Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

“… Ms . Strobe . You don’t have the right to join in on this conversation . Please get on the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p . ”

The Mayor’s voice turned rough as if he had reached the end of his patience . However, Chelsea didn’t back down .

“I’m not throwing a tantrum . I’ve thought it through, so I’m telling you how it is . ”

Chelsea pointed at the Mayor and continued .

“We can"t sacrifice either you or the Deputy mayor . Armstrong city is on the brink of extinction, but it hasn’t fallen yet . Both of you have a duty to see this through . You have to be here until the city falls . ”

The Mayor became conflicted . Duty and responsibility! It was something he himself had been preaching until now, so he couldn’t refute Chelsea’s words .

Chelsea then pointed at the Deputy mayor .

“It"s the same for you, Deputy mayor . You have to survive until the end and be ready to take over if something bad happens to the Mayor . You bear the same responsibility as him, right?”

“… My responsibility is lighter than him . ”

The Deputy mayor pushed back against her a.s.sertion, but since Chelsea"s words were logical, he didn’t push back that hard .

“That"s why I should be going to the ancient city . I’m the least important person here . ”

The Mayor and the Deputy mayor didn’t have anything to say .

“It seems you have no objections . ”

Chelsea turned around and flipped her disheveled hair . With light steps, she walked past Sungyoon, then turned around to look at him .

“I’ll be back . ”

A faint smile graced her lips, but Sungyoon could see her eyes past her thick .

“… Are you sure? You might die . ”

“I’m fine . I’m prepared . ”

Of course, she wasn’t fine . She was desperately trying to put up a front, and Sungyoon could see her trembling hands and eyes . If the hypothesis was proven wrong, she would die as soon as she entered the Ancient city . She would suffer the same fate as a regular person who had entered a labyrinth .

However, Sungyoon didn’t have the right to stop her .

“… I wish you luck . ”

“Thank you . However, there is another way you can wish me luck . I would prefer it to spoken words . ”

She gestured to him to take off his helmet . Sungyoon didn’t object and did so . It had been hot inside the armor, so his hair was soaked in sweat .

Chelsea moved . In the most natural way, she wrapped her arms around Sungyoon’s neck . She then locked lips with him, and Sungyoon didn’t try to dodge it . It was a short kiss, but both felt as if time had stopped for them . It was as if they were in a bubble that blocked out the confusion and violence outside .


Chelsea disengaged her lips . Her face was as red as a tomato . However, her expression was very bright, her hands no longer shook, and calmness had returned to her eyes . Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she glanced at Sungyoon .

“I’ll be back . ”

“Yes . Go and come back . ”

Chelsea detached the magical energy suppressor from her body . She took a deep breath and jumped through the portal . Her movements didn"t contain any hesitation .

A pin-drop silence descended in the Mayor’s office .

“… Jeez! Young people these days are quite aggressive . ”

The Deputy mayor had held his breath when he had watched Sungyoon and Chelsea say goodbye to each other . It might be their last goodbye, and the Deputy mayor unconsciously shook his head from side to side .

“Is that so? I was like that when I was young . Are you sure it isn’t just you? You might"ve lived a boring life . ”

“You"re known for being so conservative in your actions that people call you a coward . I don’t want to hear such words from you . ”

Was it the effect of her courageous action? The heavy atmosphere between the two men had lifted; her actions had allowed them to overcome the pall over their hearts and joke with each other .

Sungyoon continued to look at the portal .

“I may be overstepping my bounds, but… . ”

The Mayor spoke to Sungyoon .

“Ms . Strobe is a good woman . She may be frustrating to deal with at times, but her heart is always in the right place . She will bring no dishonor if she does become the n.o.ble Knight’s woman . ”

“I already have a wife . ”

“Is that so? I was only aware of your daughter . Well, it doesn’t matter . It isn’t surprising to see a Connector with multiple wives . Moreover, unlike before, it"s now looked on more favorably in society . I"m sure you will regret losing a woman like her . ”

An uncertain expression made its way to Sungyoon"s face . He didn’t give an answer, and the Mayor left the matter at that .

After a few more seconds pa.s.sed, a pale arm suddenly appeared from the portal . Then, other parts of her body exited the portal too .

“I’m fine! It"s safe over there!”

Chelsea had come out of the portal unscathed . She shouted in joy .

The Mayor and the Deputy mayor made fists as they joyfully yelled . Sungyoon was a bit more reserved, but he also cheered .

Hope had returned to them .


The remaining shelters opened once again, and the people waiting for s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps that had left without any promise of return came out . They were supposed to slowly suffocate as oxygen ran out in the city . However, they had hope of living once again .

“Hurry! Hurry!”

People rushed into the portal, and on the other side of the portal, Connectors guided them into the ancient city . Since people only had to cross the portal, the evacuation was very quick .

“How many do we have left?”

“The evacuation is almost complete . We opened the last remaining shelters about five minutes ago . Once we evacuate them, our job is done!”


Sungyoon heard the conversation between the Mayor and the Deputy mayor as he kept guiding the people into the portal . He wanted to go into the city to block the monsters, but he had the important responsibility of keeping the portal open . He couldn’t be reckless and leave this place .

