Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

The instructor discreetly checked Sungyoon’s reaction . Fortunately, Sungyoon didn"t showing any signs of anger . He let out a sigh of relief inside as he continued his explanation .

“In order to gather the moonstones, you have to defeat the monsters . The moonstones are within their bodies . That is why Mr . Sungyoon is being trained to fight here . However, do you know what tools are used in those fights?”

Sungyoon nodded .

“We use Devices and Gems . ”

This was the main reason why Connectors could hunt down the monsters . Connectors were able to use the energy supplied by their heart to manifest magic . They were able to summon powerful weapons which gave them the power to face off against the monsters .

“That’s right . However, both the Devices and the Gems can only be excavated in the Moon’s Labyrinth . That is why large companies with long history possesses many of these important tools . Usually, the Connectors from these companies buy, sell, and exchange these items amongst each other . The companies basically mediate this process . ”

He was talking about companies who were large and had a long history . Sungyoon’s company had neither of those qualities .

“The Connectors use Devices and Gems as their weapons . Their fighting capability change according to the Gems . The large companies possess many Gems, so the Connectors affiliated with these companies have some choice in which weapons they want to pursue . However, this isn’t true for you, Mr Sungyoon . ”

Sungyoon silently listened to the instructor’s explanation .

“As one moves deeper into a labyrinth, more powerful monsters make their appearance . There comes a time when you can’t fight these monsters with the first weapon you’ve brought along . Large companies can acquire high quality weapons for their Connectors when needed . This won’t happen for you, Mr Sungyoon . You must acquire your own weapons . Even if it is a different type of weapon, you must use this other weapon if it is of higher quality . Let me give you an example . Let us say you are an expert swordsman . You are facing a rampaging boar with a wooden sword . What if there was a steel axe on the ground next to you? As an expert swordsman, do you insist on using the wooden sword?”

“In other words, I have no idea which weapons I will be using, so I should get comfortable using as many weapons as possible in a short amount of time . ”

“That’s it . ”

The instructor looked happy . It was as if he was looking at a smart student who can put two and two together .

“However, your concerns are valid . That is why we will use the last week to focus on using the weapon provided by your company . I’m pretty sure it is a spear . ”

The instructor put the two-handed sword back on its mount, then he brought down a long spear .

“It is a fine weapon . It is a good for a beginner . Its long reach can be used to give you an amazing advantage . ”


The instructor lightly swung the spear . The long shaft and the blade attached at the end split the air . The instructor showed off some fancy techniques as he swung the spear couple times . Then he mounted the spear back on the wall . He brought down the two-handed sword .

“Shall we get back to training?”

Sungyoon quietly got into his stance .

* * *

Sungyoon was preparing to go to the moon . The overall process wasn"t bad, but he was a bit distrustful of the process . However, he was slowly getting ready .

Finally, it was two days before he would go to the moon .

“Is it tasty?”

Sungyoon spoke with a benevolent smile on his face . There was only one person in the world that he would show his unguarded self .


s.h.i.+nhae held the leg of a Korean fried chicken . Sauce was all over her lips as she vigorously nodded .

Until not too long ago, s.h.i.+nhae had been awkward around him . She had been unfamiliar with his new look . However, s.h.i.+nhae had become completely used to it now .

She once again brought the chicken leg to her mouth, and more sauce caked itself on her face . It was a messy sight, but in Sungyoon’s eyes, there was no way it looked dirty .

“You should eat more . ”

Sungyoon pushed the remaining chicken leg towards s.h.i.+nhae . He felt full just from looking at her eat . As for the reason why he felt satiated, it was a topic that could be debated among psychologists and biologists . He just knew that it was real .

Sungyoon was living in a small apartment acquired by Jimin . It had a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and one bathroom . In comparison to his former home, it was incredibly small . However, it felt cozy to Sungyoon . He could endure anything thrown his way if he could be with s.h.i.+nhae .

“I’m full . ”

s.h.i.+nhae put down the half-eaten chicken leg and let out a burp .

“Eat more . ”

The child was full, but in the eyes of a parent, what she had eaten was not enough . It was a behavior common in every generation . Sungyoon used the repertoire of phrases used on him by his parents and grandparents . He pushed the dish towards s.h.i.+nhae . However, s.h.i.+nhae shook her head from side to side . She was only 5 years old . Even if she tried to eat a lot, she could eat only so much .

s.h.i.+nhae lightly jumped off the chair .

“You have to wash your hands!”


s.h.i.+nhae ran towards the restroom . She raised her hand to turn on the light, and she went into the restroom .

The children in her age group hated being told to wash themselves . But unlike the children her age, s.h.i.+nhae was quite the obedient child when it came to her father’s words . Maybe, the time spent away from him in the orphanage had made her more mature . If that was true, he would have preferred it if she was a disobedient child . The thought of his daughter growing up fast upset his heart .

Before she entered the orphanage, Sungyoon or Miyoon had to brush s.h.i.+nhae’s teeth for her . However, s.h.i.+nhae had experienced a lone life at the orphanage . She could do most things by herself now .

Sungyoon brought s.h.i.+nhae’s dish in front of him . In a normal family, the parents were like hyenas, and they finished the leftover food of the children . It was the same for Sungyoon . The chicken legs and chicken wings had not been eaten properly . There was still a good amount of flesh left on the bones . It was how children basically ate their food . Sungyoon quickly put the chicken leg in his mouth . Of course, it was dirty to eat someone else’s leftover food . However, since it was his daughter who had eaten it, it wasn’t dirty at all .

He chewed on the chicken as he fell deep into his thoughts .

