After all, amongst the earthlings, Sungyoon was the closest to the descendants of Planote . However, even Sungyoon didn’t know everything about the descendants of Planote .

“I have no idea . ”

“It seems they are concentrating on their task, so let’s leave them alone for now . ”

Russell took preemptive action, so Bruce didn’t do anything unnecessary .

The descendants of Planote kept staring at the pillar for an hour . It appeared as though they were on a pilgrimage and trying to engrave each word into their minds . While they did this, the Connectors stood back to avoid getting in their way .

“I’m sorry . We were too preoccupied . ”

Plu-El apologized in an embarra.s.sed voice . Her red cheeks showed that she was still excited .

“May I ask why you are so surprised?”

When Russell asked the question, Plu-El immediately started her explanation .

“As I’ve told you before, the descendants of Planote lost all the skills from our past civilization . We lost the skill to make Devices and Gems . We also forgot how to make magic circles by utilizing magical energy . We can"t make magic circles, but we can identify them . ”

Plu-El once again looked at the pillar .

“These are the letters of our people . It explains why this place was made . However, that isn’t all . The words on the pillar also act as a magic circle . ”

Everyone turned to look at the letters engraved into the pillar .

“A magic circle generally uses ambient magical energy to create a desired phenomenon . Therefore, they are limited in what they can do, depending on their shapes . However, the words themselves are expressing a magic circle here . Normally, a magic circle is complex and has a geometrical design, but the people of the Mage city expressed a magic circle through letters . Moreover, they wrote it in a way that the words also tell a long story . The magic circle is stable despite it telling a story! The person who made that is a genius!”

Even Aruwen was very excited .

Plu-El continued .

“According to the words written on the pillar, the Mage city had also separated from Earth when Grenoid was sealed . However, Grenoid was putting up a great fight, and the seal was having a very hard time staying in place . So the Mage city didn’t merge with the Moon, and it stayed buried in fragments that circled the Moon . ”

“According to the story pa.s.sed down through our people, there used to be a large ma.s.s of land that had remained neglected near the Moon . ”

Aruwen added to Plu-El"s explanation .

“In the past, some researchers on Earth put forth a theory that there were two Moons, one small and one large, and they merged when they collided with each other . ”

Grace spoke in a quiet voice .

“That means this place isn’t the original Moon . ”

“Yes . ”

Plu-El agreed with Russell’s words .

“Like the descendants of Planote, I believe the Mage city had survivors . I’m sure they were the ones who came up with the plan to seal Grenoid using all the magical energy on Earth . They were the magicians . ”

They were the genius elites of the ancient civilization .

“They knew our ancestors were fighting to completely seal Grenoid, but they couldn’t give direct help . The physical distance was too large . Therefore, they started researching a method that would stop Grenoid"s invasion . They researched to find a way to end it once and for all, and the result of that research is this pillar . ”

A faraway look appeared in Plu-El’s eyes as she gazed at the pillar . Her eyes fell on the extra-large words written atop the large crystal .

“Pluka Owen Haimdeluite . ”

“What does that mean?”

Plu-El laughed as she looked at Sungyoon, who had asked the question .

“In the language of earth, it translates to ‘seed of hope . ’”