Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

The time was past afternoon, reaching the point where one could call it night . The smell of fragrant food filled the house . Properly cooked white rice and boiling pollack stew lay in the middle of the table, with side dishes neatly placed around the table . Just the sight of the food could make one’s mouth water .

It had been a while since Sungyoon’s family sat around the picturesque spread of food on the table . The sight of Sungyoon, Jimin, and s.h.i.+nhae sitting next to each other presented a warm and gentle atmosphere .

“What about Mothers-in-law and Brothers-in-law? Aren’t they going to eat?”

The threat to his family hadn"t gone away, so everyone still resided inside Hweeyoung and Aiin’s house .

Jimin picked up a scrumptious piece of fish and placed it on s.h.i.+nhae’s dish as she spoke .

“My brothers are on a mission, and my mothers already ate . They are full . ”

“They are very considerate of us . ”

“I think so too . ”

Sungyoon was as busy as he could be, so he spent very little time with his family . Moreover, his schedule would continue to be busy . Therefore, Hweeyoung and Aiin made sure he enjoyed quality time with his family during dinner .

After a long time, Sungyoon could finally have a delightful meal with his family .

Usually, he ate in the dark and dangerous labyrinths . Since he had the storage Gem, he could eat tasty foods, but this didn’t mean he enjoyed the experience . It couldn’t be compared to eating a comfortable meal with his family .

“How long will you be home for, Dad?”

s.h.i.+nhae asked Sungyoon .

Sungyoon wanted to say, ‘I’ll be here every day!’, but reality was a harsh mistress .

“I won’t be able to stay long . I have to head out soon . ”

“Heeng! I want to play with Dad!”

Sungyoon really wanted to do that too .

‘I can’t because of that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Grenoid!’

Sungyoon hated Grenoid for being the enemy of humanity, but his desire to kill it went through the roof at that moment . Because of Grenoid, the time that he could spend with s.h.i.+nhae had drastically gone down . No, it was more than a drastic cut . He could barely see his daughter these days .

“Then when will you finish your busy work, Dad?”

“I’m not sure . I have no idea . ”

A sad expression appeared on s.h.i.+nhae"s face, and Sungyoon"s desire to kill Grenoid skyrocketed further .

“Your dad does admirable work . He helps other people, and that"s why he"s short on time . You can bear this, right? s.h.i.+nhae is a good girl . ”

Not too much time had pa.s.sed since Jimin married Sungyoon and become a mother to s.h.i.+nhae . Yet, she had settled into the role of a mother quite well as if she had been a mother for over a decade .

“When he has time, he’ll make it up by taking you to fun places that you want to go to . Where do you want to go, s.h.i.+nhae?”

Jimin discreetly changed the topic . s.h.i.+nhae became serious as she agonized over her choices . The little girl"s sad figure was nowhere to be seen now . Seeing this, Jimin winked at Sungyoon .

Sungyoon chuckled at the sight of Jimin redirecting s.h.i.+nhae’s thought process .

s.h.i.+nhae had even stopped eating to think about the choices . Jimin carefully took away the spoon in s.h.i.+nhae’s hand, scooped the rice, and placed a piece of fish on it . Then, she immediately guided the spoon to s.h.i.+nhae’s mouth .


The scene looked as though a mother bird were feeding a baby bird .

Jimin repeated this process several times before she handed the spoon back to s.h.i.+nhae . s.h.i.+nhae once again started to eat her rice with her spoon . Jimin continued to place fish on her rice, but she could see that s.h.i.+nhae’s mind was elsewhere .


s.h.i.+nhae opened her mouth to speak and let out a sound, but she then realized her mouth still contained food . Since she had been taught to not speak with a full mouth, she chewed on her food first .

She wanted to speak, so she did her best to swallow the food as soon as possible .

Sungyoon and Jimin could see what she was doing, and they did their best to hold back their laughter .

s.h.i.+nhae was unaware of this . Her mind was elsewhere, and she didn’t have the processing power to pay attention to her surroundings right now . She wanted to tell her mom and dad about the places she had thought of .


She finally swallowed the food in her mouth . A grain of rice remained stuck to her bottom lips, and it only added to her cuteness .

“There"s a place I want to go to!”



s.h.i.+nhae pointed to the table with her hands . However, she quickly put her hands down when Jimin scolded her .

“My friend Hanna went there last time with her mother and father!”

“Really? Europe isn’t just one place . Which country did they visit?”

s.h.i.+nhae was so excited that her arms and legs moved every which way . However, she froze when she heard the question . She started to think again, and this time, she clutched at her head .

“Mmm… That"s… It sounded like a bug’s name in Korean . . . . ”


“Yes! Paris! That’s it! It was named after an annoying bug!”

‘I thought the same when I was young . ’

Sungyoon watched his wife and daughter have a fun time with each other .

Paris was a city known for its fas.h.i.+on and elegance . However, if the name was translated into Korean, it sounded like the name of a dirty bug that annoyed people in the summer .

Therefore, it was normal for s.h.i.+nhae to make such an a.s.sociation with the two names .

“Then! There is . . . uh . . . Lan, Lan, Lan . . . ”

It seemed s.h.i.+nhae remembered another place, but she couldn"t quite recall its name .

‘… Lan?’

This time Sungyoon had no idea what s.h.i.+nhae was trying to say . s.h.i.+nhae continued to work her brain to find the answer that she wanted .

“Lan… duh? No . Lan? Lon?”


“Yes! That one!”

s.h.i.+nhae was delighted .

However, Sungyoon was surprised, and he stared at Jimin with a dumb expression .

Jimin laughed as she continued to listen to the excited s.h.i.+nhae . She turned to look at Sungyoon and let out a sigh when she saw him .

