Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Sungyoon directed his attention toward the other Frost Wolves .

His sword disappeared, and the halberd appeared in his hands . He swung it at the nearest Frost Wolf .


The halberd easily cut the Frost Wolf into two, and at the same time, Sungyoon felt something flow into his body .

If he were injured right now, his wounds would have completely healed .

This was the ability the halberd had gained when it became Platinum rank .

It was a healing ability .

If Sungyoon cut a monster with the halberd, the number and depth of his wounds would quickly diminish .

When he had used it for the first time, he had felt a warm energy enter his body, but he hadn"t been able to identify what was happening .

However, just before that fight, Sungyoon had cut his finger while preparing food at the camp . It had been a minor wound . Sungyoon had later found out that his wound had completely healed after fighting with his halberd .

If Sungyoon used it well, this weapon would be useful in a protracted battle . It would also give him a great advantage in a situation where he had to attack knowing he would take damage .

Sungyoon killed two Frost Wolves, and Tim took care of the last one .

The Frost Wolves had died in a manner too futile compared to their fierce charge .

The party moved once again .

The next monster they encountered was the Snow Tiger . It resembled a saber-toothed tiger . Two fearsome canines protruded from its mouth, and its fur was white . Three of these monsters were running through the snow toward Sungyoon’s party .

They looked very cool . However, they only looked cool in their outward appearance . They weren’t animals, but tyrannical and brutal monsters .


Tim stepped forward and swung his s.h.i.+eld . He squarely hit one Snow Tiger on its head and forced it to retreat .

Sungyoon took out his ax and swung it .


The ax ripped through the Snow Tiger’s side .


The monster let out a scream as it fell .

Its innards spilled out, but it didn’t lose its will to fight . It flashed its sharp canines and tried to stand back up again .


However, the Snow Tiger started to act weird . Its body shook, and it fell onto the snow . Foam leaked out of its mouth .

The region where it was wounded rapidly decomposed and emanated a foul stench . The monster was in extreme pain as it died .

‘This one changed into something terrible . ’

Sungyoon looked at his ax .

The ax had also acquired a special ability when it was upgraded to Platinum rank like the halberd . Its ability was poison based .

Its poison would enter the opponent"s body through the wound and spread all over . Moreover, the region near the wound would rot away, and the monster would writhe in pain . The monster’s mobility and ability would also be decreased .

‘The only downside is the grotesque mess it leaves behind . ’

His party members didn’t voice it, but Sungyoon could tell that they hated the ax .

Two Snow Tigers were still left, and this time, Sungyoon summoned his hammer .

Tim had been occupying the two Snow Tigers up until now, but one of the monsters realized that its comrade had fallen . It left Tim"s side and charged at Sungyoon .

Sungyoon just swung his hammer .


As the hammer closed in on the Snow Tiger, a large explosion rang out .


The Snow Tiger was swept up in the explosion, and its body was ripped apart into pieces that were sent flying into the surrounding . It looked as though the Snow Tiger"s body had said goodbye to its four feet .


The head of the Snow Tiger fell on the ground in front of Sungyoon . Its luxurious white fur had turned red .

Tim killed the remaining Snow Tiger shortly after .

“Amazing . ”

As Tim checked the completely-obliterated body of the Snow Tiger Sungyoon had brought his hammer upon, he shook his head from side to side . However, he consciously avoided looking at the corpse of the poisoned Snow Tiger nearby .

‘It"s all thanks to evolving my Amplification Gem to Jade rank . ’

Sungyoon looked down at his Jade rank Gem, which had saved his life several times in the past . When he had received it from Jimin, it had been a Gold rank Gem . And in no time, it had risen to the Jade rank .

This Gem"s amplification ability was the reason Sungyoon could display such power .

“Every time we get a little closer to you, you pull away further . You"re amazing . ”

When they had met for the first time, Sungyoon had been much weaker than Tim and Emily . However, at some point in the past, he had leapfrogged them, and now, he was far ahead of them .

Tim felt as if Sungyoon always pulled away every time they worked hard to close the gap a little bit .

‘He really is an amazing person . ’

Tim thought .

If he had considered Sungyoon his rival, Tim would have probably lost his mind from a sense of inferiority .

“I was just lucky . ”

Sungyoon tried to be modest . Tim antic.i.p.ated this kind of answer . He didn’t think it was true, but he couldn’t say otherwise since Sungyoon was the one stating it . So, Tim just spiritlessly nodded .

“We"ve roamed around most of the snowy fields . ”

Grace approached the two men .

“What should we do? Should we go immediately to the next floor?”

“Wouldn’t we hold Mr . Sungyoon back? We aren’t as strong as him . ”

Emily sounded worried . However, Grace shook her head from side to side .

“It’s fine . According to the information I have, the floors above the 9th are the int.i.tial floors of the Great Labyrinth . Our Gems and Devices will be effective on these floors . What happens after we clear the 9th floor is a problem, but Mr . Sungyoon is taking care of that problem with our Gems . ”

Emily accepted Grace’s reasoning .

“What would you like to do?”

Grace let Sungyoon make the final decision .

Sungyoon turned his head . He could see a dark cave through the flurry of snow in the distance .