He would be going to a labyrinth on the moon . He was most worried about s.h.i.+nhae since she would have to live by herself . Jimin had hired a housekeeper, and she would check up on s.h.i.+nhae periodically . Still, he would be leaving a 5 year old by herself . He wasn"t going to a foreign country . He was going to s.p.a.ce . As his departure date kept moving closer, his worries just mounted .

At that moment, when Sungyoon had been busily dissecting the piece of chicken, he heard a phone ring . He had been about to answer his phone when he realized it wasn’t his ringtone .

“Wait a moment-!”

He could see s.h.i.+nhae running out of the restroom . It was s.h.i.+nhae’s cell phone . Sungyoon was always worried about his daughter, so when his financial situation became less dire, he made sure he would be able to contact his daughter when he wanted to . Hence, the first thing he did was to shop for a cellphone with his daughter .

“It is unni!”

s.h.i.+nhae yelled out as she answered her cellphone . Soon, he could hear her trilling laughter .

‘I guess it is Ms Jung Jiyoon . ’

Alongside Hahn Jimin and the director of the orphanage, he felt indebted to Jiyoon as well . After s.h.i.+nhae left the orphanage, Jiyoon had kept in constant contact with s.h.i.+nhae .

In truth, he didn’t like it . It wasn’t as if she had done anything wrong . It was just part of Sungyoon’s unique nature now . He mistrusted all women, especially a beautiful woman . Still, he hadn’t stopped Jiyoon from contacting s.h.i.+nhae .

s.h.i.+nhae rolled around her bed as she talked with Jiyoon . After a long time had pa.s.sed, s.h.i.+nhae ended the call .

What were they talking about? They talked almost daily, so it was pretty amazing that they could continue to find a topic of conversation .

Afterwards, s.h.i.+nhae opened a picture book as she laid down on her bed . She swung her legs as she started reading the book . She still couldn’t read her letters, so she turned the pages to look at the pictures . Still, it seemed she was having a good time .

‘I should leave her in someone’s care . ’

However, he had no one he could entrust her with . His parents had pa.s.sed away a long time ago, and he didn’t have any close relatives . It wasn’t even worth mentioning Miyun . She was s.h.i.+nhae’s mom, but he’d rather put s.h.i.+nhae in an orphanage than with that b.i.t.c.h .


In the end, he could only let out a sigh . He had no solution to this problem .

‘I just have to trust that the president will treat her well . ’

He had no choice . He could only surround s.h.i.+nhae with constant love until he had to leave .

His appet.i.te was spoiled, so he put down the chicken leg . He had barely eaten, but he wasn’t hungry . He no longer had to eat .

“s.h.i.+nhae! You should was.h.!.+ It is time to sleep!”

He stood up from the kitchen desk as he spoke aloud . s.h.i.+nhae turned her head to look at him . She climbed off her bed, and she ran towards Sungyoon . When she arrived in front of him, she raised the picture book .

“Afterward, read me this book . ”

s.h.i.+nhae pushed the large yet thin picture book towards Sungyoon . The cover had an ill.u.s.trations of various animals, and the t.i.tle was written in big bold letters .

“Ok . ”

Sungyoon took the book and he placed it on top of the dining table . Then he took s.h.i.+nhae’s hand and took her into the restroom .

After was.h.i.+ng her, they went into the master bedroom, and they laid down in the same bed . He hugged s.h.i.+nhae in his arms as he read the picture book . The book was about a fox’s adventure . In the beginning, her eyes were sparkling . She was concentrating since she didn’t want to miss even a single picture . However, soon her eyes started to shut . It didn’t take too long for her to completely close her eyes . She started breathing regularly .

Sungyoon closed the book, and he brushed s.h.i.+nhae’s hair to the side . It caused s.h.i.+nhae to move a little bit in her sleep . She moved closer towards his body as if she was searching for his warmth .

Sungoon hugged s.h.i.+nhae tightly .

His eyes started too close as he thought about the day when they’ll part from each other .

* * *

One’s heart always quickened when one left home for a new place . It didn’t matter if the new place was a clear valley, a majestic mountain, the blue ocean, a vast plain, or a bright city . A new place always had the allure that tugged at one’s heart . The reason behind the trip didn’t matter . It didn’t matter if it was a simple trip or a business trip . A person felt excited when one stepped into an unfamiliar place .

However, this was only true if these locations were within the boundaries of earth .

“Are you ready?”

Jimin wore a thick white s.p.a.ce suit as she asked the question . Sungyoon’s gaze moved past her to look at something in the distance .

It was towards a s.p.a.cecraft that was getting close to being launched .

‘I’m really going to the moon . ’

It was as if he was an observer that was a step removed from this process . He felt like a bystander . Everything felt unreal .

However, the s.p.a.cecraft in front of him had finished its preparation . The reality was setting in that he would be going to the moon now .

In the past, his heart would be hammering right now . His pulse would have sped up . However, he felt none of that . Sungyoon’s heart remained silent .

“I’m ready”

He made a firm resolution as he looked up .

“Let’s go . ”

Jimin started walking in front of him . She also wore an uncomfortable s.p.a.cesuit, so her steps looked awkward . He was worried she would fall over, so he stuck close by her . If it was any other woman, he wouldn’t have cared . However, she was the president of the company he was affiliated with .

As they continued to walk, the s.p.a.cecraft continued to get bigger in their vision . They kept craning their neck to see the s.p.a.cecraft tower which reached into the sky . It was a powerful sight .


He let out a small sigh as he tried to firm his heart once again . He would be going to a place that will allow him to make a better future for his daughter .

‘I have to do my best . ’

His heart was full of determination .

On that day, a single s.p.a.cecraft left earth to head towards the moon .