Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Sungyoon returned to earth . His stay on the moon was relatively short this time around, but it couldn’t be helped . He had urgent business on earth right now . It was a very big deal that the Ross siblings wanted to join their company . Therefore, he decided it would be best if he met Jimin face to face . Above all else, he had obtained a mysterious item that his party had named Golem . Sungyoon had thought about putting it in Chelsea‘s care at first, but he decided it would be best to consult with Jimin on what they should do with it . And so, he decided to go to earth .


As always, she was cute as a b.u.t.ton . Even if he was offered the whole world, he wouldn’t change a thing about his daughter . The little girl let out a bright smile as she ran towards him, and Sungyoon lifted her into his arms and hugged her .

“My cute daughter! How have you been?”

He always remained expressionless and kept his emotions suppressed . The only time when one could see him loosen up and laugh was when he was with s.h.i.+nhae . His laughter was like a flower blossoming within a desolate desert .

“Good! I had fun playing with unni!”

While in her father’s arms, s.h.i.+nhae kept making gestures with her hands, explaining everything she had experienced while he had been gone . Sungyoon didn’t miss a single word and reacted at just the right parts . He continued to listen to his precious daughter"s experiences . There was no way he would be bored .

“Welcome back, Mr . Sungyoon . ”

Jimin approached them . The father and daughter were enjoying each other’s company, but if she didn’t say anything, they would stand there like that all day . When she used to see them like that in the beginning, she didn"t know how to intrude on the two of them . But she had become familiar with them now . The father and daughter liked to go into their own little world to enjoy each other’s company . And now, it was one of her jobs to forcibly pull them out of their bubble .

“Let’s go to the car before we talk . ”

Sungyoon followed her .

As always, he handed over his Devices and Gems . But he still had the Golem, the doll from an unknown civilization, and other important items inside his storage Gem . So, he had felt a bit reluctant when handing it over . However, the Devices and Gems would be placed within an impregnable safe . Even if one discounted the items within the storage Gems, all Devices and Gems were extremely expensive items on their own . They were well protected . That was why he could hand over his Devices and Gems without worrying too much about it .

Jimin drove the car and headed towards Seoul with the two of them .

It had been a while since s.h.i.+nhae had met her dad, so she sat next to him . She was happy as she continued to tell him about what he missed . However, her eyelids started to get heavy, and she started to nod . As always, the little girl fell asleep, using the lap of her father, whom she loved very much, as a pillow .

From that point on, it was time for Sungyoon to converse with Jimin .

“You came back early this time . ”

She glanced at the rear-view mirror .

“I have some stuff to consult with you, president . ”

“Hmm . I am curious . ”

However, Jimin didn’t immediately delve into it . She always gave Sungyoon some time off when he came back from the moon . To be precise, she made sure he could spend time with his daughter .

“As always, please tell me the information at my office after a week . ”

She was giving him some time off, yet Sungyoon was the one that pushed back against it .

“No . I’ll meet you at the company tomorrow and tell you everything . Other parties are involved, so we have to take care of this quickly . ”

“ . . . is it something bad?”

Sungyoon was forgoing his break when he should be spending his time with s.h.i.+nhae . The fact that he wanted to meet her the next day made her a bit nervous .

“Not really . There is one good news, and the other one is a mixed bag . Just know that it isn’t bad news . However, it has the chance to complicate our lives . ”

“I see . ”

Jimin didn"t ask anything else . She focused on driving, and her car raced across the freeway .


On the next day, Sungyoon did as he promised and visited the company . As he drank the warm cup of coffee provided by Jimin, he slowly and methodically explained what had happened on the Moon .

“ . . . ”

Jimin was left speechless . What emotions should her eyes have expressed? Should she have been taken aback? Shocked? Horrified? It didn’t matter which emotion she picked . The only guarantee from all this was that her head was spinning .

She started chugging her coffee . At a glance, one could tell that she wasn’t drinking the coffee for its taste . She was just using the coffee to calm her heart, as she didn’t have any water nearby . Thankfully, the coffee had cooled, and it was lukewarm .


The cup let out a sound when she placed it atop the table . Then she started rubbing her temples with her fingers .

“You really . . . . ”

She spoke as if she was letting out a sigh .

“Whenever Mr . Sungyoon goes to the Moon, you always experience something extraordinary . ”

He had fought a Bigfoot, entered the sealed section of the Beginner’s Labyrinth, and had been ambushed by another Connector . And as if that wasn’t enough, he had brought back discoveries that might help the world unravel the mysteries behind the Moon and the labyrinths . Moreover, he had experienced all of this in less than a year since he became a Connector .

She was starting to get afraid of sending him to the Moon .

Although she wanted to resolve all the problems he brought to her, she had no idea where to start .

‘He acquired an existence that repairs the labyrinth . How should we handle this?’

She was an intelligent and talented woman, but there was a limit to what she could solve .

‘Let’s think about that a bit later . ’

In the end, she decided to temporarily avoid the problem .

However, he hadn"t only brought troublesome problems . The questions about the Golem and the civilization on the moon gave her a blinding headache . But he also had news that she really liked .