“Let’s go down . ”



As soon as they entered the 4th floor, they felt the intense heat . The unusually high temperature made the party stop in their tracks .

“The 4th floor should be . . . ”

“It"s the volcanic region . ”

The Ross siblings sounded nervous . They were from Canada and were strong against the cold, but the heat was their bane .

“… It"s really hot . ”

Grace was also weak against the heat .

London wasn’t that hot, so she wasn"t used to it .

Still, the party couldn’t just twiddle their thumbs at the entrance .

“Let’s go . ”

Sungyoon was the first one to step forward .

The first thing he saw was the smoke emanating from various locations, and then, the caustic smell of burning sulfur hit his nose . But the heat irritated his skin .

However, the most unique feature of this floor was the lava .


A bubble popped up as lava splashed into the surroundings . It had happened quite far away, yet everyone flinched when they witnessed it .

“The environment itself is our enemy . ”

Grace fanned her robe with her hands .

The snowy plains on the 3rd floor had also been a hostile environment, but the party now preferred it over the volcanic region .

“Do you think a Connector could survive falling into the lava?”

“Even if it"s possible, I don’t want to test it . ”

Tim and Emily were in consensus when it came to that topic .

Sungyoon led his party through the lava region . Thankfully, the floor had a large swath of land where they could walk on .

Still, they couldn"t let their guard down . The party made sure they didn’t go anywhere near the lava .


They didn’t stay long in the volcanic region . A month had pa.s.sed, and it was time for them to take a break in Armstrong .

After killing a couple of monsters, the party scoped out the region near the entrance . Then, they returned to Armstrong .

“We’ll have to bring thin clothes next time . ”

“I agree . ”

Grace wholeheartedly agreed with Tim’s suggestion .

All of them had suffered under the heat of the volcanic region . Emily and Grace had kept fanning their robes, and Tim had just groaned . Sungyoon had also suffered a lot .

When they returned to their lodging, they found it empty . It seemed Sukhwahn had gone to the Beginner’s Labyrinth .

The party decided to have a drink together at night, but the night was still far away . Sungyoon entered his room .


The communication device displayed two short messages . The first one was from Jimin, and the other one was from Armstrong .

Sungyoon carefully went over the two messages . He read Armstrong’s message with an expressionless face, but his face crumpled when he read Jimin’s .

‘I’ll have to iron things out with the higher-ups of Armstrong first . ’

Sungyoon looked at his watch .

‘There"s still some time before the drinks . ’

He took up the communication device, and after a short delay, he was connected to the city hall of Armstrong .

Sungyoon had a brief conversation, and then, he left his room .


The city hall building was as magnificent as before . A clerk at the information desk guided Sungyoon to the sitting room where he had met the Mayor the previous time .

“Welcome . ”

The Mayor was already waiting for him inside .

“I’ve heard reports about you . You did great things this time around . I’m the one that recommended you, so it feels very good . I can hold my head up high . ”

“The others worked and accomplished more . ”

“How should I say this? Please don’t take this the wrong way . I found Koreans have a propensity of being too modest . You should be proud of your achievements . Of course, the others achieved much, but Mr . Sungyoon performed very well too . You might be in the top five in terms of accomplishments in this venture . ”

“Thank you very much . ”

The Mayor uproariously laughed as he gestured Sungyoon to sit .

“One of the reasons I called you here is the rewards . You contributed too much in the mission, and your company building isn’t enough of a reward . ”

The Mayor had to think about Sungyoon’s power, fame, and reputation . It would be more beneficial for the Mayor if he could forge a closer bond with Sungyoon . He took out a tablet and opened an app .

A map appeared on the screen . It was the map of Armstrong .

“As I promised before, we’ve handed over your company building to you, Mr . Sungyoon . ”

He used a stylus to draw a circle around the place Sungyoon’s company building was located .

“Aside from that building, we had to think hard for your reward . Since Mr . Sungyoon performed so well, we decided to give you a big reward that matches your accomplishments . ”

The Mayor was deft with his fingers as he moved the map .

“First, we’ll give you a villa that"s the best luxury house in the fifth sector . And the fifth sector is populated by many high rank Connectors . ”

The Mayor touched a location on the map, and a photo appeared .

It was a picture of a luxury house built on a large tract of land .

Land was a limited resource in Armstrong . One could roughly guess the worth of this villa by the large piece of land it was built on .

“Secondly, we’ll give you a permanent room at the Armstrong Hotel . ”

Sungyoon was surprised . The hotel was located at the heart of Armstrong, and it basically signified the power and wealth of Armstrong city .

It was just a room, but he could"ve never imagined he would be given such a reward .

“Whenever you want, you will be able to use the room and the hotel’s service for free . The only time you won’t be able to use it is if someone made a reservation beforehand, and any profit generated from the room will be given to you . I hope you understand . And this is the last location . ”

The Mayor tapped on the map, and it brought up a building in the first sector .

“This is a fourteen-story building . As you can see, the nearby region is a prime location that has the airport and other major buildings of Armstrong . If you rent this place out, you’ll be able to make a good amount of money . Of course, you can use it for yourself too . ”