Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Sungyoon kept a cool head as he thought about the implications . For now, he decided to approach the nearest Connector . The Connector had a horned helmet on his head, and he cut a memorable figure .

When Sungyoon tapped on his shoulder, the Connector jumped in surprise . He swung his saber into a deadly arc but stopped it in midair .

“Holy s.h.i.+t!”

When he realized the one to bother him was a fellow Connector, he was relieved . However, he looked annoyed by the fact Sungyoon had surprised him . He and the other Connectors had been focused on the fight between the ambushers and the demonic monster . Now, everyone became aware of Sungyoon .

“Ah! s.h.i.+t! You shouldn’t sneak up on us like this!”

The Connector with the horned helmet spat out his words in annoyance . However, that was his only outburst . His voice calmed down when he recognized Sungyoon’s armor .

“What the h.e.l.l? The Knight? You"re here! I"m glad! I feel much better about the situation now . ”

“Didn’t the Knight lose to that thing?”

Another Connector spoke .

The Connector with the horned helmet shot back .

“Do you think you’ll be able to handle that thing by yourself?”

No one gave an answer .

Creating flames appeared as easy as breathing for the demonic monster . The Connectors knew that no one present could go one-on-one against it .

Sungyoon asked .

“Could you clarify the situation?”

“There"s nothing to clarify . It"s as you see . That d.a.m.ned demon was causing havoc, so we tried to take it down . However, a weird group intruded on our battle . They started fighting the demon . We were happy thinking they were on our side, but then they started shooting down the helicopters . ”

“They are the ambushers who attacked the research team from Armstrong city . ”

“What the h.e.l.l? Didn’t they vanish from the labyrinth somehow?”

The hostility was apparent in the voice of the Connector with the horned helmet .

“I was hoping they took down the helicopter by mistake and were on our side . . . ”

Sungyoon’s words had dashed their last hope .

“What should we do?”

A Connector with a large mace resting on his shoulder asked . The Connector with the horned helmet replied .

“Since now we know that this is a three-way fight, it’ll be advantageous for us . In a three-way fight, the third party should hold back and let the other two fight . The best strategy is to wait until one of the parties is wiped out, then finish the survivors . There is a high probability that the surviving party will be hurt and tired . ”

It was a logical plan, but Sungyoon disagreed with it .

“I disagree with that plan . ”

“Actually, I do too . ”

Unlike the words he had just spoken, the Connector with the horned helmet agreed with Sungyoon . His gaze moved toward a specific location, toward the fallen 1st Gen .

“That person is the 1st Gen Connector . The ambushers are going through a lot of trouble to kill him . We should rescue him first . The demon b.a.s.t.a.r.d came here to kidnap him in the first place . ”

“What happened to the others?”

Sungyoon asked .

A Connector clad in a silver suit of armor that was similar to Sungyoon"s spoke up .

“We were too late . My comrades and I ran toward the pillar of fire as soon as we saw it . However, all the civilians were burned to death before we reached the place . The 1st Gen Connector had been fighting hard to protect the other people, but he fell as soon as we arrived . ”

The Connector shook his head from side to side as he uttered the last sentence .

“You were nearby here?”

“Ah! My comrades and I aren’t on standby duty . We were visiting my village on our vacation when we were swept up in this affair . ”

Sungyoon thought they had been unlucky .

However, due to these Connectors, the demonic monster had been caught in the act . If not for them, the monster would have razed this village and kidnapped the 1st Gen Connector without anyone realizing it .

The demonic monster had been detained long enough for the other Connectors to arrive . In some ways, this was a golden opportunity .

“What should we do? Even if they are fighting each other, they are still keeping an eye out for us . If we decide to move, they’ll react . ”

The Connector with the horned helmet spoke as he looked at Sungyoon .

“What do you think, Knight? You’ve fought both groups before . ”

Sungyoon slowly looked at the battle .

“First, there is a good chance that the demonic monster"s time is limited . When I had fought it, it had talked about its lack of magical energy before retreating . ”

Everyone’s eyes shone, but Sungyoon’s next words tempered their expectations .

“However, it"s filthy strong . ”

Their s.h.i.+ning eyes turned into the eyes of a dead fish .

“The ambushers are small in number, but each of them is as strong as a high rank Connector . Also, I blocked one of their attacks earlier, and that attack had the same power as the attack I had faced on the Moon . ”

“Wait a moment . Does that mean!”

“Yes . it"s exactly what you"re thinking . However, I don"t know how they managed to achieve that . ”

Their eyes had already turned into a dead fish"s, but now even their faces turned bitter .

“… In other words, they are beyond formidable . ”

“Moreover, both the monster and the ambushers are aware that this is a three-way fight, yet they are fighting without caring about our presence . Even if the demonic monster is just counterattacking, the ambushers must have something in their back pocket to openly attack it . ”

The Connectors looked at the fierce and terrifying battle . If they were on the Moon, they would have joined the fight with confidence . However, the environment of Earth was dragging them down .

“Let’s… . ”

Sungyoon spoke .

“Let’s wait for an opening . ”

Everyone nodded at the suggestion .