“First, let"s talk about Mr . Tim Ross and Ms . Emily Ross . ”

She had observed that the siblings were very close to Sungyoon, and they had been comrades since the Beginner’s Labyrinth . This was why she had given them her business card in their last meeting . However, she hadn’t expected much to come from it as the siblings were contracted to a famous and large company . It was tough to imagine them quitting their company to come to her small one .

However, they had decided to join Jungb.u.m at Sungyoon"s suggestion . Jimin wholeheartedly approved of it . She would welcome them with open arms .

“I told you about their intentions, but the Ross siblings will be coming for an official visit in the near future . It seems they will move their base of operations to Korea . ”

“I appreciate the gesture . Inconvenience is inevitable if Connectors live far away from their company, and it isn’t as if our company has the resources to set up a branch in Canada . ”

Jimin felt refreshed .

‘I’ll have three Connectors contracted to my company . ’

All three of them had smashed through the Beginner’s Labyrinth . The Ross siblings were 3rd Gens, and they were known as promising prospects . As for Sungyoon, he needed no description .

The Ross siblings were foreigners . She would have to convert the profit from the moonstones into Canadian dollars, and there would be complicated international laws that she would have to observe . However, the work generated couldn’t be compared to the reality of having two more useful Connectors entering her company .

She had wasted many years trying to acquire Connectors, and she had a tough time acquiring even 1st Gens . This development blew her past results out of the water .

Jimin looked at Sungyoon . Everything started after she met him . He was like her lucky charm, and everything was turning out much better than she could have imagined .

This was why she couldn’t forgive the culprit who had attacked Sungyoon .

“Next, let us talk about the person that attacked you . His name was Louis?”

“Yes . ”

“I have general knowledge about the situation . I got a call about it before you arrived . ”

‘They already contacted her?’

If he thought about it, Jimin had been in a foul mood when he had arrived at the company . As expected of a world-cla.s.s conglomerate, the siblings" former company was quick in trying to mitigate the damage .

“Do you have the proof with you?”

Sungyoon rooted through his pocket and took out out something . It was the memory card given to him by Tim . He handed it over to Jimin, who put it away as if it was a valuable item .

“If you lose it, you can ask me for another copy . I already backed up the file in several locations . ”

“You are quite thorough . ”

“I have memories of being stabbed in the back because I didn’t keep enough proof . ”

It had caused Sungyoon to lose everything .

Jimin had a good grasp of his past, so she didn"t ask any further questions, and turned the conversation back to the original topic .

“After the evidence is proven to be valid, I’ll negotiate with the other company . You want to prioritize the breaking of the contract between the Ross siblings and their company . Is that correct?”

“Yes . ”

“Understood . After I get that out of the way, I’ll try my best to claw back as much compensation as I can . ”

Suddenly, Jimin let out a sigh .

“After Mr . Sungyoon entered my company, it seems all I do is extract compensation for damage from other companies . It is as if we"re running a personal injury racket . ”

Sungyoon didn’t know what to say . It wasn’t as if he intended things to turn out this way, but it would be understandable if someone investigated them .

“It was a joke . ”

Jimin said .

Finally, it was time to talk about the newly-discovered Golem . When it came to this problem, Jimin had no idea what to do . She thought Sungyoon was showing too much faith in her, but it was understandable . After he arrived, it would look as if she was slowly moving to her delusional dreams .

She didn’t doubt the fact that he had found a Golem . The problem was the importance of this topic .

‘He found traces of civilization on the moon . Moreover, he found an existence that repairs the labyrinths . ’

She knew a lot of the important information regarding the labyrinths, but she had never heard about this type of existence before . Above all else, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that this tied into one of the greatest mysteries regarding the labyrinths . Sungyoon had brought back evidence that might pull back the veil on this mystery .

“Let’s check it out together later . If I don’t have accurate information, I can"t make a decision . ”

Even if she saw it, there was a high probability that she wouldn’t have a clear answer as to what to do . However, Jimin had no choice but to say those words .

‘If push comes to shove, I can hand it over to Chelsea . ’

Chelsea was a scientist, but her field of study was geology . Even if they handed the Golem over to her, it was unknown as to whether she could discover its true ident.i.ty . Still, Jimin was completely ignorant when it came to science, and her friend would have better ideas than her .

It seemed Sungyoon had no differing opinions on this topic, so he nodded instead of answering her .

“We should start thinking about hiring employees or temp workers . It’ll be a struggle for me to keep up with all the work once the Ross siblings join the company . ”

If it was just Sungyoon, she could manage the workload . However, she couldn"t handle the workload that came with three Connectors . She needed help .

Moreover, Jungb.u.m wasn’t in dire financial straits . She could hire a couple of people without many problems . After Sungyoon had entered in this company, Jumb.u.m had started to run a little more like a company . Still, it had only one president, one office, and one Connector contracted to the company . She had poured all her resources into the one Connector she had, but their expenses were minuscule compared to the larger companies . Moreover, the one Connector had grown to an extent that rivaled high-rank Connectors . After he came along, her company had become successful and very profitable . She could afford to hire some temp workers .

“If you see more promising prospects, please recommend them to me . ”

Jimin didn’t expect him to actually do it . She just said it in pa.s.sing . Above all else, Sungyoon was already doing much for the company . He was also doing a lot for Jimin as an individual too .

Sungyoon knew this .

“Understood . ”

That was why he just nodded .

And just like that, the day’s meeting came to an end .