“This is the last batch!”

Finally, the last group of civilians disappeared into the portal, and the Connectors helping them cheered .

“Good! Gather everyone defending the city! Our work is done once we let them pa.s.s through the portal!”

The Connectors who were still fighting could now retreat . Since the situation was heading toward the endgame, relief had finally appeared in the Mayor’s voice .


His subordinate answered in an upbeat manner .

The Deputy mayor, who was desperately searching for the Mayor, yelled .


“What"s it now!”

Did another emergency pop up? The Mayor became annoyed .

“Now that I think about it, we forgot about that woman!”

“That woman?”

“I’m talking about the suspected terrorist who Mr . Sungyoon apprehended!”

The Mayor’s face relaxed a little; it wasn’t much of an emergency . In this situation, his duty was to prioritize the wellbeing of innocent civilians . Even if the suspected terrorist died, he didn’t care .

‘Still, it"s a bit regrettable . ’

It was a certainty that the woman had some information that could fill the gap . She might know about the terrorist attacks that started the downfall of Armstrong city .

‘We do have some time too . ’

When Sungyoon had brought the woman to the city hall, she had been locked in a room inside the building . If she were locked away in a faraway location, the Mayor would have given up on her .

“Where was she locked away?”

“The storage room in the bas.e.m.e.nt!”

It wasn’t that far away . The Mayor started to look around for Connectors who would retrieve the woman .

“I’ll go . ”

Sungyoon volunteered before the Mayor could pick anyone, but the Mayor replied in the negative .

“No . Mr . Sungyoon, you have to maintain the portal . ”

“The distance is manageable . I can maintain the portal even if I go to the bas.e.m.e.nt . ”

The Mayor thought for a brief moment . He had received information about the experiments conducted with Sungyoon’s portal so he knew Sungyoon was telling the truth . Moreover, Sungyoon would only be going to the bas.e.m.e.nt of the city hall . There were no monsters nearby thanks to the hard work of Connectors . Above all else, Sungyoon was well acquainted with the suspect .

“Then, I’ll leave it to you . ”

As soon as he was given permission, Sungyoon dashed to the bas.e.m.e.nt . The lobby of the city hall was a mess because of the evacuation, yet he quickly pa.s.sed through it to reach the bas.e.m.e.nt . He then headed straight toward the storage room .


As soon as he opened the door, he saw all kinds of junk spread across the floor . His eyes then fell on Plu-El, who struggled to free herself from her chains amongst the junk .

Plu-El realized Sungyoon had arrived, so she glared up at him .

‘Thankfully, she hadn"t run away . ’

Sungyoon draped her over his shoulder . She resisted a little, but Sungyoon didn’t even blink .

‘I can’t lose this woman . ’

She possessed information that he wanted to know, but above all else, he wanted to know why she had ambushed him .

‘There is a high probability that she knows what happened to Mr . Hyunwoo and Mr . Hahn Jungb.u.m . ’

He remembered her speaking their names .

Sungyoon exited the storage room and ran toward the portal .

“Eeek! Eee-eek!”

Plu-El struggled and tirelessly moved her legs to kick Sungyoon, but her antics couldn"t stop his steadfast progress .

“What do you know?”

As always, she kept her mouth shut . She kept up her useless efforts to escape .

“What do you know about Mr . Hyunwoo?”

Sungyoon asked about Hyunwoo, who he felt had become very suspicious recently . Hyunwoo might have disguised himself to kill this woman .

That wasn’t the only question he had .

“Do you know the person named Hahn Jungb.u.m?”

Plu-El stopped her struggles .

“From what I know, you have Mr . Hahn Jungb.u.m’s armor and weapon . When I had seen it for the first time, I thought you were wearing similar-looking gear . However, I now believe that it"s his gear . ”

Sungyoon turned his head to look down at Plu-El, who looked like a curled up shrimp draped across his shoulder . Their eyes met, and Sungyoon could see that she hadn’t stopped struggling as a gesture of goodwill .

Her eyes oozed rage . However, Sungyoon’s eyes were as cold as ice . She was a suspected terrorist, and she possessed Hahn Jungb.u.m’s gear .

“Did you kill Mr . Hahn Jungb.u.m?”

Hahn Jungb.u.m was his father in law . In some ways, he was the link that had allowed him to throw away the darkest moments of his past . Sungyoon could start a new life because of him, so of course, Sungyoon wouldn’t show any kindness to a woman who might have killed Hahn Jungb.u.m .

However, the reaction he got was out of his expectations .


It had been a while since Sungyoon had heard her voice, and unlike their previous conversations, this voice was full of hostility .

“Did I kill Mr . Jungb.u.m?”

She was so enraged that she clipped each word . However, Sungyoon calmly answered .

“Yes . ”

It was as if he had detonated a bomb within Plu-El . He had never heard her speak so loudly; she yelled as if she were vomiting blood .

“Don’t make me laugh! You guys are the ones who killed himmmmmmmm!”