“Don’t be jealous of your wife because of your daughter . ”

Jimin had immediately deciphered s.h.i.+nhae’s words, which he couldn’t understand . This had given him a great deal of shock . As Jimin said, he had felt jealousy flood his heart, as if she had stolen his daughter .

“I’ll have to end this as soon as possible . ”

He had to spend more time with s.h.i.+nhae .

“I agree with your a.s.sessment, but my feelings are complicated since I’m feeling jealous of my wife . ”

Jimin was struck dumb .

His daughter was important, but his wife was important too . Thankfully, Jimin didn’t take his words the wrong way . Still, he had to make it up to her . He felt the need to spend the night with her to pay extra attention to her needs . It had been a while since the two of them had been together .

These d.a.m.ned monsters always got in the way when he wanted to spend quality time with his family .

Sungyoon’s phone rang . He frowned, while Jimin’s face froze . s.h.i.+nhae didn’t know what was going on, so she continued to enjoy her meal .


Sungyoon answered the phone with a sour expression .

There was a very small chance that this call was about nothing . However, the voice on the other end smashed his faint hope into pieces .

“… Yes . Understood . I’ll be there right now . ”

Sungyoon ended the call . When Jimin saw his expression, she didn’t say anything as she stood up .

“Where are you going, Dad?”

s.h.i.+nhae still held her spoon, and her eyes had turned round . Sungyoon walked up next to her and gave her a tight hug .

“Dad is being called to work . I have to go right now . ”


Again .

When he saw his teary-eyed daughter, Sungyoon felt like a piece-of-s.h.i.+t workaholic, who ignored his family .

“You just came back . ”

“Yes . Dad wants to stay with s.h.i.+nhae, but a lot of people are in trouble . Dad has to go help them . ”

“s.h.i.+nhae . Your dad"s going out to do good deeds . He’ll help the good people and punish the bad people . Let’s let him leave . ”

s.h.i.+nhae looked downcast as she squeezed her father’s hand once more . Then she let him go .

“Ok . You can go . Instead, you have to play with me next time . Ok?”

“Of course! We’ll do as you suggested! We’ll go to Europe! We’ll go to Paris, London, Rome, and Berlin!”

Sungyoon stroked s.h.i.+nhae’s head as he looked into Jimin’s eyes .

“I’ll leave s.h.i.+nhae to you, Jimin . ”

“Don’t worry . She"s my daughter . ”

Jimin placed a hand on s.h.i.+nhae’s shoulder .

Sungyoon quickly exited through the front door .

“Huh? Where is Son-in-law Woo going?”

Sungyoon encountered Aiin, who exited her room at that moment . Hweeyoung was behind her .

“I received an emergency call . It seems the monsters have appeared again . ”

The expressions on the two women’s faces darkened .


Hweeyoung said the same thing as s.h.i.+nhae, with a frown on her face .

“It seems you"re going through a lot . ”

Aiin consoled Sungyoon with a sympathetic expression .

s.h.i.+nhae and Jimin exited from the kitchen . Hweeyoung and Aiin felt pity when they saw the two of them, who looked to be in a bad mood .

“I’ll be back . ”

He said goodbye to his mothers-in-law, then looked at s.h.i.+nhae and Jimin .

“I’ll be back as soon as possible . ”

Sungyoon opened the door under the gazes of four people, who had come out to see him off .



A monster’s head was crushed in its entirety .


An explosion erupted afterward .

Blood and flesh splashed onto the asphalt and the pavement as the headless monster fell to the ground .

Earth didn"t have a magical-energy-rich environment like the Moon, so monsters couldn’t replenish any of the magical energy they spent here . It also meant that their corpses didn"t vanish and turn into a moonstone .

However, Sungyoon didn’t care why such a thing happened . He ignored the corpses . He just felt a burning rage toward the monsters who had interrupted his family time .


He threw his halberd at a monster roaring in the distance . ;The halberd pierced through the monster’s mouth and exited out of the head . Sungyoon had physically made the monster shut up, and he looked for his next prey .



A monster resembling a leech emerged from the surface below him . It tried to bite Sungyoon with its sharp teeth .


He just swung his ax into the side of its face . The monster retreated back into the ground in surprise . Sungyoon didn’t chase after it . He just looked at the hole where the monster had run away to .


Soon, a scream came out from that hole . The ground s.h.i.+fted as the monster moved underground .


Its tail shot out from the ground . The poison was decaying it, so its body emanated a foul smell .


Its tail flopped to the ground . After trembling for a moment, it became motionless forever .

‘Next… There are none . ’

It seemed while he was rampaging, all the monsters had died . The people dispatched to clean up the place rushed forward to pick up the corpses . They started was.h.i.+ng away the blood .

While watching the clean-up crew, Sungyoon kept his guard up . He made sure he hadn’t missed any monsters .

At that moment, he received a call . The screen displayed the Mayor’s number .

Was it another mission?

He really wanted to get back home, so he scrunched up his face . However, he couldn’t ignore the call .

“What is it, Mayor?”

- The day we’ll recapture Armstrong city has been set!

Finally, they were going to reclaim Armstrong city, so the Mayor sounded elated . His voice was very bright .

Sungyoon was speechless for a brief moment, but then, he remembered his own reality where he had to stop his dinner with his family to come here .


His phone let out an ominous sound due to the pressure being put on it .

“Mayor . ”

- What is it?

It seemed the Mayor realized Sungyoon was in a bad mood, so he became subdued .

Unlike him, Sungyoon’s voice became stronger and full of killing intent .

“I’ll make sure we’ll kill all those sons of b.i.t.c.hes on the Moon!”