Kevil was annoyed . After receiving orders from him, it had come to Earth . The mission was great . Kevil usually stayed in dreary and suffocating darkness, and its comrades were dull . The labyrinth was full of its dumb subordinates, so this new environment felt refres.h.i.+ng .

It felt great destroying this place . Kevil also enjoyed kidnapping the special trashes, as per instructions . Kevil"s joy exploded whenever the family of the special trash was present .

These people would struggle in fear after seeing it, and the special trashes even fought back as they cried to protect their family . As Kevil crushed each act of defiance, it felt extreme pleasure .

The situation was the same this time too .

Kevil had killed the people around the special trash . This caused the special trash, who was in the throes of fear, to attack Kevil . It beat up the special trash to a certain point so that the special trash could watch the normal trash being ripped apart one by one .

At that moment, Kevil had felt a sense of accomplishment, joy, and ecstasy . Kevil wouldn’t trade this experience for anything else .

However, a new variable had soon entered the fight .

‘I know them . ’

Kevil deflected the greatsword swinging toward it .

If Kevil were careless in its observation, it would think they were like the other trashes on Earth . However, Kevil could smell their unique scent .

‘Did they follow me to Earth?’

Its tiresome foes were aiming for the special trash that it was gathering . If this were the Moon, Kevil would have killed them all . Unfortunately, that wasn"t the case . Moreover, Kevil had a time limit to consider .

The more annoying part was the fact that another group of trash was hiding nearby .

‘Son of a b.i.t.c.h!’

Kevil was known as the most ill-tempered monster amongst his comrades and was infamous for being the most violent and obstinate one .

Right now, it was angry as it could be . Things weren’t going its way .


The flames circulating its body became larger . The fire whip and the fire sword in each of its hands grew longer .

The ambushers flinched at the development .

-Die, you buggggggggggggs!

Boom! Boom!

Flames accompanied by shockwaves washed over the land . Kevil had displayed incredible power . The only word that could describe the situation was "explosive" .

From above, the scene looked as if lava had exploded forth from the ground .

Until now, the ambushers had been doing well against Kevil, but they fell to the ground after suffering wounds .

One ambusher immediately started healing the injured . However, Kevil didn’t give them the time .


Magical energy once again fluctuated .

If Kevil used its power like this, it would reach its time limit much sooner . However, Kevil didn’t think about that as its mind was only occupied by the thought of killing the bugs .

Kevil wanted to completely end his foes, so it raised its whip and sword . However, something aggravated its senses, and Kevil turned around .

‘Oh no!’

The group of trash who had been watching from the sidelines had snuck up on him .


Seeing the demonic monster notice them, the Connectors clicked their tongue and put their s.h.i.+elds forward .

Sungyoon used this opportunity to carry the 1st Gen Connector . Since everyone knew about the unique fear felt by 1st Gen Connectors, Sungyoon was being s.h.i.+elded .

‘He’s still alive . ’

The 1st Gen Connector"s body was warm, and he was barely breathing . Sungyoon just had to escape now . However, Kevil had no plans to let go of its prey .


Kevil recognized Sungyoon .

- This insect came to bother me again!

Kevil swung its whip .

The Connectors raised their s.h.i.+elds . All of them had overclocked their Gems, but no one could block Kevil’s rage-filled attack .



The fire whip swept the area . Everyone who had tried to get in the way of Kevil was sent flying into the rice paddies . They were still alive, but their bodies were emanating smoke; they had suffered grave injuries .

Kevil then swung its fire sword . The Connectors had made two lines . The backline was pushed to the front after the last attack, and the Connectors in this line had realized they couldn’t block the attack . So they dodged .

Thankfully, they got out of harm’s way . However, due to this, Sungyoon and the 1st Gen Connector he carried were exposed to Kevil .

- Dieeeeee!


The flames danced . Alongside its rage-filled voice, a wave of flame erupted from Kevil"s mouth . Its red tongue wiggled as a flame flew toward Sungyoon .

Kevil no longer cared about taking Sungyoon or the other 1st Gen alive . The only thing left in his mind was its roiling rage that matched its flames .

Sungyoon froze . As soon as he was revealed to Kevil’s animosity, fear fill his head . His st.u.r.dy and superhuman legs felt like lead .


Sungyoon bit his tongue to force his body to move . However, all he could manage was a jerk . He felt as if his legs were iron stakes planted into the ground .


The flame was getting closer and closer .

Cold sweat ran down his body as he circulated his magical energy . He blindly shoved his magical energy into all his Gems .

It was his last-ditch effort .


Suddenly, Sungyoon was freed from the fear pressing down on his body . The absence of fear was so abrupt and complete that he was stunned . His feet felt light .

However, it was too late as the flames had almost reached him .

Even in the face of such danger, Sungyoon’s eyes remained tranquil . He had realized he didn"t need to dodge the flames now, and confidence surged from within him . He gripped his sword and swung it .


Lightning erupted under the clear skies .

The flame clashed with the lightning, and the lightning swallowed and ripped apart the flames . The flames disappeared with a scream, and the lightning dissipated .

Silence descended in the surroundings .

At that moment . . .

- Huh?

The robed monster in the deepest part of the Great Labyrinth raised its head .

The door that held its master shook and showed its master"s displeasure .